Port Everglades Navigation Improvement Project - IWG Meeting List - 2018

Date  Meeting Subject  Location Goals/Objectives/Materials 
January 30, 2018                             Modeling and Mitigation                                              Teleconference                                          

Scientifically defensible decisions which meet project and regulatory agency requirements. No formal Requests for Additional Information (RAI) once permit application and BiologicCommon understanding of Particle Tracking Model Inputs and outputs with the goal of “Will the outputs provide the information needed by the Regulatory agencies, (including informing minimization of dredging and furthest extent that sediment will travel) to fulfill their regulatory responsibilities. “

  1. Agenda
  2. Meeting Summary
  3. Presentation - Model Capabilities 
March 2, 2018 Modeling Teleconference

Common understanding of Particle Tracking Model Inputs and outputs with the goal of “Will the outputs provide the information needed by the Regulatory agencies, (including informing minimization of dredging and furthest extent that sediment will travel) to fulfill their regulatory responsibilities. “

  1. Agenda
  2. Meeting Summary
  3. Presentation - Nearshore Disposal of fine-grained Sediment in a High-Energy Environment
March 7, 2018 Mitigation Teleconference

Reach agreement on anticipated project impacts on mangroves and seagrasses. * Develop a common understanding of the proposed mangrove and seagrass mitigation proposal and current status of mitigation work. * Identify any needed additional information to allow agency evaluation of mangrove and seagrass mitigation proposal.

  1. Agenda
  2. Meeting Summary
  3. SFWMD WLP Ledger
  4. USACE WLP Ledger
April 20, 2018 Project Update Teleconference

To formally propose a regulatory approach with the goal of providing reasonable assurances on minimizing project impacts and mitigating direct and indirect impacts.

  1. Meeting Notes Final
  2. Index of PENIP Supplemental Information 
  3. PE Minimization Techniques Analysis - Draft
  4. 2018 PE Function Assessment Assumptions
  5. Presentation - IWG Minimization and Modeling Update 
June 1, 2018 Follow-up to April 20th meeting Teleconference

Review and response to comments received from IWG in reference to the April 27, 2018 webinar.

  1. Agenda
  2. Comments from April 20th Meeting
  3. Meeting Notes Final
June 15, 2018 Review of project habitat map and update of draft monitoring plan Teleconference

Port Everglades Updated Reef Map (aka Modified Walker Map, Benthic Habitat Map) discussion and path forward to provide confidence in mapping results; update on proposed changes to the Draft Monitoring Plan.

  1. Agenda
  2. Meeting Notes Final
  3. PE Phase 2 BAG North Map
  4. PE Phase 2 BAG South Map
  5. PE Phase 2 Nearshore North Map 
  6. PE Phase 2 Additional Groundtruthing Recommended Map
  7. Reef RECON Relocated Transects Map
  8. FDEP Comments on PE Updated Reef Map Technical Memo
August 21, 2018 Industry Day   Presentation - Port Everglades Navigation Improvement Project Broward County, FL
August 29, 2018 IWG Meeting Meeting/Teleconference

Update to the IWG on the current project schedule. * Understanding of the Seagrass Survey protocol based on IWG questions and a pathforward to adopt the 2016 Seagrass Survey. * Overview of the Benthic Habitat Map revisions and path forward to adoption of theMap for use by the IWG. * Understanding of the recently released minimization efforts to reduce project impacts and results of the Corps’ Industry Day scheduled for August 21st. * Scheduling webinars to address recently released Particle Tracking Model Results and Mangrove impacts/Environmentally Friendly Bulkhead.

  1. Agenda 
  2. Meeting Notes Final
  3. Presentation 
September 19, 2018 Environmentally Friendly Bulkhead Teleconference
  1. Meeting Summary Final
  2. DEP Bulkhead Comments
  3. Florida FWC Bulkhead Comments
  4. Permeability Values
September 25, 2018 Monthly IWG Meeting Teleconference

* Review and summary of the Particle Tracking Model Report and how the Corps plans to utilize the data. * Corps minimization measures: Overview of IWG preliminary comments and method of Corps response.* Overview of upcoming meetings and expected request for comments in October.

  1. Agenda
  2. Meeting Notes Final
October 10-11, 2018  Technical sub-team monitoring plan workshop Workshop (2 days)

1. Agree on the specific goals for each monitoring event (pre, during and post-construction) and best methods to collect the data.  
2. Identify specific protocols to be used for each survey, define the timing and sampling locations for surveys.
3. Determine most effective approach (es) to reduce time lag of data output and speed up communication process between contractors, USACE and IWG during construction.
4. Review DEP’s proposed biological monitoring methods for the project and identify areas where USACE is considering supplementing these with additional monitoring (water quality/instrumentation).

  1. Agenda
  2. Diagram - Blending Water Quality and Biological Monitoring  

October 23-24, 2018

Technical sub-team monitoring plan workshop Workshop (two days)

1.Agree on the specific goals for each monitoring event (pre, during and post-construction) andbest methods to collect the data.
2.Identify specific protocols to be used for each survey, define the timing and samplinglocations for surveys.
3.Determine most effective approach (es) to reduce time lag of data output and speed upcommunication process between contractors, USACE and IWG during construction.
4.Review DEP’s proposed biological monitoring methods for the project and identify areaswhere USACE is considering supplementing these with additional monitoring (water quality/instrumentation) to address lessons learned in Miami
5.Identify what each agency’s objectives are for the data generated by the monitoring plan.

  1. Agenda
  2. Meeting Notes Final
  3. Diagram - Communication 
  4. Presentation 
October 30, 2018 Monthly IWG Meeting Teleconference

Convene the monthly meeting of the IWG to discuss environmental activities, scheduling and any other items of interest to the IWG.

  1. Meeting Notes Final
  2. Task Summary

Contact Information: 904-232-1817 or CESAJ-PortEverglades@usace.army.mil