The responsibilities of the Geology and Exploration Section are:
Performing reconnaissance studies and detailed geologic investigations for navigation, beach nourishment, ground water resources and Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR). Support others in the development of exploration plans and analysis for flood control projects.
Planning and conducting subsurface investigations for canals, navigation and jetties, maintenance dredging and beach restoration projects. Maintaining state-of-the-art investigative, exploration procedures and techniques.
Hydrogeologic studies and investigations including development and review of well designs and locations.
Planning and performing aquifer tests and other analyses to evaluate hydrologic characteristics for groundwater production (supply), de-watering and aquifer storage and recovery. Preparing simple to complex analytical groundwater models to evaluate effects of storage, pumping, recharge and storage, etc.
Planning and development of hydrogeologic models for use by others in the modeling of the regional interaction of surface and ground waters.
Analyzing rock stability and designing rock reinforcement.
Establishing and investigating quarry sites for embankment material, riprap, rock-fills, gabions and concrete aggregate.
Investigations of foundation rock for rock-fill dams, concrete dams and tunnels. Geologic mapping of project sites and detailed mapping of foundation rock.
Design of grouting operations for seepage control through deep foundation rock and/or soil.
Design of grouting operations for concrete control structures, levees and sand-tightening jetties.
Preparing portions of feasibility reports, design documentation reports, plans, specifications and other technical reports pertaining to geologic investigations.
Coordinating core drill party activities for Government and contract crews.
Establishing laboratory rock and sediment testing programs for substantiating rock strength parameters and sediment characteristics for engineering design.
Evaluating rock and sand sources for construction and beach restoration projects. Coordinating studies with other Federal and state agencies.