The geographic extremes of Florida and Puerto Rico – the flat terrain in Florida and the mountain areas of Puerto Rico, as well as the vulnerability to hurricanes and tropical storms have historically subjected these areas to flooding.
One of the primary missions of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is to support flood risk management activities of communities in both urban and rural areas throughout the United States. The goal of the Corps Flood Risk Management mission is to reduce flood risk by saving lives and reducing property damage in the event of floods and coastal storms.
The Jacksonville District continues to manage flood risks throughout Florida and Puerto Rico. A great example is the Rio Puerto Nuevo project in Puerto Rico. This multi-year, multi-contract flood control project continues to protect 7,500 families and over 700 public, private and commercial facilities in the San Juan metropolitan area.
In South Florida, the Herbert Hoover Dike continues to protect thousands of residents and businesses that live and work around Lake Okeechobee.