Environmental Documents

Printing Note:  Some documents contain pages of various sizes and orientation. You may need to use printer settings such as "scale to fit" or "auto landscape-portrait."

Environmental Documents (not by county)

Collapse All Expand All
 District Wide

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

District Wide

Gulf Regional Biological Opinion

Coastal Dredging and Construction, Gulf of Mexico (National Marine Fisheries Service)

Gulf Regional Biological Opinion 
2003 Original Opinion
-2005 revision
-2007 revision
-Management Protocol, revision 1, Apr 2010



South Atlantic Regional Biological Opinion

Coastal Dredging and Construction, South Atlantic Coast (National Marine Fisheries Service)

2020 South Atlantic Regional Biological Opinion for Dredging and Material Placement Activities in the Southeast United States

South Atlantic Regional Biological Opinion
-1991 (original opinion)
-April 1997
-November 1997
-South Atlantic Division Protocol

2020 South Atlantic Regional Biological Opinion

Updated-Statewide Programmatic Biological Opinion (2015-SPBO) Beach Placement and Shore Protection, Coast of Florida  2015-SPBO March 13 2015  
2011-Statewide Programmatic Biological Opinion Beach Placement and Shore Protection, Coast of Florida  Statewide Programmatic Biological Opinion, Beach Placement and Shore Protection (Superceded by 2015-SPBO)

Statewide Programmatic Biological Assessment (SPBA) to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Jacksonville District Commitments in the SPBA

Amendments for 2013 emergency coastal and navigation projects (click on date→)

Aug 22 2011

Feb 17 2011



Jun 28 2013 (South FL)

Jul 2 2013 (North FL)

 Aug 22 2013

Programmatic Piping Plover Biological Opinion Beach and Near Shore Placement and Shore Protection, Peninsula of Florida  P3BO
Amendments for 2013 emergency coastal and navigation projects (click on date→)

May 22 2013

Jun 28 2013 (South FL)

Jul 2 2013 (North FL)

Coastal Dredging and Beach Work in Florida  SPBO, SARBO,P3BO, GRBO, SAD Protocol, P&S  Timeline Graphic, 11" X 17" (2-sided) March 2015  
Cooperative Agreement on Manatees, Section 112(c) Marine Mammal Protection Act  Civil Works Activities Affecting Manatees in Florida  Treatment of Manatees and Coordination with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Dec 19 2012  
 Manatee Detection  Demonstration of Commercial Off-the-Shelf Acoustic Technologies  Technical Note, ERDC TN-DOER-E35  Dec 2012  
 Wetland Mitigation  Compliance with Section 2036 WRDA 2007  Template for Mitigation Plan or Mitigation Summary  Aug 2015  
Southwest Florida Comprehensive Watershed Plan Comprehensive Watershed Plan a habitat quilt tied by Threads of Water reconnecting a sustainable landscape Southwest Florida Comprehensive Watershed Plan    
Draft Programmatic Agreement Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act

Jacksonville District Operations, Navigation, and Shore Protection Programs 

9 Oct 2020  
Site Management and Monitoring Plan 

Inactive Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Sites (ODMDS)  in the Southeastern United States

Joint Public Notice and Notice of Availability

SMMP, Southeastern United States Inactive ODMDS

14 June 2023 14 July 2023

Scoping NEPA Document to Programmatically Address Low-Impact Changes to Corps Federally Authorized Civil Works Projects Conducted by Non-Federal Sponsors or Independent Requestors.

Section 408 Programmatic EA Scoping Letter,  in accordance with Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899

Section 408 Programmatic EA Scoping Letter 25 Mar 2024  
 Other Locations

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Kings Bay Navy Submarine Base

Maintenance Dredging, Camden County, Georgia

Statement of Findings, Department of the Army Permit

Jun 4 2014


Stockton, California  San Francisco Bay to Stockton California, Navigation Study 

Final Integrated General Reevaluation Report and Environmental Impact Statement

Final Programmatic Agreement

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix F

Appendix G

Appendix H

Appendix I, Part 1

Appendix I, Part 2

Appendix J

Notification of Study Termination 

6 Mar 2020
















23 Nov 2020

21 April 2020



 Puerto Rico

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Puerto Rico

Caño Martín Peña Final Feasibility Report Delivery Package Appendices

A-C National Ecosystem Restoration Benefits Evaluation-Scenario Average Concentrations-Recreation Resources Assessment

D-F Cost Engineering-Adaptive Management Plan-Monitoring Plan

H-Final Environmental Impact Statement

H1-Essential Fish Habitat Assessment
 February 2016  

Loiza Cap Section 14 Project    Final Main Report and Appendices May 2018  
Fort San Geronimo, CAP 103 Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Final Mitigation Plan Feb 2011  
Rio Culebrinas, Flood Control, Section 204 CAP Detailed Project Report

Main Text



- A, Hydrology & Hydraulics

-B, Geotechnical

-C, Design & Cost

-D, Real Estate

-E, Economics

June 2004  
    Application for Coastal Zone Consistency Concurrence Oct 16 2014  
San Juan Harbor Navigation Project Mitigation


Final EA
-Through Append D

 -Append E,


High Res drawings (11"X17")


Mar 2 2015

  Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS)  Site Management and Monitoring Plan (SMMP) Jan 6 2011  
San Juan Harbor Navigation Study  Feasibility Study and EA

Final Report - San Juan Harbor 

Signed FONSI

Signed Chief's Report

Appendix A - Engineering

Appendix B - DMMP 

Appendix C - Economics 

Appendix D - Cost 

Appendix E - Real Estate 

Appendix F - NMFS-ESA-EFH

Appendix G - USFWS-CAR

Appendix H - CZMA

Appendix I - 404b 1 Evaluation

Appendix J - Correspondence

Appendix K - Condado WQC

August 2018







Rio Puerto Nuevo Flood Control Project  

Revised Mitigation Plan

Project Plans

Third Quarterly Report 

Continuing Construction Validation Report

Draft Programmatic Agreement

Mar 2014


2015 Apr 21

Mar 2020


May 2023


Survey Report

Flood Control EA

Bechara EA

Water Quality Certification 

Appendix G





Oct 1984

May 1993

Jan 2002

1993 and 2011


7 Dec 2017 

6 Dec 2018

28 Apr 2021

15 Apr 2022

Highway 187, Piñones  

New Mitigation Plan

Letter to Agencies 

Sep 2013

Oct 2 2013

Rio de la Plata, Flood Risk Management Wetland Delineation and Mitigation -Wetland Delineation (170MB)

-Wetland Boundary Map (35MB)

Final Mitigation Plan 
-Monitoring, Initial
-Monitoring, 6-months
-Project Plan View (2015)

- Second Monitoring Report
-Third Monitoring Report 




May 2010



2015 March 15  2016 February

Section 408 Alterations Low-Impact Alterations to USACE Federally Authorized Civil Works Projects Conducted by Non-Federal or Independent Requestors FONSI
Programmatic EA
Antilles Building Real Estate Disposal  


Rio Anton Ruiz CAP
Section 1135
Final Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment

Final Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment

Draft Supplemental EA

9 Feb 2018



12 May 2020




11 June 2020 

Rio Grande de Manati at Barceloneta
Section 205
Flood Control Final Detailed Project Report and Environmental Assessment  March 1994  
Rio Descalabrado  Flood Control Final DPR & EA  

Final Natural Resource Assessment & Conceptual Mitigation Plan 
Feb 2006

Oct 2000
Salud Creek at San Germán CAP Section 14 Project Draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment  Notice of Availability

Aviso de Disponibilidad

Executive Summary

Resumen Ejecutivo

Final Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment 

3 August 2018





19 Feb 2019

3 September 2018
Puerto Rico Coastal Study   Feasibility Study 

Scoping Letter 

Scoping Letter - Spanish   

WRRDA Letter - NFS

Draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment

Draft Appendix A

Draft Appendix B

Draft Appendix C

Draft Appendix D

Draft Appendix E

Draft Appendix F

Draft Appendix G

Draft Appendix H

Draft Appendix I

Study Overview and Tentatively Selected Plan Placemat

16 Oct 2018 

30 Nov 2018

20 Nov 2020





6 Jan 2021

Puerto Rico Coastal Study  Feasibility Study

Draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment

Proposed FONSI

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix F

Appendix G

Appendix H 

12 June 2023 12 July 2023
San Juan Metro Area Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Study   Feasibility Study 

Final Integrated Feasibility Study and Environmental Assessment


Appendix A: Engineering

Appendix A: Attachment A: Boring Logs

Appendix A: Attachment B: Geotechnical Calculations

Appendix B: Cost Sharing and Risk Analysis

Appendix C: Economic Analysis

Appendix D: Real Estate Plan

Appendix E: Plan Formulation

Appendix F: Environmental

Appendix G: Pertinent Correspondence

Appendix H: Cultural Resources

Signed Chief's Report

21 Sep 2021



Rio Culebrinas, Aguada and Aguadilla, Puerto Rico Feasibility Study Section 205 Flood Risk Reduction CAP Conversion 

Final Environmental Assessment

Final Appendix A

Final Appendix B

Final Appendix C

Final Appendix D

Final Appendix E

Final Appendix F

Final CAP Conversion Report

Draft Chief's Report

9 Jun 2020









28 May 2020

Mayagüez Harbor Maintenance Dredging 

Final Environmental Assessment

Draft Site Management and Monitoring Plan 

Final EA and Appendices





May 2020

12 May 2020

17 Jun 2019 





Loiza Section 14 Project 

Final supplemental Environmental Assessment and signed finding of no significant impact

Final supplemental EA and signed FONSI 

30 Aug 2019


Department of Defense Education Activity, Ramey Unit School Reconstruction and Demolition in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

This Draft  Environmental Assessment covers environmental impacts associated with construction of the new Ramey Unit School and the demolition of the existing school buildings, located in the USCG Air Station Borinquen, site of the former Ramey Air Force Base in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.

