Acronym List
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- 8A: Small Business Contract Award
- 8.5 SMA: 8.5 Square Mile Area (Las Palmas Community protected by levees West of Miami & East of ENP)
- 203 – Report to Congress
- 216 – Paragraph referring to a re-study of the Resiliency Central and Southern Florida Project
- 404 – USACE Regulation
- 408 – USACE Regulation
- ACSIM – Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management
- ACSIM: Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management
- ACO: Administrative Contracting Officer (Contracting Officer Category-Construction Contracting)
- ADA: Anti-Deficiency Act
- ADR: Alternate Dispute Resolution (contract dispute resolution option)
- ADR: Alternate Dispute Resolution
- A-E: Architectural - Engineer Firm
- AED: Assistant Executive Director (SFWMD)
- AERC: A-E Responsibility Coordinator (used in A/E liability cases)
- Alpha: negotiation in progress, contractor gives ideas to expedite process, aka: sole source
- AM&R: Annual, Maintenance & Repair (Costs)
- ARIMS: Army Records Information Management System
- ASA: Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works)
- ASR: Aquifer Storage & Recovery (Wells)
- ATR: Agency Technical Review
- ATR: Above Threshold Reprogramming
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- BBCW: Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands
- BBSEER: Biscayne Bay Southeastern Everglades Ecosystem Restoration
- BBTF: Biscayne Bay Task Force (Miami-Dade Co)
- BCNP: Big Cypress National Preserve
- BCWPA: Broward County Water Preserve Areas
- BO: Biological Opinion
- BOD: Beneficial Occupancy Date
- BCD: Basic Change Document
- BCOES: Bid ability, Constructability, Operability, Environmental and Sustainability (Review)
- BCOEC: Bid ability, Constructability, Operability, Environmental and Certification (Review)
- BMAP: Basin Management Action Plan
- BMP: Best Management Practice (Agricultural management practice for water quality)
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- CADD: Computer Aided Design Drafting
- CCC: Continuing Contract Clause (Appropriations)
- CCD: Construction Completion Date
- CEFMS: Corps of Engineers Financial Management System
- CEMRS: Corps of Engineers Manpower Requirements
- CEPP: Central Everglades Planning Project (divided into North, South, EAA and New Water)
- CERP: Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan
- CFS: Cubic Feet per Second (Hydraulics and Hydrology)
- CHNEP: Coastal & Heartland National Estuary Partnership
- CLIN: Contract Line Item Number
- COD: Contracting Officer Decisions (Contracting)
- CICA: Competition in Contracting Act (Contracting- 1APR1985)
- C/O: Change Order
- CONOP: Construction Operations
- COE: Corps of Engineers
- COR: Contracting Officer Representative (Construction Contracting)
- COS: Centers of Standardization
- CICA: Competition in Contracting Act
- CQC: Contractor Quality Control
- CSB: Construction Support Branch
- CS&F: Central and Southern Florida Project (Authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1930)
- CRF: Change Request Form
- CWE: Current Working Estimate (Includes, Construction Contract, S&A, A-E, Contingency)
- CWR: Clean Water Rule (Jun 2015)
- CWRB: Crude Work Review Board
- CWUP: Civilian Workload Utilization Plan
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- DASB: District Acquisition Strategy Board
- DAWIA: Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (Contracting Certification & Training 1OCT1993)
- D-B: Design Build (Acquisition Strategy)
- D-B-B: Design-Bid-Build (Acquisition Strategy)
- DCC: Deputy Chief of Contracting
- DDC: Design During Construction
- DEAR: Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration (Florida DEP)
- DEP: Department of Environmental Protection (Florida State Level)
- D&F: Determination and Finding (Contracting)
- DFARS: DoD Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (Contracting)
- DLA: Defense Logistics Agency
- DHA: Direct Hiring Authority
- DMSTA: Dynamic Model Storm-water Treatment Area
- DNF: Determination of Findings (Contracting)
- DOC: Director of Contracting
- DOI: Department of the Interior
- DOJ: Department of Justice
- DOR: Designer of Record
- DPNR: Department of Planning and Natural Resources (Virgin Islands)
- DQC: District Quality Control
- DQCM: Design Quality Control Manager
- DQCP: Design Quality Control Plan (United Faculties Guide Specifications July 2015)
- DSAC: Dam Safety Action Classification (1-5 Classification)
- DSPMT: Dam Safety Program Management Tools
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- EAA: Everglades Agricultural Area
- EA: Economic Analysis (Document submitted w/ DD 1391 describing cost of alternative options)
- ECB: Existing Condition Baseline
- ECC: Estimated Construction Cost
- ECI: Engineering Considerations and Instructions
- ECU: Environmental Control Unit
- EDR: Engineer Documentation Report with FONSI
- EF: Everglades Foundation (non-governmental organization)
- EIS: Environmental Impact Statement
- EMCS: Energy Management Control Systems
- ENP: Everglades National Park
- EQS: Environmental Quality Standards???
