USACE announces public comment on proposed C-43 West Basin Reservoir Alum Treatment System pursuant to Section 408
Aerial location map of the C-43 West Basin Storage Reservoir
C-43 West Basin Storage Reservoir S-470 pump station where the alum injection system is proposed to be installed
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Jacksonville District announces a 30-day public comment period for the Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the approval of construction of an aluminum sulfate (alum) treatment system during the construction of the authorized C-43 West Basin Storage Reservoir (WBSR) in Hendry County, Florida. The Corps is evaluating the request from the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) to modify the C-43 WBSR Federal Civil Works project pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 408.
Comments are due June 5, 2023.
Due to concerns stemming from increased harmful algal blooms resulting from operation of the C-43 Basin, Executive Order 19-12, issued on January 10, 2019, directed the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to “work with the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) to add a stormwater treatment component to the C-43 Reservoir to provide additional treatment and improve the quality of water leaving this important storage component” of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). In response, a reservoir water quality treatment system at the S-470 pump station has been proposed.
In 2020, the SFWMD conducted the C-43 Water Quality Feasibility Study and identified alum treatment as the most cost-effective treatment technology for reducing phosphorous concentrations and improving water quality for water releases from the C-43 WBSR. It was determined that in-reservoir treatment using an inline injection of the alum had substantial water quality benefits and was compatible with the existing C-43 WBSR project compared to post-reservoir treatment of the reservoir outflow. Therefore, the proposed water quality treatment feature is an in-reservoir alum injection system that would be installed at the inflow of the C-43 WBSR. Though water quality improvement is not a project purpose, the potential exists for the reservoir to provide benefits from long-term nutrient (i.e., phosphorus and nitrogen) removal.
Inline injection of alum during reservoir filling is expected to be useful in suppressing potential nuisance algal growth within the reservoir while optimizing performance of the reservoir. A key advantage of the in-reservoir alum treatment system is its ability to be designed and constructed concurrently with construction of the C-43 WBSR. The in-reservoir alum treatment system proved to be the most cost-effective option that reduced nutrients and improved the quality of water leaving the C-43 WBSR to the Caloosahatchee River and its downstream estuary, while maintaining the current C-43 WBSR construction, design, schedule, and project purpose.
The Draft EA and Proposed FONSI evaluate the environmental effects of approving the construction of the proposed inline alum treatment system as part of the C-43 WBSR under the Corps Section 408 authority and are available for review at the links below (note: it may take a few minutes to download some of the documents due to the large file size):
Section 408 Review of the Caloosahatchee River (C-43) West Basin Storage Reservoir - Reservoir Alum Treatment Project
Draft Environmental Assessment and Proposed FONSI
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Notice of Availability
Please submit comments on the Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and Proposed FONSI via email to (recommended subject: “Section 408 C-43 WBSR Alum EA Comments”) by June 5, 2023.