Draft EA and FONSI 23 Nov 2020 23 Dec 2020
San Juan Harbor, Puerto Rico Seagrass Mitigation, Additional Sand Source

Final Supplemental EA and signed FONSI

Appendix A: Benthic Survey

Appendix B: Pertinent Correspondence

Appendix C: Environmental Justice Analysis

January 2023  

Dorado, Puerto Rico, Rio de la Plata Flood Control Project

Rio de La Plata Flood Control Project Memorandum of Agreement 17 Mar 2023  

Mayaguez, Hormigueros, and San German, Puerto Rico, Rio Guanajibo Flood Risk Management Project

Rio Guanajibo Flood Risk Management Project

Final Chief's Report

Final Validation Report

Final Validation Report, Errata

Appendix A

Appendix B 

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix F





San Juan Harbor O&M and Improvements

Maintenance dredging and offshore dredged material disposal Puerto Rico Combined SMMP, Final 28 Feb 2023  
Rio de la Plata Flood Control Project, Dorado and Toa Baja, Puerto Rico Final SEA, Rio de la Plata Flood Control Project, Dorado and Toa Baja, Puerto Rico

Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment and Signed FONSI

Appendix A: Pertinent Project Correspondence

Appendix B: Compensatory Wetland Mitigation Plan

Appendix C: Cultural Resources 

Appendix D: Clean Water Act 404(b)1

Appendix E: Climate Change Assessment

22 April 2024  
Rio Grande de Arecibo, Arecibo, Puerto Rico Flood Control Project

Final Feasibility Report and EIS

Draft SEA, Borrow/Disposal Area

July 1993


July 2004

 U.S. Virgin Islands

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

U.S. Virgin Islands

Turpentine Run Feasibility Study Section 205 Flood Risk Reduction CAP Conversion Study 

WRRDA Letter to NFS

Draft EA

Draft Appendix A

Draft Appendix B

Draft Appendix C

Draft Appendix D-1

Draft Appendix D-2 

Draft Appendix D-3


27 Dec 2018

20 Feb 2019






20 April 2019 


Final Environmental Assessment

Final Appendix A

Final Appendix B

Final Appendix C

Final Appendix D

Final Appendix D1

Final CAP Conversion Feasibility Report 

Draft Chief's Report

4 Jun 2020








28 May 2020

July 2020
Savan Gut Phase II Feasibility Study 

Section 205 Flood Risk Reduction CAP Conversion Study 


WRRDA Letter to NFS

Draft Environmental Assessment

Draft Appendix A

Draft Appendix B

Draft Appendix C

Draft Appendix D-1

Draft Appendix D-2

Draft Appendix D-3

27 Dec 2018

19 Feb 2019
















Final Environmental Assessment

Final Appendix A

Final Appendix B

Final Appendix C

Final Appendix D

Final Appendix D1

Final CAP Conversion Feasibility Report

Draft Chief's Report

2 Jun 2020








28 May 2020

July 2020

Environmental Documents (by Florida county)

Collapse All Expand All
 Multiple Counties

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due



Manatee Pass Gates

Manatee Protection Plan at Selected Navigation & Water Control Structures in Central and Southern Florida

Part I, Report and Environmental Assessment

Oct 3 1995


2     Part II, Final Integrated Project Modification Report and Environmental Assessment April 4 1997  
3 Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) Operations and Maintenance Dredging, GIWW and Longboat Pass with Nearshore Placement Final EA, FONSI 2011 Nov 23  
4 Central Everglades Planning Project Integrated Project Implementation Report and EIS Final Report/EIS link to EvergladesRestoration.gov Aug 8 2014 Oct 3 2014
5 Everglades Restoration Transition Plan (ERTP) Supplemental Biological Assessment Main Text -E Timeline. Modified Water Deliveries, Everglades National Park and Canal 111. Jul 24 2015  
6 Herbert Hoover Dike (HHD) Herbert Hoover Dike, Dam Safety Modification Study: Glades, Hendry, Martin, Okeechobee, and Palm Beach Counties, FL ROD
Aug 30 2016 MFR
Final Environmental Impact Statement
A-Dam Safety Action Decision Summary
D-Coastal Zone
June 3 2016 July 1 2016
7 Temporary Emergency Deviation WCA 3A Environmental Assessment and FONSI Environmental Assessment and Appendices Notice of Availability Feb 12 2016 Mar 18 2016
8 Temporary Emergency Deviation WCA 3A Supplemental Environmental Assessment and FONSI Notice of Availability
Supplemental Environmental Assessment and FONSI
A-Operational Strategy
B-Coastal Zone Consist
C-Pertinent Correspon.
D-Additional Info.
May 10 2016  
9   L-29 Canal and South Dade Conveyance System Extension of 60 Day Recovery Period Memorandum for Record Jul 8 2016  
10 Temporary Emergency Deviation to Alleviate High Water Levels in Water Conservation Area 3A (S-344 Deviation) Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Notice of Availability
A-Operational Strategy
B-Coastal Zone
C-Pertinent Correspon
S-344 Comment Response Matrix
Apr 18 2016 May 18 2016
11 Section 408 Alterations Low-Impact Alterations to USACE Federally Authorized Civil Works Projects Conducted by Non-Federal Sponsors or Independent Requestors FONSI
Programmatic EA
12 Lake Okeechobee Watershed Project        
13 Western Everglades Restoration Project (WERP) WERP Draft Integrated Project Implementation Report and Environmental Impact Statement

Notice of Availability

Draft PIR and EIS

Appendix A

Appendix A, Annex A-1

Appendix A, Annex A-2

Appendix A, Annex A-3-1

Appendix A, Annex A-3-2

Appendix A, Annex A-3-3

Appendix A, Annex A-3-4

Appendix A, Annex A-4

Appendix A, Annex B-1

Appendix A, Annex C-1

Appendix B

Appendix C.1

Appendix C.2

Appendix C.3

Appendix C.4

Appendix C.5

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix F

Appendix G.1

Appendix G.2

Annex A

Annex B

Annex C

Annex D, Part 1

Annex D, Part 2

Annex D, Part 3

Annex E

Annex F

Annex G

Annex H

15 Dec 2023 29 Jan 2024
14 Central and Southern Florida Increment 1 Plus (Increment 1.1/1.2) Supplemental Environmental Assessment EA and FONSI
A-Operation Strategy
C-Monitoring Plan
D-Pertinent Correspondence
16 Feb 2017  
15 Modified Water Deliveries to Everglades National Park Removal of Unconstructed Conveyance and Seepage Control Features Final EA and FONSI
(Technical Analysis and Pertinent Correspondence)
02 May 2017  
16 Temporary Planned Deviation WCA 2A Deviation to WCA 2A Regulation Schedule NOA

Environmental Assessment and FONSI

SAD Signed Letter

Appendix B - Pertinent Correspondence
31 Jul 2017 1 Sep 2017
17 Okeechobee Waterway Master Plan  

Notice of Availability

OWW Draft Master Plan and Integrated Environmental Assessment (updated)

OWW PMP Map Book

Appendix A - CZMA

Appendix B - Public Coordination and Pertinent Correspondence

Appendix C - Standard Protection Measures

Appendix D - Recreational Carrying Capacity Study

23 July 2018

28 Oct 2018

Oct 2018


21 Sept 2018

18 Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) Dredged Readiness and Operations Plan (DROP) and Environmental Assessment Notice of Scoping Period and Public Meeting 12 Jan 2018 16 Feb 2018
19 Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) Maintenance Dredging of the GIWW near Venice and of the Venice Inlet Notice of Availability


Draft Environmental Assessment
26 April 2018 26 May 2018
20 SFWMD Section 203 Everglades Agricultural Area Southern Reservoir and Stormwater Treatment Area SFWMD Section 203 Everglades Agricultural Area Southern Reservoir and Stormwater Treatment Area Draft EIS

Appendix A - FWS Coordination

Appendix B - CZMA

Appendix C - Pertinent Correspondence

Appendix D - 404b1 Evaluation

Annex A SFWMD Main Report

Annex A SFWMD Addendum Sec 203 CEPP PACR May 2018

Annex A SFWMD Appendix A Engineering

Annex A SFWMD Appendix A Annex G-1 core boring logs A

Annex A SFWMD Appendix A Annex G-1 core boring logs B

Annex A SFWMD Appendix B Cost Estimates & Risk Analysis

Annex A SFWMD Appendix C Environmental & Cultural Resources

Annex A SFWMD Appendix D Real Estate

Annex A SFWMD Appendix E Plan Formulation Screening

Annex A SFWMD Appendix F Recreation

Annex A SFWMD Appendix G Benefit Model

Annex A SFWMD Annex A Fish and Wildlife Coordination ESA

Annex A SFWMD Annex B Analyses Required by WRDA

Annex A SFWMD Annex C Draft Project Ops Manual

Annex A SFWMD Annex D Adaptive Management Monitoring

Annex A SFWMD Annex E Technical Reviews

Annex A SFWMD Annex F
Phosphorous Assessment

Annex A SFWMD Annex G Invasive Nuisance Species

Annex A SFWMD Annex H HRTW
8 June 2018  
21 2018 Planned Temporary Deviation WCA 2A Environmental Assessment and FONSI Environmental Assessment


Appendix A Operational Strategy

Appendix B Pertinent Correspondence
28 June 2018 12 July 2018
22 2018 Planned Temporary Deviation WCA 3A Environmental Assessment and FONSI Environmental Assessment


Appendix A Operational Strategy

Appendix B Pertinent Correspondence
28 June 2018 12 July 2018
23 Lake Okeechobee Watershed Restoration Project  

NEPA Public Meeting Presentation

Draft Programmatic Agreement (locations redacted)

24 2018 Planned Temporary Deviation WCA 3B Environmental Assessment and FONSI Notice of Availability