- ERDC: Engineer Research and Development Center
- ERP: Environmental Resource Permit (SFWMD / FDEP)
- ERTP: Everglades Restoration Transition Plan
- E&S: Energy and Sustainability
- ESA: Endangered Species Act
- ESIT: Everglades Strategic Issue Tracker
- ESP: Environmental Special Projects
- ETL: Engineer Technical Lead
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- FACA: Federal Advisory Committee Act (Passed in 1972)
- FAR: Federal Acquisition Regulation (Contracting)
- FBR: Fully Burdened Rate
- FCC: Florida Conservation Coalition
- FCCE: Flood Control and Coastal Emergency
- FDACS: Florida Department of Agriculture & Commerce
- FEB: Flow Equalization Basin (SFWMD’s Holding Reservoirs by STAs and Canals)
- FEM: Facilities, Equipment, and Maintenance
- FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency
- FFP: Firm Fixed Price (Contract Type-Governments’ most preferred)
- FLMS: Florida Lake Management Society
- FONSI: Finding of No Significant Impact (Elevation)
- FP&L: Florida Power and Light (South Florida Electric Utility)
- FPT: Functional Performance Testing (Commissioning)
- FRM: Flood Risk Management
- FRR: Facility, Repair, and Renovation
- FUDS: Formerly Used Defense Site (Military Ecological Cleanup)
- FWCC: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
- FWI: Funded Work Item (Resource Management)
- (US) FWS: US Department of Fish and Wildlife Service
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- G2G: Government to Government (US with Native American Tribes)
- GFP: Government Provided Equipment
- G&A: General Administration
- GOA: Government Accounting Office
- GY: Guidance Year
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- HAB: Harmful Algal Bloom
- HABITATS: Harmful Algal Bloom Interception, Treatment and Transformation System
- HCA: Head of Contracting Activity
- HERO: Heritage & Environmental Resources Office (Tribes)
- HH: Hydraulics and Hydrology
- HMTF: Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund (Appropriations by Congress with
- HTRW: Hazardous, Toxic, Radioactive Waste
- H&H – Hydrology and Hydraulics
- HMGP – Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
- HQ – Headquarters
- HUD – U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
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- IAR: Implemental Adaptive Restoration
- ICC – Increased Cost of Compliance
- ICW – Inspection of Completed Works
- IDIQ: Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (Contract Type)
- IDR:
- IDS: Integrate Delivery Schedule
- IDT:
- IFRMC – Intergovernmental Flood Risk Management Committee
- IGE: Independent Government Estimate
- IH: Industrial Hygienist
- IFP: Invitation for Bid (lowest bid is awarded)
- IMD: Integrated Manning Document
- INAV: Inland Navigation
- IRL-S: Indian River Lagoon (South)
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- J&A: Justification & Approval
- JOC: Job Order Contract
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- KO: Contracting Officer
- KOSEBCC: Kissimmee-Okeechobee-Everglades-Big Cypress Coordination Team (FWC)
- KRR: Kissimmee River Restoration
- KTR: Contractor
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- LCCA: Life Cycle Cost Analysis
- LECSA: Lower East Coast Service Area
- LID: Low Impact Development
- LKB: Lower Kissimmee Basin
- LONIN: Lake Okeechobee Net Inflow Forecast
- LOOPS: Lake Okeechobee Operations Screening –Modeling software for lake levels
- LORS: Lake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule (as of 2008)
- LOSA: Lower Okeechobee Service Area
- LOSOM: Lake Okeechobee System Operation Manual
- LOWRP: Lake Okeechobee Watershed Restoration Plan
- LPTA: Low Price Technically Acceptable
- LRWRP: Loxahatchee River Watershed Restoration Project
- LSAC: Levee Safety Action Classification
- LTM: Long Term Monitoring
- LOMA – Letter of map amendment
- LOMC – Letter of Map Change
- LOMR – Letter of Map Revision
- LOMR-F – Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill
- LRR – Limited Re-evaluation Report
- LSO – Levee Safety Officer
- LSPM – Levee Safety Program Manager
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- MATOC: Multiple Award Task Order Contract
