USACE Jacksonville announces changes to Brevard Mid-Reach, South Reach beach renourishment
JACKSONVILLE, Florida (March 14, 2024) – USACE Jacksonville District announces changes to the 2024 Brevard County beach renourishment project due to delays in equipment availability.
USACE will focus on renourishing the dunes along the Mid-Reach segment between South Patrick Shores and roughly the Indian Harbour Beach Club until the start of turtle nesting season on April 30, when all work on the beach must cease.
When renourishment begins again in November, the contractor will return to complete renourishing any remaining dunes and all templated berms in the Mid-Reach segment, as well as renourishment of the entire South Reach segment as originally planned. The berm generally refers to the area of the beach between the dunes and the water.
The change is being adopted to provide maximum coastal protection to the most critically eroded areas of the Mid-Reach before the start of the 2024 hurricane season given the limited time remaining to work on the beach.
This change has been coordinated with Brevard County, the project’s non-federal sponsor, to best meet the goal of the authorized project to provide coastal protection while in compliance with all relevant environmental and regulatory requirements.

USACE Jacksonville announces contract award for rehabilitation of Brevard Co. Mid- and South Reach Shore Protection Projects
Jacksonville District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, awarded a $47.6 million contract Sept. 29 to The Dutra Group of San Rafael, California, to execute a Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies (FCCE) rehabilitation of the Mid and South Reach segments of the Brevard Co., Florida, federal shore protection projects.
The project will place approximately 1.125 million cubic yards of sand on critically eroded beaches extending 11.5 miles from the southern border of Patrick Space Force Base through Satellite Beach, Indian Harbour Beach, Indialantic and ending in Melbourne Beach at Spessard Holland Beach Park.
Sand will be dredged from a Bureau of Ocean Energy Management approved offshore borrow site located approximately 8 nautical miles offshore from Port Canaveral.
To comply with environmental requirements to protect sea turtle nesting habitat along the shore, the beach rehabilitation will be conducted in two phases, beginning with the Mid Reach segment in late November this year and extending through April 2024; and then again beginning in November 2024 with an estimated completion date in April 2025.
Brevard County is the non-federal sponsor for the Mid and South Reach Shore Protection Project; the FCCE rehabilitation is 100 percent federally funded to restore damages from Hurricanes Ian and Nicole.
USACE Jacksonville appreciates its strong partnership with Brevard Co. and the county’s support for protecting this critically eroded segment of Florida’s Atlantic shoreline.

USACE Jacksonville, Brevard Co. Shore Protection Project
Brevard County is located on the east coast of Florida at the approximate midpoint of the peninsula. The authorized project has been divided into three segments: North Reach, South Reach and Mid Reach. The North Reach consists of restoration of 9.4 miles of shoreline extending from the south jetty at Canaveral Harbor to the northern limit of Patrick Air Force Base (PAFB). The South Reach consists of restoration of 3.4 miles of shoreline and is bounded by PAFB to the north and Spessard Holland Park to the south. This section was originally 10.5 miles long, but 7.8 miles were excluded because of near shore hard grounds. A General Reevaluation Report evaluated the 7.8 miles excluded from the original report, and was approved, which is now referenced as Mid Reach.
North and South Reaches - Construction of project was completed in April 2014. Approximately, 1.66 million cubic yards of beach fill material was placed along 13.6 miles of shoreline. The next nourishment cycle is scheduled for FY2020.
Mid-Reach - Before the initial nourishment can be completed for Mid Reach, the mitigation feature must be completed. The mitigation for the nearshore hard bottom areas includes construction of an artificial reef out of geomatic material. The mitigation contract was awarded in September 2016. The period of performance is from April 2017 to August 2018 as the contractor may only work in the summer months from May to August.