Environmental Assessment and FONSI

Appendix A - Operational Strategy

Appendix B - Pertinent Correspondence
6 August 2018 21 August 2018
25 Lake Okeechobee Operational Strategy 2018 Additional operational flexibility Water Control Plan for Lake Okeechobee and Everglades Agricultural Area

Memorandum for the Record

Attachment 1 - Operational Strategy for October 2018 Additional Operational Flexibility
March 2008

2018 Oct 26

2018 October
26 Lake Okeechobee Operational Strategy 2019 Additional operational flexibility

NEPA Memorandum for the Record

Attachment 1 - Operational Strategy for February 2019 Additional Operational Flexibility

22 Feb 2019  
27 Loxahatchee River Watershed Restoration Project

Final Integrated Project Implementation Report and Environmental Impact Statement


Final Integrated PIR and EIS

Appendix A: Engineering

Annex A-1: Hydraulic Design

Annex B-1: Geotechnical Design

Annex C-1: Plates

Annex G-1: Geological Investigations

Appendix B: Cost Engineering and Risk Analysis

Appendix C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, and C-5

Appendix D: Real Estate

Appendix E: Plan Formulation

Appendix F: Recreation Analysis

Appendix G: Benefit Model

Appendix H: Climate Change Assessment

Annex A: Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act and ESA Compliance

Annex B: Analyses required by WRDA 2000 and Florida State Law

Annex C: Draft Project Operating Manual

Annex D: AMMP

Annex E: RECOVER Reports

Annex F: Invasive and Nuisance Species

Signed Chief's Report

Resumen Ejecutivo

Alternative 5R, Espanol

Figure ES-1, Espanol

Record of Decision

  9 Mar 2020

Dunes and Other Resiliency Design Refinements Shore Protection Projects

Nassau, Duval, St. Johns, and Brevard Counties, Florida

Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment

Final SEA, FONSI, and appendices

30 Oct 2019  
29 Herbert Hoover Dike Herbert Hoover Dike Major Rehabilitation, Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact, Culvert Replacement and Removal Final EA and FONSI with appendices 2011 May  
30 RECOVER - Lake Okeechobee RECOVER Lake Okeechobee Performance Measures Lake Okeechobee Performance Measure - Lake Stage 5 Dec 2019 3 Jan 2020
31 Anclote River Channel, Pinellas and Pasco Counties, Florida Maintenance Dredging of the Anclote River Channel

Environmental Assessment and signed FONSI

6 Dec 2019  

Central and Southern Florida, Everglades Agricultural Area

Record of Decision and Final Environmental Impact Statement

ROD and Final EIS

Appendix A, USFWS Coordination

Appendix B, CZMA

Appendix C, Pertinent Correspondence

Appendix D, 404b1 Evaluation

Appendix E, CEPP Section 203 Study RECOVER Evaluation

Annex A SFWMD 203, Annex A, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, ESA

Annex A SFWMD 203, Annex B, WRDA 2000 Analysis and Florida State Law

Annex A SFWMD 203, Annex C, Draft Project Operating Manual

Annex A SFWMD 203, Annex D, Adaptive Management and Monitoring Plans

Annex A SFWMD 203, Annex E, Technical Reviews

Annex A SFWMD 203, Annex F, Phosphorus

Annex A SFWMD 203, Annex G, Invasive and Nuisance Species

Annex A SFWMD 203, Annex H, Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste

Annex A SFWMD 203, Annex G-1, Core Boring Logs

Annex A SFWMD 203, Annex G-1, Geological Investigations

Annex A SFWMD 203, Appendix A, Engineering

Annex A SFWMD 203, Appendix B, Cost Estimate

Annex A SFWMD 203, Appendix C, Environmental and Cultural Resources

Annex A SFWMD 203, Appendix D, Real Estate

Annex A SFWMD 203, Appendix E, Plan Formulation Screening

Annex A SFWMD 203, Appendix F, Recreation

Annex A SFWMD 203, Appendix G, Benefit Model

Annex A SFWMD 203, SFWMD Main Report

Annex B, Water Quality Model

Annex C, Updated Engineering and Saving Clause Information

May 2020  
33 Combined Operational Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement


Appendix A: Water Control Plan

Appendix B: Coastal Zone Consistency Determination

Appendix C: Adaptive Management and Monitoring Plan

Appendix D: Pertinent Correspondence

Appendix D.2: ESA Compliance

Appendix D.3: NHPA Correspondence

Appendix E.1: Ecological Evaluation of Alternatives

Appendix E.2: Supporting Information

Appendix F: Memorandum for Record, S-331, S-334, and S-356

Appendix G: S-197 Releases

Appendix H, Annex 1: Modeling Strategy

Appendix H, Annex 2: 8.5 SMA Validation

Appendix H, Annex 3: Modeling Assumptions

Appendix H, Annex 4: Sensitivity Runs

Appendix H, Annex 5: Modeling Results

Appendix H, Annex 6: 8.5 SMA Evaluation

Appendix H, Annex 7: Design Storms

Appendix H, Annex 8: Tamiami Trail Flow Formula

Appendix H, Annex 9: Climate Change Assessment

Appendix I: Socioeconomics

Appendix J: System Operating Manual

Record of Decision

28 Aug 2020  
34 Planned Temporary Deviation 1981 Lake Kissimmee, Cypress, and Hatchineha (KCH) Interim Regulation Schedule Expedited Environmental Assessment and Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact

Final EA and signed FONSI

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

Signed approval

March 2020





3 April 2020


Central Everglades Planning Project South

Environmental Assessment and  Finding of No Significant Impact 

Notice of Availability

Final EA and signed FONSI

Appendix A: Draft Project Operating Manual 

Appendix B: Coastal Zone Consistency Determination

Appendix C: 404(B)(1) Evaluation

Appendix D: Pertinent Correspondence

Appendix E: Hydraulics and Hydrology

15 May 2020

3 Sep 2020


2020 Planned Deviation to the Water Control Plan for Lake Okeechobee and Everglades Agricultural Area (LORS 2008)

Glades, Hendry, Martin, Okeechobee, and Palm Beach counties

Supplemental Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact

Supplemental EA and FONSI

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C.1

Appendix C.2

Appendix D

8 Oct 2020  
37 RECOVER Northern Estuaries Performance Measure RECOVER Northern Estuaries Performance Measure: Salinity Envelope

Final Documentation Sheet

Comment Response Matrix

9 July 2020  
38 Central and Southern Florida Project Initial Appraisal Report Conducted under Section 216 of the Flood Control Act of 1970, as Amended 

Initial Appraisal Report for the CS&F Project Conducted under Section 216 of the Flood Control Act of 1970, as Amended

SAJ Transmittal Memo

SAD Approval Memo

13 May 2020  
39 Lake Okeechobee Watershed Restoration Project Third Revised Draft Project Implementation Report and Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement

Notice of Availability

Third Revised Draft Integrated PIR and Supplemental EIS 

Appendix A: Engineering Appendix

Appendix A, Annex A-1: Hydraulic Design

Appendix A, Annex A-2: Hydrologic Modeling

Appendix A, Annex A-3: Model Documentation Report

Appendix A, Annex C: Plates

Appendix B: Cost Engineering Appendix

Appendix C: Part 1, Existing and Future Without Project Conditions 

Appendix C: Part 2, Effects of the Alternatives and the Revised Recommended Plan

Appendix C: Part 3-1, Pertinent Correspondence Information

Appendix C: Part 3-2, Pertinent Correspondence Information

Appendix C: Part 4, Environmental Compliance

Appendix C: Part 5, Cultural Resources Consultation 

Appendix D: Real Estate

Appendix E: Plan Formulation

Appendix F: Recreation

Appendix G: Benefit Model

Annex A: Endangered Species Act Compliance

Annex B: State Compliance Report

Annex C: Draft Project Operating Manual

Annex D: Adaptive Management and Monitoring Plans

Annex E: RECOVER Evaluation

Annex F:  Invasive Species Management Plan

Annex G: Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste

Annex H: Climate Change Assessment

Annex I: Phosphorous Loading Model

17 June 2022 1 August 2022
40 Emergency Deviation to 2020 Combined Operational Plan Water Control Plan Emergency Environmental Assessment and Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact

Final EA and FONSI

Appendix A

Appendix B

Annex A

3 Nov 2020  

Indian River Lagoon South Project

C-23/24 Stormwater Treatment Area, North and South Reservoirs Design Refinement

Programmatic Agreement

Final Integrated PIR and EIS

Supplemental EA and FONSI

Appendix A: Pertinent Correspondence

Appendix B: Coastal Zone Consistency Determination

Appendix C: Clean Water Act Section 404(B)(1) Evaluation

Appendix D: Public Interest Review

Appendix E: DMSTA Modeling for IRL South C-23/C-24 Reservoirs and STA Model Documentation Report

Appendix F: Indian River Lagoon South (IRL-S): Water Quality Projections for Total Nitrogen Treatment in the C-23/C-24 Stormwater Treatment Area (STA)

Appendix G: Water Resource Policies and Authorities Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) Guidance for Civil Works Projects

Appendix H: Indian River Lagoon South ‐ Model Documentation Report

18 Feb 2021

March 2004

1 Dec 2021

18 Mar 2021




Federally authorized civil works shore protection, storm risk management, beach erosion control, and hurricane protection projects in Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, and Brevard Counties, Florida

Garcia Mine and Cemex Mine, Finding of No Significant Impact FONSI 9 Apr 2021  

Installation of Pedestrian Dune Walkovers Constructed over USACE Federal Coastal Storm Risk Management Projects and Shore Protection Projects Conducted by Non-Federal Sponsors or Independent Requestors

Programmatic Environmental Assessment and Programmatic Finding of No Significant Impact

Final Programmatic EA and FONSI

5 Nov 2021  

Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM)

Final Environmental Impact Statement

Final EIS

Notice of Availability 

Appendix A: Water Control Plan

Appendix B: Coastal Zone Consistency Determination

Appendix C: Environmental Effects

Appendix D.1: NEPA Correspondence

Appendix D.2: Compliance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service