- MCA: Military Construction- Army
- MFL: Minimum Flow Level
- MGD: Million Gallons per Day
- MILCON: Military Construction
- MIPR: Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request
- MTIOF: Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida (or MToIoF)
- MWD: Modified Waters Deliveries (Restore water flow to NE Shark River Slough)
- MX: Maintenance
- MDCP – Maintenance Deficient Correction Program
- MIP – Mapping Information Platform
- MNUSS – Map Needs Update Support System
- MSC – Major Subordinate Command
- MSC – Map Service Center
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- NAD: National Inventory Dams
- NEEPP: Northern Everglades & Estuaries Protection Program
- NEPA: National Environmental Policy Act (a process to follow for projects)
- NFPA: National Fire Protection Association
- NPS: National Park Service
- NTP: Notice to Proceed
- NTE: Not to Exceed
- NAFSMA – National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies
- NCLS – National Committee on Levee Safety
- NEMA – National Emergency Managers Association
- NFHL – National Flood Hazard Layer
- NFIP – National Flood Insurance Program
- NFIRA – National Flood Insurance Reform Act 1994
- NFPC – National Flood Proofing Committee
- NFRMP – National Flood Risk Management Program
- NGO – Non-Governmental Organization
- NHMA – Natural Hazard Mitigation Association
- NMFS – National Marine Fisheries Service
- NOAA – National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
- NRCS – Natural Resources Conservation Service
- NWS – National Weather Service
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- OAWP: Office of Agricultural Water Policy (FDACS Agency – Chris Pettit)
- OBR: On-Board Review
- O&M RRR – Repair, Reusable, & Replacement
- OERI: Office of Everglades Restoration Initiatives (DOI Agency – Adam Gelber)
- O&M: Operations and Maintenance
- OTMP: Operational Testing Monitoring Phase
- OWW: Okeechobee Waterway
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- P2: COE PM software (formerly known as promise)
- PA: Program Amount & Programmatic Agreement
- PAB: Program Advisory Board
- PACES: Parametric Cost Estimation System
- PACR: Post Authorization Change Report
- PARCs: Principal Assistants Responsible for Contracting (Contracting)
- PBC: Palm Beach County
- PCF: Paperless Contract File (Contracting)
- PCO: Procurement Contracting Officer (Contracting Officer Category)
- PDA: Preliminary Damage Assessments
- P&D: Program and Design
- PDBP: Project Delivery Business Process
- PDR: Parametric Design Report (Charrette prior to MILCON 1391 submittal)
- PDT: Project Delivery Team
- PED: Pre-Construction & Engineering Design
- PIR: Project Implementation Reports (Bridge the gap between conceptual design and detailed design required for construction of CERP)
- PM: Performance Measure
- PM-M: Project Management, Military
- PPMD: Projects and Program Management Division
- PPM-E: Projects and Program Management Ecosystem (Branch)
- PO: Project Order
- POM: Pre-Objective Memorandum (Negotiations plan done with Contracting & PM)
- POM: Project Operations Manuals
- POM: Program Objective Memorandum
- POR: Period of Record
- PPA: Project Partnership Agreement
- PPCA: Pre- Project Partnership Agreement
- PNM: Pre-Negotiation Memorandum (Contracting)
- PRB: Project Review Board (District level review of all of Programs and individual Projects)
- PSRP: Picayune Strand Restoration Project (West of Big Cyprus National Preserve, FL)
- PTC: Potential Tropical Cyclone
- PTL: Project Technical Lead
- PVT: Performance Verification Testing
- P.A.L. – Provisionally Accredited Levee
- P.L. – Public Law
- PAC – Post Authorization Change
- PAS – Planning Assistance to States
- PCA – Project Cooperation Agreement
- PGL – Planning Guidance Letter
- PgMP – Program Management Plan
- PIR – Project Information Report
- PM – Project Manager
- PM – FEMA Procedure Memorandum
- PMP – Project Management Plan
- PMR – Physical Map Revision
- PPA – Project Partnership Agreement
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- QA: Quality Assurance
- QAR: Quality Assurance Representative (or Reports—pending context)
- QAL: Quarterly Agency Leaders meeting (SAJ, SFWMD, DOI, ENP & FWS Directors)
