Construction Management Branch

The branch is responsible for staff actions related to:

  • Performing all internal administrative functions of Construction Branch not specifically assigned elsewhere
  • Maintaining liaison for Construction Branch among all construction field offices, various elements of the District, higher authorities and user organizations
  • Monitoring construction activities to ensure that authorized funds are not exceeded
  • Preparing estimates, recording funds requests and programming construction on civil and military projects pertinent to Construction Division
  • Reviewing and processing construction contract payment estimates
  • Performing studies and advance planning to ascertain that jobs are properly staffed and that they do not exceed S&I funds available
  • Preparing revised cost estimates on civil construction, pertinent to Construction Division
  • Assisting in expediting delivery of materials, preparing progress reports, processing directives and initiating requests for directive modifications and transfer of new construction to the using service for civil works and military construction
  • Preparing and distributing construction progress reports on all ongoing civil and construction contracts
  • Preparing annual and monthly forecasts of estimated construction work placed and payments to contractor; monitoring performance against estimates; analyzing placement vs. estimates and furnishing recommendations/explanations of major differences

Contact Information

Construction Management Branch

701 San Marco Blvd
Jacksonville, FL  32207