Appendix D.3: National Historic Preservation Act Compliance

Appendix E: Plan Formulation, Evaluation, and Comparison

Appendix F: Documentation Sheets

Appendix G: Modeling Documentation

Appendix H: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment

Appendix I: DMSTA Application to Recent STA Monitoring Data 

Appendix J: Water Quality Model Validation Discussion

24 May 2024 24 June 2024

Central Everglades Planning Project (New Water Phase) Seepage Barrier Wall and Section 408 Request

Draft EA and Proposed FONSI

Draft Environmental Assessment and Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact

Appendices A-D

12 Aug 2022  

Maintenance Dredging of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, Sawpit Creek, Nassau and Duval Counties, Florida  

Final EA and signed FONSI

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

January 2024  

Central and Southern Florida System, Section 216, Flood Resiliency Study

Proposed Flood Risk Management Study  Scoping Letter 28 Oct 2022  

Kissimmee River Restoration Project, Increment 1 Temporary Deviation

Draft EA and Proposed FONSI

Draft Environmental Assessment and proposed Finding of No Significant Impact

Notice of Availability

Notice of Availability, State Clearinghouse

6 Feb 2023 7 March 2023

Central Everglades Planning Project Operational Plan

CEPP Operational Plan, NEPA Assessment Scoping Letter 12 April 2023 15 May 2023

Maintenance Dredging, Intracoastal Waterway Vicinity of Matanzas Inlet, Saint Johns and Flagler Counties, Florida, Includes Placement in SJ-1 and SJ-MB  

Final Environmental Assessment and Proposed FONSI Final EA and proposed FONSI May 2010  

2023 to 2024 Planned Temporary Deviation to Lower Water Levels in Water Conservation Area 3A

Final Environmental Assessment and signed FONSI 

Final EA and signed FONSI

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Annex A

20 Nov 2023  

CEPP EAA A-2 Storm Treatment Area Interim Operations Plan

Interim Operations Plan A-2 STA Interim Operations Plan Scoping Letter 15 Dec 2023  

South Florida Water Management District, Levee 28 South Culverts and Electrical Conduit Installation in Levee 28 South, Section 408 Request

Miami-Dade and Broward Counties

Final Environmental Assessment and signed FONSI

Final EA and signed FONSI

Appendix A

25 March 2024  


Environmental Assessment


Appendix A Operational Strategy

Appendix B Pertinent Correspondence


 Brevard County

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Canaveral Harbor, Section 203 Report

Sponsor prepared study for harbor improvements


- Report and EA - FONSI


APPENDICES (link to GPO.gov)     

 December 2012

July 11, 2013         


Brevard County Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction Project  Mid-Reach Segment, Integrated General Reevaluation Report (GRR) and EIS 

Scoping Letter, Truck Haul

Record of Decision Director's Report

Department Army Permit and Statement of Findings

Addendum to GRR/EIS

Final GRR/EIS Appendices -A, Engineering Design and Cost -B, Socio-Economics -C, Real Estate -D, Public Use Determination and Cost Allocation -E, Geotechnical -F, Section 404(B) Evaluation -G, Coastal Zone Consistency -H, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report -I, Pertinent Correspondence and Mailing List -J, Cumulative Effects Assessment -K, Environmental Documentation -L, Public Workshop Correspondence -M, Value Engineering

Feb. 11, 2015

Sept. 8, 2014

Aug. 17, 2012

March 2014

April 2011 

March 13, 2015
Mid-Reach Segment (Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction Project) Proposed Use of Upland Quarries as an Additional Source of Sand 

EA w/ Appendices A and B
Appendix C-Pertinent Public Correspondence
Appendix D-Agency Documents

Aug 4 2016  
Brevard County, Shore Protection Project Mid-Reach Segment   Proposed Sand Stockpile Area 

Supplemental Environmental Assessment and FONSI 

Signed Scoping Letter  

USFWS ESA Mid-Reach Stockpile Area Decision Document 

16 July 2019



22 Oct 2018

7 Mar 019

Patrick Air Force Beach Project Dune Restoration 

USFWS Letter re Biological Opinion 

NMFS Letter re Request for Consultation


18 Oct 2017


20 July 2017


Brevard County Shore Protection Project, North Reach and South Reach 

Shore Protection 

Final Environmental Impact Statement 

Limited Reevaluation Report 

USFWS ESA Decision Document - Brevard County South Reach Shore Protection Projec

Sept 1996


Oct 1999 


14 May 2019


Patrick Air Force Base Beach Shoreline Protection 

Final EA and FONSI with appendices 


27 Feb 2012  

Brevard County Shoreline Protection Project

North Reach Sand Bypass Borrow Area Supplemental EA and FONSI 1 Dec 2021  
Canaveral Harbor 
Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site

Site Management and Monitoring Plan

25 Jan 2022 25 Feb 2022
 Broward County

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Broward County

Port Everglades O&M

Maintenance Dredging

- EA

Nov 2003


Port Everglades O&M Maintenance Dredging   - EA - EA, Appendices D-E May 2005  
Port Everglades Port Everglades and Palm Beach Harbor, Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS)  Final EIS  Jul 2004   
Port Everglades Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS)  Draft EA  Aug 27 2013  
Port Everglades Feasibility Study  Final Feasibility Study  Main Text May 2015  
Port Everglades Feasibility Study   Final EIS

Record of Decision

Final EIS


-A, Correspondence -B, 404(b) evaluation -C, CZM consistency

-D, Natural Resources Baseline Report, 2001 Benthic and Fish, 2009 Acropora Coral, 2010 Seagrass, 2009 Seagrass, 2006 Seagraqss, 2013
E-Mitigation Plan
F, ESA consultation
-G, Coordination Act
-H, NOAA Fisheries Coordination, EFH
-I, Historic Preservation
-K, mailing list
-L Comments on Draft and Final EIS          

Jan 2016  
  Feasibility Study, Appendices

A, Engineering B, Economics C, Real Estate D, Correspondence E, Dredged Material Management Plan F, Cost

Port Everglades Navigation Improvements Project PED Phase Surveys-Threatened Corals Under the Endangered Species Act

Port Everglades ESA Survey Protocol

ESA Final Report Revised

Appendix H 

Supplemental materials are available upon request from the Jacksonville District.  Please contact Terri Jordan-Sellers at Terri.Jordan-Sellers@usace.army.mil.

3 April 2017

October 2018
  PED Phase Surveys-Project Reconnaissance Port Everglades Reconnaissance Survey Protocol

Reconnaissance Survey Final Report

Supplemental materials are available upon request from the Jacksonville District.  Please contact Terri Jordan-Sellers at Terri.Jordan-Sellers@usace.army.mil.
3 April 2017

12 June 2018
  IWG Meeting Minutes 2018
Broward County Shore Protection Project  Segment II, FCCE  Final FONSI/EA  Aug 3 2013   na
   Segment II, LRR Signed FONSI

Final EA

Limited Reevaluation Report with Environmental Assessment  

Oct 27 2015  
   Segment III, FCCE

Final Environmental Assessment and appendices  

Oct 2018  
Everglades Restoration Transition Plan (ERTP)  Supplemental Biological Assessment 

Main Text

Appendices -A Biological Assessment      of October 2010. -

B Annual Assessments,      2010 - 2015. -C Environmental      Assessment. G-3273      Constraint Relaxation/      S-356 Field Test and      S-357N Operational      Strategy. -D Conveyance System      Operational Guidance. -E Timeline. Modified      Water Deliveries,      Everglades National      Park and Canal 111.  

Jul 24 2015   
Temporary Emergency Deviation WCA 3A Environmental Assessment and FONSI 

Environmental Assessment and Appendices 
Notice of Availability

Feb 12 2016 Mar 18 2016 
Temporary Emergency Deviation WCA 3A  Supplemental Environmental Assessment and  FONSI
Notice of Availability
Supplemental Environmental Assessment and FONSI
     A-Operational Strategy
     B-Coastal Zone Consist
     C-Pertinent Correspon.
     D-Additional Info.
May 10 2016  
Temporary Emergency Deviation to Alleviate High Water Levels in Water Conservation Area 3A (S-344 Deviation) Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact

Notice of Availability
     A-Operational Strategy
     B-Coastal Zone
     C-Pertinent  Correspon

 Apr 18 2016 May 18 2016
IWW Broward County, Reach 1 and IWW Palm Beach County, Reach 4 (cuts P-59 to P-60) O&M Dredging and Dredged Material Placement    Final Environmental Assessment and all appendices Nov 2018  
Port Everglades SMMP  Port Everglades Site Management and Monitoring Plan Extension   Port Everglades SMMP Extension  May 2019  

Port Everglades Operations and Maintenance Dredging and Dredged Material Placement for Port Everglades Harbor, Florida 

Final Environmental Assessment with signed FONSI and all appendices

Final EA and FONSI

Aug 2020  
Broward County Shore Protection Project, Segments II and III

General Reevaluation Report with Final Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1

June 2003  
Port Everglades ODMDS  Draft EA and SMMP

Notice of Availability

Site Management and Monitoring Plan

13 Mar 2020

June 2021



Broward County Shore Protection Project  Segment II Beach Renourishment 

Final EA and FONSI

Appendix A: Project Correspondence

Appendix B: Public and Agency Project Comments 

Appendix C: Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines Evaluation

Appendix D: Environmental Justice Analysis

Appendix E: Other Reports and Documents

25 Sep 2020  
Port Everglades Harbor Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement

Draft SEIS

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix F

Appendix G

Appendix H

Appendix I

Appendix J

Appendix K

17 Dec 2020 1 Feb 2021
Broward County Shore Protection Project, Segment III

Truck Haul and Placement of Sand for the Broward County SPP, Segment III

FONSI Nov 2020   
Port Everglades Harbor  Revised Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement

