Environmental Compliance

 For Environmental Documents (Planning Reports, EAs, EISs, Public Notices, etc.) click HERE

Other Locations



District Wide



Multiple Counties



Puerto Rico



US Virgin Islands


Palm Beach








Indian River

St. Johns



St. Lucie








  Environmental Resource Permit 8 May 2018

County/ Project




Other Locations

Kings Bay, Camden County, GA

DA 103 Modification and EPA Concurrence Letter.

10 Oct 2022


NSB Kings Bay Georgia Department of Natural Resources Water Quality Certification SAS-2005-01790

29 Feb 2024  

Georgia Department of Natural Resources Federal Consistency Certification

5 March 2024


Department of the Army Permit SAS-2005-01790

5 April 2024  

KBEC Georgia Department of Natural Resources Water Quality Certification SAJ-1992-01854

5 June 2024  

District Wide

Interagency Coordination Agreement

Florida DEP and Corps (Jacksonville and Mobile Districts)

28 Feb 2006

All Dredging Projects

Vessel General Permit for Discharges Incidental to the Normal Operation of Vessels (VGP)

19 Dec 2013  

Multiple Counties

Kissimmee River Restoration

Contract 12

7 Nov 2011
8 Apr 2015

  Reach 2 Backfill, Contract 10 8 Dec 2015  
  C-37 Embankment Armoring, Contract 2B2 15 July 2016  


Contract 10B, Backfill MacArthur Ditch

6 Jun 2013

  S-69 U-Shaped Weir, Contract 12A 8 Mar 2011  

Herbert Hoover Dike

Replace Culverts 1, 1A, and 3

19 July, 2011
23 May 2013



Replace Culverts 4a, 11, 16

27 Jun 2011
23 May 2016



Replace Culverts 8 and 13

26 Jul 2013

  Replace Culverts 2, 12A, and HP-2 2 May 2014  
  Replace Culvert 10A with water control struct S-271 29 Apr 2015  

Gulf Intracoastal Waterway

Longboat Pass to Sunshine Skyway

14 Nov 2011


Upper St. Johns (Noticed General Permit, Brevard and Indian River Counties)

St. John’s Marsh Conservation Area, St. John’s Water Management Area, Three Forks Marsh Conservation Area, C-1 canal and retention areas, Fellsmere Water Management Area, and Blue Cypress marsh Conservation Area

Three Forks, 3 Cultural Resource Protection Features, Ring Levees, Brevard County, Florida

11 Dec 2012

Stormwater Treatement Areas (STAs) 1 through 6 Everglades Forever Act Permit 10 Sep 2012  

Puerto Rico

San Juan Harbor Navigaton Project Mitigation, WQC 14 Jan 2015  
Rio Puerto Nuevo Flood Risk Management Project Water Quality Certification
English Translation
11 Jun 1993
11 Jun 1993
San Juan Harbor Navigation Project

DA Permit, Panamerican Pier

DA Permit, Pier 1 

DA Permit, Pier 3

DA Permit, Pier 4

DA Permit, Piers 11, 12, 13, 14 

DA Permit, Piers A-O, Puerto Nuevo Cargo Terminals

18 April 2023

18 April 2023

14 Oct 2022

14 Oct 2022

20 Oct 2022

14 Oct 2022


Water Quality Certificate

EPA Concurrence

Water Quality Certificate

Conditional Waiver to the Water Quality Certificate

31 July 1979

14 Apr 2022

2 Feb 2022

17 Apr 2022


Caño Martin Peña Ecosystem Restoration

Water Quality Certificate 15 Mar 2017  

US Virgin Islands






U.S. Navy, Canaveral Harbor Dredging

Dept of Army Permit 23 Aug 2021
Canaveral Harbor O&M Joint Coastal Permit 15 Jan 2010  
  Variance, Turbidity and Mixing Zone 15 Jan 2010  
  Modification 005, Add Barge Canal, Zones 4, 13, 14 17 June 2010  