- QC: Quality Control
- QCS: Quality Control System
- QET: Quarterly Executive Team meeting (SAJ CDR and SFMWD Director & Staff)
- QMS: Quality Management System (Construction Quality Tracking Tool)
- QQTD: Quality, Quantity, Timing and Distribution (Terms to think of water in S. Florida)
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- R&D: Research and Development
- RDT&E: Research, Development, Test and Evaluation
- REA: Request for Equitable Adjustment
- REAT: Regional Environmental Acquisition Tool (SAD- Shared amongst the Division)
- RFP: Request for Purchase
- RMS: Resident Management System (Construction Tracking Tool)
- ROD: Record of Decision (NEPA & Agency Reviews)
- ROM: Rough Order of Magnitude
- RSM: Reservoir Sediment Management
- RTA: Ready to Advertise
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- S&A: Supervision and Administration
- SACS: South Atlantic Coastal Study
- SAD: South Atlantic Division
- SAJ: South Atlantic Jacksonville (District)
- SAM: South Atlantic Mobile (District)
- SAS: South Atlantic Savannah (District)
- SATOC: Service Award Task Order Contract
- SAW: South Atlantic Wilmington (District)
- SBA: Small Business Advisor
- SCCF: Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (Fort Meyers, FL)
- SCR: Special Contract Requirements
- SFER: South Florida Ecosystem Restoration
- SFNRC: South Florida Natural Resources Center (Part of ENP)
- SFWMD: South Florida Water Management District (known as “the District”)
- SJRWMD: Saint John’s River Water Management District (NE FL)
- SFRPC: South Florida Regional Planning Council
- SLR: Sea Level Rise
- SOM: System Operating Manuel (i.e.: Lake O, Kissimmee, Chain of lakes)
- SLE: Saint Lucie Estuary (C-44, East Coast, Stuart, FL)
- SRM: Sustainment, Restoration, and Modernization
- SSEB: Source Selection Evaluation Board
- STA: Storm water Treatment Area
- STOF: Seminole Tribe of Florida
- SWFP: Southwest Protection Feature (Levees, dykes and canals in PSRP)
- SWIF: System Wide Improvement ?
- SWPP: Storm Water Prevention Plan (part of the construction)
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- TO: Task Order
- TOC: Technical Oversight Committee (Refers to exceedance oversight by the Stat
- TCO: Terminating Contracting Officer (Typically the ACOs role-Contracting Officer Category)
- TMDL: Total Maximum Daily Load (nutrient load in parts per million in metric tons)
- THPO: Tribal Historic Preservation Office
- TPP: Tribal Partnership Program
- TSP: Tentatively Selected Plan
- TTNS: Tamiami Trail Next Steps
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- UCO: Unpriced Change Order (Contracting/Construction)
- UFC: Unified Facilities Criteria (Construction)
- UFGS: United Faculties Guide Specifications (USACE Quality Control Guiding Document)
- USACE: United States Army Corps of Engineers
- USC: United States Code (Law)
- UAI: USACE Acquisition Instruction (Contracting)
- USDA – U.S. Department of Agriculture
- USFWS – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- USGS – U.S. Geological survey
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- VE: Value Engineering
- VECP: Value Engineering Contract Proposal (Contractor proposal to save time &/or money)
- VEQ: Variation in Estimated Quantities (Construction Contracting Clause)
- VITEMA: Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency
- VTC – Video teleconferencing
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- WCA: Water Conservation Areas
- WCP: Water Control Plans
- WCM: Water Control Manuals
- WERP: Western Everglades Restoration Plan
- WG/SCG: Work Group / Science Coordination Group
- WIK: Work in Kind (for cost share w/non-fed Sponsors/partners)
- WMA: Workface Management Analysis
- WODNS: Waters of the United States
- WQBEL: water quality based effluent limitation (In reference to discharges from STA, WCAs)
- WRAC: Water Resources Accountability and Collaboration Forum (FWC)
- WRDA: Water Resources and Development Act
- WRRDA: Water Resources Reform and Development Act (Every two years, even years)
- WWP: Workload & Workforce Planning
- WY: Water Year
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