Notice of Availability


Appendix A: Clean Water Act 404(b)(1) Evaluation

Appendix B: CZMA

Appendix C: Supplemental BA

Appendix D: Impact and Functional Assessments

Appendix E, MMA, LOA Application

Appendix F: Mitigation and Relocation Plans

Appendix G: Monitoring Plans

Appendix H: Adaptive Management Plan

Appendix I: Sediment Spillage

Appendix J: Baseline Resource Surveys 

Appendix K: Pertinent Correspondence (Part 1)

Appendix K: Pertinent Correspondence (Part 2)

4 Feb 2022   

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Lake Okeechobee Watershed Project Scoping Letter Final Scoping Letter Jun 28 2016



County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Naples to Gordon Pass, Florida

Maintenance Dredging

Draft EA Draft FONSI Final EA/FONSI

March 2013

March 28, 2013

July 24, 2013


Picayune Strand Restoration Project  Design Refinements -larger area -tieback levee for pump stations -manatee mitigation feature EA/FONSI  November 2014  
Picayune Strand Restoration Project 

Southwest Construction Feature, Additional Conveyance Features, and Partial Plugging of the Faka Union Canal 

Final Supplemental EA and signed FONSI 


2 Sep 2020  

Picayune Strand Restoration Project 

NEPA Assessment NEPA Scoping Letter 12 July 2023  

County/ Project


Proposed Action 

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due


Other Locations


Miami Harbor


GRR, Phase III, Feasibility Study


Study and EIS Vol 1, Append A-H Vol 1, Append I-M Vol 2, Append A-C Vol 2, Append D-F 

Feb 2004


2 Miami Harbor Deepening  

 -Incidental Harassment Authorization, Marine Mammal Protection Act -Biological Opinion, NMFS 
-Monitoring Recommendations June 2016
-Reef 2 North Sediment Data

Jul 31 2012

Sep 8 2011 


Jun 2016

Feb 2017

3 Miami Harbor
Phase III Federal Channel
Expansion Project
One-Year Post-
Assessment for 
Middle and Outer
Reef Benthic
Communities at 
Permanent Sites
  Main Report


  A-Landscape Photos


  C-Statistical Analysis

  D-Sediment Data

  E-Precht et al 2016

April 2017
4 Miami Harbor Phase III Federal Channel Expansion Project: Impact Assessment for Hardbottom Middle and Outer Reef Benthic Communities at Cross Sites     Impact Assessment - Final 

Appendix A - 2012 Baseline Report 

Appendix B - Final POM Impact Assessment Protocol 
 15 Nov 2017  
5 Miami Harbor Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS)    - Final EIS - Site Monitoring and Management Plan - Site Monitoring and Management Plan, Revised

August 1995

September 2008 &2011

6 Dade County Beach, Section 227 National Shoreline Erosion Control Development and Demonstration Program, Submerged Artificial Reef Training Structure   EA/FONSI  Feb 24 2011  
7 Dade County Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection  Final Environmental Assessment and Limited Reevaluation Report


Main Report(LRR)
     C2-Cost(Sunny Isles)
     F-Public Access


Southeast Florida Sediment Assessment and Needs Determination (SAND) Study (link 90MB)

Mar 8, 2016









Sep 2014

8 Central and Southern Florida, 2012 Water Control Plan, Water Conservation Areas, Everglades National Park, and ENP South Dade Conveyance System  Temporary Deviation from Constraint at Water Gauge G-3273  


Notice of Availability

Aug 2013

Aug 22 2013

 Sep 21 2013
9 Central and Southern Florida  G-3273 Constraint Relaxation/S356 Field Test and S-357N Operational Strategy

Notice of Availability Final EA/FONSI Appendices -A, Operational Strategy -B, Coastal Zone Consistency -C, Monitoring Plan -D1, Correspondence -D2, Correspondence

Feb 2004

May 2015


Apr 5 2015
10 Modified Water Deliveries   8.5 Square Mile Area Record of Decision  Dec 6 2000  
11 Interim Operation Plan Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS)   -Cover EIS -Final SEIS -Figures Appendices -A Court Order -B Scoping Documents -C Engineering -D Hydrograph WCA3A -E 404(b) Evaluation -F ESA Coordination -G Gov to Gov Coord -H Duke Declaration -I CommentsResponse Record of Decision Dec 22 2006 Feb 5 2007
12 Canal C-111  Expansion of Detention Area and Associated Features  EA and FONSI  Jun 6 2012  
13 Canal C-111 South Dade Modifications to the C-111 South Dade North and South Detention Areas and Associated Features  Final EA and Signed FONSI
Appendices -A Biological Assessment -B 404(b) Evaluation -C CZMA -D Pertinent Correspondence
Dec 07 2016   
14   C-111 South Dade Environmental Assessment and Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact: Modifications to the C-111 South Dade Project, L-31W Environmental Assessment
  A-Biological Assessment
  B-Sec 404(b) CWA Eval
Jul 2 2016 Aug 31 2016

Main Text List Annex/Append Annexes -A -B through E -F through I Appendices -A through C -D through F

16 C&SF, CERP,
WCA 3  
Decompartmental-ization, Physical Model 
  Notice of Availability Supplemental FONSI

Correspondence with Fish and Wildlife Service

DPM Supplemental EA Final

Appendix A - DPM Operational Strategy - Final 

Appendix B - DPM Operational Triggers - Final 

Appendix C - DPM Science Plan - Final

Appendix D - DPM CZMA - Final 

Appendix E - DPM Pertinent Correspondence - Final

Appendix F - DPM 2016 Annual Report - Final


May 20 2015


Jul 8 2015


9 Nov 2017


 Jun 18 2014

17 Everglades Restoration Transition Plan (ERTP)
Supplemental Biological Assessment 
  Main Text Appendices -A Biological Assessment      of October 2010. -B Annual Assessments,      2010 - 2015. -C Environmental      Assessment. G-3273      Constraint Relaxation/      S-356 Field Test and      S-357N Operational      Strategy. -D Conveyance System      Operational Guidance. -E Timeline. Modified      Water Deliveries,      Everglades National      Park and Canal 111.   Jul 24 2015  
18 Temporary Emergency Deviation WCA 3A 
Environmental Assessment and FONSI 

Environmental Assessment and Appendices Notice of Availability

Feb 12 2016 Mar 18 2016
19 Temporary Emergency Deviation WCA 3A

Supplemental Environmental Assessment and FONSI
  Notice of Availability
Supplemental Environmental Assessment and FONSI
    A-Operational Strategy
    B-Coastal Zone Consist
    C-Pertinent Correspon.
    D-Additional Info.
May 10 2016  
20 Temporary Emergency Deviation to Alleviate High Water Levels in Water Conservation Area 3A (S-344 Deviation)
Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact
  Notice of Availability
     A-Operational Strategy
     B-Coastal Zone
     C-Pertinent  Correspon

 Apr 18 2016  May 18 2016
21 Modified Water 
Deliveries to
Everglades National
Removal of
Conveyance and
Seepage Control
  Final EA and FONSI
(Technical Analysis and
Pertinent Correspondence)
May 2 2017  
22 Temporary Emergency Deviation WCA 3A
  Planned Temporary Deviation to Affect Relief of High Water Levels within Water Conservation Area 3A 

Appendix A - Operational Strategy WCA 3A Deviation

Appendix B - Pertinent Correspondence WCA 3A Deviation

Deviation Request Letter to SAD
June 28, 2017 Comments due 
July 28, 2017
23 Intracoastal Waterway, Cut
DA-9 at Bakers Haulover Inlet
Other Dredging  1997 EA and FONSI 

2017 Final EA

2017 Final FONSI

2017 Final Appendix A 

2017 Final Appendix B 
24 Combined Operational Plan   Scoping Letter  Scoping Letter 22 Sep 2017 21 Oct 2017

Mount Sinai Medical Center, Continuing Authorities Program (CAP), Section 14 Project


Final Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment Final IFR/EA and FONSI with appendices 
July 2017  
26 WCA 3A 

Emergency and Planned Deviations for WCA 3A post Hurricane Irma  EA/FONSI

Appendix A 

Appendix B 
   13 Nov 2017
27 Central and Southern Florida  2018: L-29 Canal and G-3273 Constraint Relaxation including the Northern Detention Area (Revised Operational Strategy Increment 2)  Increment 2 EA and FONSI Final

Appendix A Increment 2 - Operational Strategy Part 1 Final

Appendix A Increment 2 - Operational Strategy Part 2 Final 

Appendix B - Increment 2 CZMA Final

Appendix C Increment 2 - Monitoring Plan Final 

Appendix D Pertinent Correspondence Final   
 21 Feb 2018  
28 Miami Harbor Navigation Improvement Study Integrated Feasibility Study and NEPA Analysis  

Scoping Presentation 

Scoping Meeting Transcript - Volume 1 

Scoping Meeting Transcript - Volume 2 

WRRDA Section 1002 Letter 






30 Nov 2018

26 Nov 2018
29 Miami-Dade CSRM  Shore Protection Study Scoping Letter 

Scoping Presentation 

Environmental poster 

Physical Conditions and Engineering poster 
  16 Nov 2018

Miami-Dade County Surfside Beach Renourishment Project 

Beach Renourishment  Presentation  6 June 2019  
31 Miami Harbor Operation and Maintenance    Dredging and Dredged Material Placement for the Miami Harbor Navigation Project

Draft Environmental Assessment 

Appendix A: Project Correspondence

Appendix B: Public and Agency Project Comments

Appendix C: Environmental Justice Analysis 

Appendix D1: Other Reports and Related Documents (October 2018 Miami Harbor O&M Spillage Analysis) 

Appendix D2:  Other Reports and Related Documents (April 2018 Initial Appraisal Report) 

Appendices D3-D5 available upon request.  