Modification 009, Deepening Configuration and Time Extension

8 March 2019 Nov 2018
Canaveral Harbor Sand Bypass Joint Coastal Permit
Physical Monitoring Plan
Sediment QAQC Plan

12 June 2015
7 Nov 2014
Nov 2014

Dec 2014

Upper St. Johns (Noticed General Permit, Brevard and Indian River Counties)
St. John’s Marsh Conservation Area, St. John’s Water Management Area, Three Forks Marsh Conservation Area, C-1 canal and retention areas, Fellsmere Water Management Area, and Blue Cypress marsh Conservation Area

Three Forks, 3 Cultural Resource Protection Features, Ring Levees, Brevard County, Florida

11 Dec 2012


Brevard County Shore Protection Project

North Reach Permits and Mods

20 March 2015




North Reach Sediment QA QC Plan

09 May 2014



South Reach Permits and Mods

12 Jun 2017



South Reach Sediment QA QC Plan

01 Nov 2016


First Amendment to BOEM Negotiated Agreement No. OCS-A 0526

Mid Reach and South Reach 2023 Executed BOEM MOA OCS-A 0554.

11 Aug 2020


11 Aug 2023


Patrick Air Force Base Beach Nourishment

FDEP Permit no. 0294526-001-JC

Department of the Army Permit no. SAJ-1996-03789(IP-A WP)

22 Feb 2011

2012 July

Canaveral Harbor Project

Canaveral MPRSA 103 Concurrence; Permit

20 Apr 2021  

Canaveral MTB MPRSA 103 Concurrence; Permit

27 Jan 2023  
Brevard County Shore Protection Project

Mid-Reach Permits and Mods

Consolidated Joint Coastal Permit and Sovereign Submerged Lands Authorization

Permit Modification No. 0254479-005-JN

Permit Modification No. 0254479-008-JN


30 Dec 2009


13 Mar 2019


1 August 2023

31 Jul 2006

5 Dec 2018

  Mid-Reach Mitigation and Physical Monitoring Plan 15 Dec 2009  

Mid-Reach Sediment QA/QC Plans

Sediment QA/QC Plan

Sediment QA/QC Plan


28 Dec 2018

4 Jan 2019

Canaveral Harbor Sand Bypass

Permit Modification No. 0220629-008-JN

22 May 2024 1 Dec 2014

Permit Modification No. 0220629-009-JN 

19 June 2024  





Port Everglades Maintenance Dredging

Southport Access Channel Permit Mod

10 Feb 2012



Minor Permit Mod, Pipeline, staging area, extend beach placement

27 June 2012

15 June 2012


Port Maintenance Dredging Exemption

26 July 2012



Joint Coastal Permit

22 April 2005



Permit mod, allow dredging in Important Manatee Area (IMA)

29 Oct 2012


Statutory Time Extension, JCP

11 Jul 2014  

Permit mod, removal of concrete flume

10 Mar 2023  
Broward County Shore Protection Segment 2, truck haul    
IWW Broward Reach 1 Exemption Verification  12 June 2018  










Picayune Strand Restoration Project

Miller Canal Pump Station and Road Removal, Draft CERPRA Permit

Merritt, Faka Union, and Miller Canal Pump Station and Road

Southwest Protection Feature, Road Removal and Faka Union Canal Partial Plugging

2 May 2013


5 May 2015


3 Aug 2020


Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Naples to Gordon Pass

Maintenance Dredging, Joint Coastal Permit 17 Oct 2013 May 2012





CERP, Decomp, Water Conservation Area 3

Decompartmentalzation and Sheetflow Enhancement Physical Model field test, Permit Minor Mod

23 May 2012

Modified Water Deliveries to Everglades National Park 8.5 Square Mile Area, CERPRA Permit Modification 15 Jul 2013  

Miami Harbor Construction and Maintenance Dredging

Phase 3, Environmental Resource Permit

22 May 2012

July 2011

  Permit Modification, extension of time and revise seagrass sedimentation monitoring 2 Jun 2014  

Miami Harbor Deepening

Department of the Army Permit, Section 10

25 Jul 2012


S-332B, S-332C, S-332D

Ninth Amended Emergency Final Order, Request to Terminate Groundwater Monitoring

2 Oct 2012

Intracoastal Waterway (IWW), Bakers Haulover Inlet, Maintenance Dredging

Joint Coastal Permit, Mod 003, Remove "once only"

