Real Estate Division

The Jacksonville District Real Estate Division acquires, manages and disposes of land and interests in land to support District programs and projects. We are involved in both Civil Works and Military projects in Florida, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The Real Estate Division is a full service organization, with capability to plan, map, appraise, negotiate and close a transaction. We also provide support to other Federal Agencies as requested.      Contact Info

904-232-3070  (Jacksonville District) (Antilles Office)

Acquisition Branch

The Acquisition Branch engages in various duties related to the acquisition of real property for the District, Civil Works and Local Cooperation Projects and for the Military.

Employees & Organization — The Acquisition Branch is currently divided into three programs. The programs are: Military and Civil Inleasing; Federal Acquisition; and Civil Works.

Military & Civil Inleasing — Responsible for acquisition by lease of recruiting facilities and housing for the U.S. Armed Forces Recruiting Commands; acquisition of property for the U.S. Army Reserves, the National Guard, other sections/branches of the Department of the Army and for the acquisition of property by lease for the various elements of the Jacksonville District for District operations.

Federal Acquistion — Responsible for any direct Federal acquisition of real estate interests in property required to support full federal projects such as Modified Water Deliveries to the Everglades National Park Project and IWW Palm Valley Bridge Replacement Project. In the event project sponsors contract with COE to acquire lands required to support civil works projects on their behalf, this group will manage the program.

Civil Works —- Serves a point of contact for Real Estate Division for all civil works/local cooperation project activities coordinating with other RE Branches, District elements and project sponsors. The Realty Specialists (RS) in this group coordinate with and task other Real Estate Branches for data to be included in cost estimates, schedules, Project Study Plans, Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreements, Real Estate Appendix for feasibility/DPR/DM documents, Property Boundary Maps for Puerto Rico Projects, etc. Secures or coordinates rights-of-entry for survey and core borings as needed. After PCA is executed, works with Project Management and project sponsor to secure lands needed to support the project. RS monitors status of acquisition and provides guidance and assistance to project sponsor as needed.

Appraisal Branch

The Appraisal Branch supports the Real Estate Division in providing estimates of value for planning purposes or the acquisition of real estate.

Appraisal tasks include civil works and military projects, including shore protection, flood control, land exchanges, environmental projects and benefit studies. We also provide appraisal services for two other agencies.

Responsibilities include providing scopes of work to be performed by contract appraiser. We provide cost estimates for renovations for existing leased space as well as estimates for housing or disposal of excess property.

Responsible for the review of all local sponsors' appraisals for crediting. Our appraisers are State Certified, well trained, diverse and very competent for various appraisal tasks.

Management & Appraisal Branch

The Management and Disposal Branch is responsible for issuing and managing all outgrants authorizing others to use Army-controlled real property for a variety of Congressionally authorized purposes. Identifies and resolves all encroachments by others on too Government property. Handles the excessing and disposal of all civil and military real property interests no longer needed by the Army. Coordinates real estate support for other agencies, including Environmental Protection Agency Superfund Projects and emergency response actions by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Relocation assistance pursuant to the Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, including both residential and business relocations as well as review of local sponsors'requests for crediting for payment of relocation benefits.

Planning & Control Branch

Planning and Control Branch (P&C) of Real Estate Division has four major functions:

1.       Managing and Controlling Funds
2.       Mapping
3.       Maintaining Historical Files, Documents & Maps
4.       Real Property Management.

Planning and Control Branch prepares the various budgets required to manage and distribute the financial resources necessary to execute the mission and programs of Real Estate Division. This includes monitoring and revising subject budgets and funds to reflect the changes that occur. The various types of funds are monitored throughout their monetary cycle for proper distribution and use.

Mapping — The mapping functions include creating maps, legal descriptions, requesting and reviewing surveys and other related material on a project for planning, acquisition, management, disposal, and audit of lands and interest in lands acquired by the Corps of Engineers . CADD and GIS are the primary tools used to create maps and prepare acreage data. These tools facilitate the mapping process and offer a means by which data can be updated in a timely fashion. The maps and information generated are used for reports and presentations as a visual representation of each project.

Audit — Another function is to prepare an audit record for each real estate interest in property that the District acquires to support the various projects. These audits contain legal documents and records that are required to reflect the interest in each project. These records are maintained permanently or as long as the government has an interest in said property.

Real Property Management —- Maintains an inventory of all real estate under the Districts' control. Responsible for the real property reconciliation with Resource Management required by the Chief Financial Officers' Act.

Planning and Control provides information to the public about the status of lands within our projects and provides maps and other data to assist them when they have questions concerning the government's interest in designated areas.