17 July 2019 16 Aug 2019
32 Miami Harbor Operation and Maintenance    Dredging and Dredged Material Placement for the Miami Harbor Navigation Project at Port Miami in Miami-Dade County, Florida

Final EA and Signed FONSI

Appendix A: Pertinent Correspondence

Appendix B: Public and Agency Comments

Appendix C: Environmental Justice Analysis

Appendix D: Other Reports and Related Documents

Appendix E: Port Miami Comprehensive Maintenance Dredging Plan

November 2023  

C-111 South Dade Project; Replacement of Current Pump Stations S-332B and S-332C


Final Integrated GRR and EA with signed FONSI


Notice of Availability

Proposed FONSI

Appendix B: Seepage Modeling 

Appendix C: Pertinent Correspondence

June 2020



27 Sep 2023




27 Oct 2023


Miami-Dade County, Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Project 

Contract J

Limited Reevaluation Report



8 Mar 2016

March 2016


Bal Harbour Beach Renourishment and Dade County Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Project

Final Environmental Assessment and FONSI Final EA and FONSI 2 Sep 2020  
36 8.5 Square Mile Area Limited Curtain Wall  Final Environmental Assessment and signed FONSI

Final EA and FONSI

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

3 Mar 2021






37 Miami-Dade County, Florida Coastal Storm Risk Management Project, Main Segment Final Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment

Signed Chief's Report

Final IFR and EA with Erratas

Signed FONSI

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix F

Appendix G

Appendix H

Appendix I

Appendix J

Appendix K

7 Oct 2022  

Miami-Dade County, Central Everglades Planning Project, L-67C Backfill Treatments

Installation, Testing, and Monitoring of a Physical Model for the Water Conservation Area 3 Decompartmentalization and Sheetflow Enhancement Project: Incorporation of the L-67C Backfill Treatments into the Central Everglades Planning Project

Notice of Availability

Supplemental Environmental Assessment and signed FONSI

Appendix A

Appendix B

24 Jan 2022

17 Jan 2023

39 Central Everglades Planning Project (New Water Phase) Seepage Barrier  Wall and Section 408 Request Final EA and signed FONSI

Final Environmental Assessment and signed FONSI

Appendices A-D

October 2022  

FDOT Golden Glades Interchange Bridge and Infrastructure Improvements on  C-8 Canal

Section 408 Request 

Final EA and signed FONSI

Final Environmental Assessment and signed FONSI

Appendix A

Appendix B

20 July 2023  

Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works, Southwest 87th Avenue Bridge over the C-100 Canal

Section 408 Request

Final Environmental Assessment and signed  FONSI

Final EA and signed FONSI

Appendix A

Appendix B

February 2024  

City of North Miami NE 131st Street Pedestrian Bridge replacement over the C-8 Canal, Section 408 Request 

Environmental Assessment and Signed Finding of No Significant Impact

EA and Signed FONSI

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

8 May 2024  

2020 Combined Operational Plan, Multi-Year Planned Temporary Deviation to the Water Conservation Area 3A Regulation Schedule

Multi-Year Planned Temporary Deviation, WCA 3A NEPA Scoping Letter 28 May 2024 26 June 2024

Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works, C-100 Canal Culvert Crossing, Replacement at 132nd Avenue Section 408 Request

Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact, 

Final EA and Signed FONSI

Appendix A

Appendix B


County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Horseshoe Cove Federal Navigation Channel Operations and Maintenance Dredging and Dredged Material Placement  Final EA 


Appendix A 

Appendix B

Appendix C 
20 Sep 2017


Maintenance Dredging of the McGriff Channel at Suwannee River Maintenance Dredging of the McGriff Channel

Final EA and signed FONSI with Appendices A, B, and C

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix F

27 January 2021  

Supplement to Reevaluation Report

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Jacksonville Harbor O&M

Huguenot Park Lease Renewal



Park Management Plan        

December 2012




 Bartram Island, Cell A, Erosion Control

 Public Notice EA/FONSI  Feb. 21, 2014  March 10, 2014
Jacksonville Harbor, Draft Navigation Study, GRR2 Pre-Report Presentations, 2012

 Overview - Ecological and Water Quality Modeling - Circulation and Salinity Modeling - Water Quality Modeling - Ecological Modeling, Preliminary

 Oct. 22, 2012  

Jacksonville Harbor, Final Navigation Study, GRR2

Final GRR2 and Supplemental EIS Final Main Text
Record of Decision
7 Mar 24 7 Apr 2014

 A, Engineering

B, Economics

C, Real Estate

D, Ecological Models - main text -

Appendices E, Affects & Mitigation

F, Pertinent Correspondence (scoping)

G, CZM Consistency H, 404(b) evaluation

I, Air Emissions J, DMMP

K, Comments (on draft) - 1 Response to Comments - 2 NGO comments - 3 Public comments A - 4 Public comments B - 5 Agency comments

L, EFH Report

M, Coordination Act Report (CAR)

N, Cost


Chief's Report

 Report Submitted for Transmission to Congress

16 Apr 2014  

Salinity Effects on Nekton, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

 Report 25 Jun 2013  
  Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) Model  Literature Review, EFDC Model Application -Question EFDC

6 Nov 2014

Nov 2014

  Biological Monitoring Plans and Reports

Final Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Biological Monitoring Plan

Final Freshwater Wetlands Biological Monitoring Plan  

Final Annual Report (Year 1) Submerged Aquatic Vegetation and Wetlands

Final Annual Report (Year 2) Submerged Aquatic Vegetation and Wetlands 

Final Annual Report (Year 3) Submerged Aquatic Vegetation and Wetlands

Final Annual Report (Year 4) Submerged Aquatic Vegetation and Wetlands

Final Annual Report (Year 5) Submerged Aquatic Vegetation and Wetlands 

Final Annual Report (Year 5 Modified) Submerged Aquatic Vegetation and Wetlands

11 Jul 2017


3 Nov 2018



28 Dec 2017 



21 Dec 2018


20 Dec 2019



December 2020


February 2022


August 2022

  Conservation Land Purchases

Letter re Saltwater and Freshwater Mitigation

1. Map showing sketch and description 

2. Map showing sketch and description

3. Map showing a specific purpose survey

14 Jun 2017  
  Nearshore Placement of Maintenance Dredged Material

Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment, signed FONSI, and Appendices

May 2012  
Jacksonville Harbor ODMDS Public Meeting 

Posters - Overview - Sidescan - Analysis - Site Designation

Meeting Presentation

 June 21, 2012  
   Draft EIS Main Text Appendices  May 25, 2012  July 9, 2012
Jacksonville Harbor, Mile Point  Navigation Study, Final Report and EA

Main Report

Appendices - A - B through F - G through H

 March 2012  
Duval County Beach Erosion Control Project Environmental Statement  
 Final  August 1974  
  Section 934 Study

Supplement to Reevaluation Report

January 1992  
  Environmental Assessment

with MMS FONSI of 3 May 1995

 Dec. 22, 1993  

Environmental Assessment

 with FONSI   Jan. 27, 2005  
  BOEM EA on use of OCS Sand

with BOEM FONSI of 4 Feb 2011

 January 2011  
  New Borrow Site, BOEM as Cooperating Agency Withdraw Notice of Draft FONSI Sept. 18, 2014   
  New Borrow Site 

Final EA and Signed FONSI 

Oct. 1, 2015  

Duval County Shore Protection Project,  Supplemental Environmental Assessment

Final SEA and signed FONSI

Final SEA, signed FONSI, and all appendices

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

August 2023  
U.S. Marine Corps Support Facility, Blount Island Removal of Concrete Sill and Advance Maintenance Dredging Slipway  Environmental Assessment and FONSI 

Supplemental EA and FONSI
 April 2010

4 Sep 2018
Jacksonville Harbor Navigation Project Review of Recent Storm Events and Flooding

Supplemental Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact

January 2018 Not Applicable
Big Fishweir Creek Section 206, Ecosystem Restoration 

Final Integrated Detailed Project Report and Environmental Assessment 

Appendix A - Engineering

Appendix B - Real Estate

Appendix C - Environmental 

Appendix D - Plan Formulation

Appendix E - Cost Estimates

Appendix F - Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment

 January 2012  

Supplemental Environmental Assessment and FONSI

Final Supplemental EA and FONSI

28 Dec 2020

Jacksonville Harbor Berthing Area Improvements

Final Environmental Asssessment and signed FONSI

18 June 2020  
Jacksonville Harbor Navigation Study

Duval County, Florida - 008410, General Reevaluation Report 

Final General Reevaluation Report and Environmental Assessment

Oct 2002  

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Flagler County Hurricane Protection and Storm Damage Reduction Project

Final Integrated Feasibility Study and Environmental Assessment


FONSI 22 Jan 2016 Study/EA, Main Text Appendices - A, Engineering - B, Costs - C, Economics - D, Geotechnical - E, Real Estate - F, Environmental - G, Correspondence


Draft Chief's Report

September 2014


Flagler County Coastal Storm Risk Management Project Flagler CSRM Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment

Final SEA and signed FONSI 

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D


City of Bunnell, Comprehensive Wastewater Treatment Infrastructure Modernization Project, Flagler County, Florida

Final Environmental Assessment and Signed Finding of No Significant Impact Final EA and Signed FONSI 2 May 2024  

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Okeechobee Waterway

Lease for RV Park, Moore Haven Lock


Feb. 12, 2014           

 March 14, 2014

Herbert Hoover Dike (HHD)  Herbert Hoover Dike, Dam Safety Modification Study: Glades, Hendry, Martin, Okeechobee, and Palm Beach Counties, FL  

Draft EIS (Main Text) Appendices

 Dec. 24, 2015  Feb. 7, 2016
Lake Hicpochee Shallow Storage and Hydrologic Enhancement Lake Hicpochee, 408 Public Notice

Public Notice Apr 29 2016  
Lake Okeechobee Watershed Project Scoping Letter Final Scoping Letter
Jun 28 2016   

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Herbert Hoover Dike (HHD)

