2019 Everglades Health Report Card

This report card evaluates Everglades ecohealth from 2013 – 2017. Overall the Everglades are in moderate health, scoring 43%. Here is the regional breakdown:

  • Northern Estuaries: 58% (fair)
  • Lake Okeechobee: 44% (fair)
  • Greater Everglades: 52% (fair)
  • Southern Coastal Systems: 38% (poor)

Color-coded scores: Red = 0-20% Very poor. Orange = 20-40% Poor. Yellow = 40-60% Fair. Light Green = 60-80% Good. Dark Green = 80-100% Very Good.


Click the  link to view the report card and the methodology report that explains how the grades were determined.

This report card provides a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed assessment of health of the Florida Everglades using data from May 1, 2012–April 30, 2017 (Water Years 2013–2017). This report card was produced by RECOVER (REstoration COordination and VERification) and the Integration and Application Network, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, and was released in March 2019. The data and methods underpinning this report card represent the collective effort of many individuals and organizations working within the Everglades scientific and management community.


Additional RECOVER Info

  1. System Status Reports
  2. Adaptive Management
  3. Assistance to Projects
  4. Conceptual Ecological Models
  5. Interim Goals & Targets
  6. RECOVER Team
  7. RECOVER Lake Okeechobee Stage Performance Measure
  8. RECOVER Northern Estuaries Draft Salinity Envelope Performance Measure
  9. Monitoring & Assessment Plan (page under construction)
  10. Performance Measures
    • Greater Everglades PM Docs
    • Lake Okeechobee Watershed PM Docs (page under construction)
    • Northern Estuaries PM Docs (page under construction)
    • Southern Coastal Systems PM Docs (page under construction)
    • System-wide PM Docs (page under construction)
    • Total System PM Docs (page under construction)
    • Water Supply and Flood Protection PM Docs (page under construction)
  11. Recover Reviews (page under construction)
  12. System-wide Modeling (page under construction)