Herbert Hoover Dike, Dam Safety Modification Study: Glades, Hendry, Martin, Okeechobee, and Palm Beach Counties, FL            


Draft EIS (Main Text) Appendices

Dec. 24, 2015

 Feb. 7, 2016

Modifications to Operating Criteria for S-190 Environmental Assessment EA and FONSI
     A-Operating Criteria
      Documentation Report

12 Feb 2017 23 Oct 2016
Caloosahatchee River (C-43) West Basin Storage Reservoir  Section 408 Review of the Caloosahatchee River (C-43) West Basin Storage Reservoir -          Reservoir Alum Treatment Project

Final Environmental Assessment and signed FONSI

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

November 2023


South Florida Water Management District S-169W-MS Trash Rakes and Manatee Barrier in the C-21 Canal

Section 408 Request Final Environmental Assessment, signed FONSI, and Appendix A January 2024  

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations



County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Lake Okeechobee Watershed Project Scoping Letter Final Scoping Letter Jun 28 2016


North of Lake Okeechobee Storage Reservoir, Section 203 Study 

Final Environmental Impact Statement 

Final EIS

Notice of Availability

26 Jan 2024  

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Tampa Harbor O&M

Maintenance Dredging


Final EA

Oct. 7, 2011


   Tampa Harbor Dredged Material Management Plan Update  DMMP Update  April 8, 2011  
Tampa Harbor, Big Bend Expansion and Maintenance Dredging  FONSI/Supplemental EA August 7, 2017  N/A
Tampa Harbor  Navigation Improvement Study

WRDS Section 1002 Notification Letter to Port Tampa Bay

Draft Integrated GRR and EIS

Draft Appendix A

Draft Appendix B

Draft Appendix C

Draft Appendix D

Draft Appendix E

Draft Appendix F

Draft Appendix G

28 Jan 2022


24 July 2023



11 Sep 2023

 Indian River

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

IWW Jacksonville to Miami

Dredged Material Management Area IR-2

Baseline Mitigation Report for IR-2 and SL-2

April 2013


    1st Annual Mitigation Monitoring Report -part 1 -part 2, photo documentation   April 2014  
  Maintenance Dredging Reach 1  Final EA  May 2014  

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Fort Myers Beach, Matanzas Pass, Navigation Project

Maintenance Dredging


Seagrass and Hardbottom Survey 

Sept. 20, 2012

Sept 2011


Lee County Shore Protection Project   Captiva Island, FCCE  Final FONSI and Notice of Availability March 11, 2013  
Lee County Shore Protection Project  Captiva Island, FCCE  
  Signed FONSI
March 27, 2013  
Lee County Shore Protection Project Captiva and Sanibel Islands  FONSI  Feb. 2, 1996  
Gasparilla Island Segment, Lee County, Shore Protection Project 934 Report and Environmental Assessment

Final Integrated Section 934 Report and EA 

     B-Cost Engineering
     E-Real Estate Plan
     F-Cost Sharing            
H-Pertinent                 Correspondence

Letter from USFWS to the Corps 

May 2018









County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Manatee County Shore Protection

Anna Maria Island, FCCE

EA and FONSI           


25 Oct 2000

25 June 2013


 Manatee Harbor Feasibility Study   Meetings, Notices, and other Project Information    
     Revised Date of Public Meeting  Jan. 20, 2016  
Manatee Harbor

Operation and Maintenance Dredging and Dredged Material Placement for the South Channel Extension 

Final Environmental Assessment and FONSI

Memorandum for the Record

Restoration Plan

RSM Implementation Report


Letter to Manatee County Parks and Natural Resources

2019 Sep 5


4 Nov 2019

31 Oct 2019



19 Dec 2018

4 Nov 2019

Manatee County

Shore Protection Project, Anna Maria Island 

Draft Supplemental EA 21 Aug 2020 20 Sep 2020

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Herbert Hoover Dike (HHD)

Herbert Hoover Dike, Dam Safety Modification Study: Glades, Hendry, Martin, Okeechobee, and Palm Beach Counties, FL            

Draft EIS (Main Text)   

Dec. 24, 2015

 Feb. 7, 2016

St. Lucie Inlet Intracoastal Waterway and Okeechobee Waterway  Placement of Intracoastal Waterway and Okeechobee Waterway Dredged Material in the St. Lucie Inlet Sediment Impoundment Basin

Channel Widener Construction Cut-1 Okeechobee Waterway with Dredged Material Placement in an Offshore Borrow Area 
St. Lucie IWW Crossroads Final EA w/ Signed FONSI

2018 FONSI
Jan. 2016

7 June 2018  
Dredged Material Management Area Construction O-7 Intracoastal Waterway, Martin Co. EA w/ Signed FONSI February 29, 2016  
Lake Okeechobee Watershed Project Scoping Letter Final Scoping Letter Jun 28 2016   
Martin County Shore Protection Project Martin County FCCE Nourishment 2011 LRR and EIS
1994 GDM w/ EA Part 1
1994 GDM w/ EA Part 2
1986 Feasibility w/ EIS
St. Lucie Inlet
O&M Dredging
  1994 EA and FONSI
2000 EA and FONSI
2011 EA and FONSI
2017 EA
2017 FONSI
2017 Appendix A


July 6, 2017

Dredged Material Management Area Construction  O-23

Intracoastal Waterway

Final EA and signed FONSI

3 Sep 2020  

Martin County, Okeechobee Waterway from the Okeechobee Waterway/Intracoastal Waterway Crossroads to the Saint Lucie Lock

Operation and Maintenance Dredging with Dredged material placement in DMMAs O-7 and O-23

Final EA and FONSI

11 Aug 2020



Martin County, Indian River Lagoon South Project C-44 Reservoir and Stormwater Treatment Area

USFWS Biological Opinion

USFWS Biological Opinion

USFWS Letter to revise Terms and Conditions of 2006 USFWS BO


14 Sep 2006

30 July 2007

9 June 2021

Martin County, Indian River Lagoon South Project

C-44 Reservoir and Stormwater Treatment Area, Final Project Operating Manual

Scoping Letter 22 Jan 2024  

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Florida Keys Coastal Storm Risk Management  Feasibility Study  NEPA Public Scoping Meeting Presentation - Marathon 

NEPA Public Scoping Meeting Presentation - Key Largo and Key West  
December 2018

December 2018


Florida Keys Water Quality Improvement Additions to Project Partnership Agreement

Final Environmental Assessment and FONSI for additions to the Project Partnership Agreement

Final EA and FONSI

Appendix A

10 May 2021   

Florida Keys Water Quality Improvements Program, Partial Funding to Additional Water Quality Improvements,  Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District

Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment and Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact

Notice of Availability

Draft SEA and Proposed FONSI

Appendix A

12 April 2024 12 May 2024

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Nassau County Shore Protection Project


Final EA


Updated FONSI

Feb. 1999

Dec. 27, 2005



Fernandina Harbor  Maintenance Dredging ( including use of ODMDS)  Environmental Assessment and FONSI  May 2000  
Kings Bay Navy Submarine Base Maintenance Dredging Statement of Findings, Department of the Army Permit   June 4, 2014  
Fernandina Harbor SMMP Shore Protection Project

Draft Fernandina SMMP

Fernandina Beach SMMP Draft Public Notice 

Feb 2020


10 Feb 2020





Fernandina Harbor  Scoping Letter Fernandina Harbor  Final  Scoping Letter June 27, 2024  
Nassau County Shore Protection Project Beach renourishment and shoreline stabilization

Notice of Availability

Draft SEA and Proposed FONSI

Draft Appendix A

Draft Appendix B

Draft Appendix C

26 July 2024 25 Aug 2024

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Kissimmee River Restoration Project Kissimmee River Restoration Project:River Acres Flood Mitigation in Lieu of Acquisition Environmental Assessment and FONSI
  A-Design Documentation 
May 23 2017  

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Kissimmee River Headquarters Revitalization Project

Integrated Project Modification Report and Supplement to the Final Environmental Impact Statement

Integrated PMR and Supplement to the Final EIS April 1996  

Lake Tohopekaliga Extreme Drawdown and Habitat Enhancement

Final EIS

Vol 1 EIS Vol 2 Integrated Surface and Groundwater Model

June 2002


 Palm Beach

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Palm Beach Harbor

Port Everglades and Palm Beach Harbor, Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS)

Final EIS

July 2004


Lake Worth Lagoon 1135 CAP Project Final Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment  

Final Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment

23 Feb 2018  
Palm Beach Harbor, Lake Worth Inlet Operations and Maintenance (O&M)  FONSI
 Oct 13, 2015  
Lake Worth Inlet, Palm Beach Harbor Final Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement

Main Text Errata

Appendices A-Engineering  -A1, Plates  -A2, Hydrodynamic Modeling, Ship Simulation, Geotechnical, and Value Engineering   -A3, Boring Logs and Laboratory Results B-Cost Engineering and Risk Analysis and C, Socio-Economics D-Environmental E-Correspondence  -E1, Agency and Tribe  -E2, 9 May 2013 Public Meeting, Comment and Response Tables, Public Comments  -E3, Public Comments Continued F, Real Estate and G, Preliminary Assessment, Dredged Material Management

 Feb. 7, 2014 March 10, 2014
Palm Beach County Shore Protection Project Jupiter-Carlin Segment, FCCE  EA and FONSI  July 25, 2013  
Palm Beach County Shore Protection Project North Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and Ocean Ridge EA/FONSI

Signed FONSI

Aug. 16, 2013

Aug. 16, 2013

Herbert Hoover Dike (HHD) Supplemental Major Rehabilitation Report Final EA and FONSI   June 15, 2015  
  Herbert Hoover Dike, Dam Safety Modification Study: Glades, Hendry, Martin, Okeechobee, and Palm Beach Counties, FL Draft EIS (Main Text) Appendices  Dec. 24, 2015  Feb. 7, 2016
Jupiter Carlin Segment, Palm Beach County Shore Protection Project 934 Report and Environmental Assessment
 August 2018  
Pahokee, CAP, Section 1135, Draft Integrated Feasibility Report & EA   Pahokee, CAP, Section 1135 Final Integrated Feasibility Report & EA

Appendix A - Engineering

Appendix B - Cost Engineering

Appendix C - Real Estate

Appendix D -  Environmental 

Appendix E - Pertinent Correspondence
July 2018  
South Florida Management District, Everglades Agricultural Area, storage reservoir 
Section 203 

Section 203 SFWMD EAA Fact Sheet 

Section 203 SFWMD EAA Presentation 

Map of CEPP Alternative 42R

Aerial Map of A2 Parcel

SFWMD Recommended Plan

Draft Programmatic Agreement

6 June 2018  
Palm Beach Shore Protection Project, Jupiter Carlin Segment

General Design Memorandum Addendum with Supplement to the Environmental Impact Statement

June 1991 (revised May 1994)  
Palm Beach

Shore Protection Project, Ocean Ridge Segment

General Design Memorandum Addendum with Supplement to the Environmental Impact Statement

Jan 1994 (revised August 1996)  
Palm Beach North Boca Raton Second Periodic Nourishment

Limited Reevaluation Report with Environmental Assessment 

April 2008  
Palm Beach

Shore Protection Project, Mid-Town Segment

Signed FONSI and MFR 10 Oct 2019  
Palm Beach  Shore Protection Project, Mid-Town Segment

Department of the Army Permit no. SAJ-1995-03779(SP-LCK)

Memorandum for the Record

Memorandum for the Record, Modification #1

Statement of Findings

12 Dec 2014


11 Dec 2014


3 April 2018


Palm Beach Harbor O&M Project

Hardbottom and ESA Survey

Seagrass Survey Report

August 2021

August 2021



County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Pinellas County Beach Erosion Control Beach Nourishment/ Renourishment FONSI/Supplemental EA August 10, 2017 N/A

Pinellas County Beach Erosion Control

Sand Key


May 5, 2011


Pinellas County Beach Erosion Control Treasure Island FCCE nourishment Notice of Availability Final FONSI  April 10, 2013  
Pinellas County Beach Erosion Control Treasure Island and Long Key FCCE and Supplemental Signed FONSI  June 17, 2013  
Pinellas County Beach Erosion Control Project Sand Key, Treasure Island, and Long Key Nourishment EA June 9 2003  
St. Petersburg Harbor, Operations and Maintenance Dredging Project Maintenance Dredging FONSI/EA 8 June 2017  
Anclote River Channel  Maintenance Dredging  FONSI/EA April 2019  N/A
Pinellas County  CSRM Study, Treasure Island and Long Key Segments

Integrated Feasibility Study and Environmental Assessment

Signed FONSI

Appendix A

Appendix A-1

Appendix A-2

Appendix B

Appendix B-1

Appendix B-2

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix E-1

Appendix F

Appendix G

Appendix H

Appendix I

Chief's Report

Project Placemat

29 Oct 2021



25 Feb 2022

Pinellas Feasibility Study and Integrated EA  

Historic Documents

Chief's Report

General and Detail Design Memorandum

Study Report to Determine Behavior of Project Fill for Beach Erosion Control

Detail Design Memorandum

General and Detail Design Memorandum, Addendum (Long Key)

General and Detail Design Memorandum, Addendum 3 with Environmental Assessment

Beach Erosion Control Project Review Study and Environmental Impact Statement

Limited Reevaluation Report and Environmental Summary

First Renourishment Sand Key Segment Design Memorandum with Environmental Assessment

Design Memorandum with Environmental Assessment

Final Environmental Assessment


14 Sep 1966

July 1968


Dec 1971


April 1975


Sept 1978


Jan 1982




July 1984



April 1994


Nov 1996




April 2000


Nov 2009


County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Sarasota County Beach Erosion Control

Venice Beach

NOA draft FONSI/EA EA through Append B EA, Appendices C-E

April 15, 2014

 May 15, 2014

     Final EA and FONSI  July 2, 2014  
   Lido Key  EA and Feasibility Report - main text w/2004 addendum - Environmental Assessment - Appendices

Oct. 2002 with April 2004 addendum

    Study of Big Sarasota Pass Sediment Mining Alternatives for Sarasota County, Lido Key Federal Shore Protection Project 

GENESIS Shoreline Modeling Study           

11 July 2018



May 2014

   Lido Key Additional Sand Sources  

EA through Appendix F

Appendix G, Mining Alternatives Study

Appendix H, Sediment Compatibility Analysis

March 30, 2015  May 14, 2015
     Notice of Availability, FONSI/EA March 30, 2015  May 14, 2015
Lido Key Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction Project  Lido Key Additional Sand Sources  Final EA and FONSI  30 July 2018  

Venice and Venice Inlet, Sarasota County, Florida

Maintenance Dredging of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway  Final EA and signed FONSI Dec 2018  
 St. Johns

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

St. Augustine Inlet and Intracoastal Waterway

Maintenance Dredging, Beach and Nearshore Placement North of Inlet

Final Supplem EA/FONSI                     

July 8, 2015



 Maintenance Dredging, Includes inlet maintenance dredging for regional sediment management and beneficial use of the dredged material           


Nov 2010

Jan 19 2011

St. Johns County Coastal Storm Risk Management Project Evaluating the need for coastal storm damage reduction to the South Ponte Vedra Beach, Vilano Beach, and Summer Haven reaches of the St. Johns County Coastal Storm Risk Management project. FONSI
Chief's Report 
Main Report - FS and EA

 B-Cost Engineering and
 Risk Analysis
 E-Real Estate Plan
 F-Public Access and Cost  Share
 6 Sept 2018
8 August 2017
St. Johns County Shore Protection Project Beach Erosion Control

General Reevaluation Report with Final Environmental Assessment

March 1998  
St. Francis Barracks Seawall Shoreline Erosion Protection Study; CAP Section 14

Draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment

Appendix A: Engineering

Appendix B: Cost Engineering and Risk Analysis 

Appendix C: Real Estate

Appendix D: Environmental

Appendix E: Pertinent Correspondence

8 July 2019 7 Aug 2019
St. Francis Barracks Seawall Shoreline Erosion Protection Study

Supplemental Environmental Assesment and Signed FONSI

19 July 2021  

Intracoastal Waterway Palm Valley

Maintenance dredging, includes pipelines to DU-8, DU-9, MSA 204, and SJ-14

Environmental Assessment/FONSI 7 Mar 2005  
Saint Johns County, Florida, Shore Protection Project and Coastal Storm Risk Management Project Additional Offshore Borrow Areas - South Ponte Vedra Beach and Vilano Beach Reaches

Final Environmental Assessment

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

5 May 2022  
Saint Augustine Beach, Saint Johns County, Florida Section 408 Review: Frankskousky-Gleeson Residence Seawall

Environmental Assessment and FONSI, Appendix A, Appendix B

18 Feb 2022 9 March 2022
Saint Johns County, Florida, Ponte Vedra Beach Coastal Storm Risk Management Final Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment

Final IFR and EA with signed FONSI

Signed Chief's Report

Appendix A

Attachment A-1

Attachment A-2

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix F

Appendix G

Appendix H

Appendix H2

Appendix I

Appendix J

29 Feb 2024  
 St. Lucie

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

IWW, Jacksonville to Miami

Dredged Material Management Area SL-2

Baseline Mitigation Report for IR-2 and SL-2

April 2013


   Maintenance Dredging, St. Lucie County Reach I and part of Reach II  Final EA and Signed FONSI  May 2014  
Ft. Pierce Harbor
 Maintenance Dredging  Final EA and Signed FONSI  July 24,1996  
Ten Mile Creek Water Preserve Area Critical Project Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Final EA and Signed FONSI  April 15 2016  
St. Lucie County Coastal Storm Risk Management Project (CSRM)  Final Integrated Feasibility Study and Environmental Assessment
Final Integrated Feasibility Study and Environmental Assessment with signed FONSI

Signed Chief's Report

Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I

Draft FONSI Update

5 November 2018

January 10, 2018

January 10, 2018

January 10, 2018
Lake Okeechobee Watershed Project  Scoping Letter  Final Scoping Letter Jun 28 2016  
Fort Pierce Coastal Storm Risk Management Project Draft Environmental Assessment and Proposed FONSI

Draft EA and Proposed FONSI

Notice of Availability

Appendix A

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E

6 May 2024 4 June 2024

North Fork St. Lucie River Continuing Authorities Program, Section 1135 Project

North Fork St. Lucie River CAP Program  NEPA Scoping Letter 27 June 2024  

County/ Project

Proposed Action

Notices & Documents

Date Issued

Date Due

Other Locations

Ponce de Leon Inlet, Operations and Maintenance

Maintenance Dredging



Feb 2013

Jun 26, 2013


Ponce de Leon Inlet and the Intracoastal Waterway Maintenance Dredging in the Vicinity of Ponce de Leon Inlet with Stockpile Beach Placement Intracoastal Waterway Volusia Cuts V-22 through V-40 and Ponce de Leon Inlet Channel Cuts 1A to 13N and Cut 3S, with Stockpile Placement on Ponce Inlet North Beach

Maintenance Dredging

Final SEA and signed FONSI

Final Appendix A

Final Appendix B

Final Appendix C

Final Appendix D

16 June 2024  


NOI = Notice of Intent
NOA = Notice of Availability
PN = Public Notice
EIS =Environmental Impact Statement
EA = Environmental Assessment
FONSI = Finding of No Significant Impact
GRR = General Reevaluation Report
LRR = Limited Reevaluation Report
PAC = Post Authorization Change
DDR = Detailed Design Report
EDR = Engineering Design Report

Date Issued = Date of Notice
TBP = To Be Posted
Date Due = Date of Public Meeting, Hearing, or Workshop where applicable. Otherwise, date comments due.