Sediment QA/QC Plan

29 Mar 2010

29 Mar 2010

Dec 2004


Joint Coastal Permit, Mod, Remove "new" geotechnical data requirement

27 Jun 2013

  Statutory Time Extension to 21 Oct 2014 1 Aug 2014  
Dade County Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Contract G, Bal Harbour Segment, Permit 002
- Sediment QCQA
- Biological Monitoring Plan
- Dade County and DEP Agreement
11 Jul 2013

May 2012
July 2013
10 Jul 2013
Jul 2012

Dade County Truck Haul


Jan 6 2011
Nov 4 2014
Mar 25 2015
Apr 5 2016


Jan 6 2011

Feb 9 2015
Apr 5 2016
  Monitoring Standards for Beach Erosion Control Projects May 2014  
Dade County Miami Beach Truck Haul Nourishment

2017 Jun 16

2018 Dec 21

2019 Nov 15

Draft Miami Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site

Miami Draft Site Management and Monitoring Plan (SMMP)

June 2021

Miami Beach Truck Haul Nourishment

Joint Coastal Permit

Permit Modification No. 0233882-017-JN

8 Dec 2020

25 Mar 2021






Suwanee River O&M, Maintenance Dredging Environmental Resource Permit 30 Aug 2007  
  Time Extension to 30 Aug 2016 29 Jul 2014  

Horseshoe Cove Federal Channel Maintenance Dredging

Permit Exemption 19 Nov 2018  





 Jacksonville Harbor Deepening  Environmental Resource Permit

Environmental Compliance Matrix - Contract A 

Environmental Compliance Matrix - Contract B 

USEPA 103 Concurrence


NFMS ESA Biological Opinion 

USFWS ESA Coordination

Variance - 29 July 2016

16 Dec 2015

September 2015

6 Feb 2014

15 Nov 2013
 29 July 2016

Jacksonville Harbor O&M

Jacksonville Harbor Maintenance Dredging, Joint Coastal Permit

23 May 2012

  Modification No 0303186-004-JN 15 April 2016  
  Modification No. 0303186-005-JN 16 Sep 2020  
  Modification No. 0303186-006-JN 24 Feb 2023  
  EPA Concurrence Letter

3 March 2022

Jacksonville Harbor, Bartram Island Dredged Material Management Area Cell A Dike Raising 13 Jan 2012  

Wave Attenuation Structure and Mitigation, Permit Mod

13 Feb 2014  

Bartram Island DEP Operational Permit

10 Aug 2015


U.S. Marine Corps, Blount Island

Exemption Verification

13 Dec 2019

1 Oct 2019

  DA Permit to USMC

14 May 2014

31 Jan 2019

4 Mar 2019

  DA Permit to USMC, Mod 4  24 June 2022  

Mile Point

Dredging and Training Wall Reconfiguration Environmental Resources Permit

4 Feb 2013

Mayport Naval Station Mayport MD DA 103 Modification Letter 3 Aug 2022  
  Mayport Navy Fuel Pier O&M T32022 EPA Concurrence Letter 10 June 2022  


Maintenance Dredging, Exemption, DEP

6 May 2013
29 Apr 2014
27 Dec 2016

  Dept Army Permit Maintenance Dredging turning basin, basin, destroyer slip, Entrance Channel, Bar Cut-3 and boat basin using ODMDS 17 Jul 2014
01 Sep 2016
Navy Fuel Pier 111

2000-02844 Standard Permit DA 10 103 Navy Fuel Pier 111 Final

Navy Fuel Pier 111 FDEP Exemption 071522

1.F.S. 403.813(3) Permit Exemptions

Mayport Navy Fuel Pier O&M T32022 EPA Concurrence Letter

10 Aug 2022


10 July 2022



10 June 2022

Duval County Shore Protection Project Joint Coastal Permit 18 Sep 2015 May 2015
  Sediment QA/QC Plan 20 Jul 2015  
  Physical Monitoring Plan Mar 2015  
  Environmental Compliance Matrix    
  Memorandum of Understanding 12 April 2016  
  First Amendment to MoA  23 May 2017  
  Second Amendment to MoA   8 May 2018  
  Memorandum of Understanding 7 Sep 2023  

FDEP Permit Mod #0228528-007-JN

13 Mar 2023 12 May 2015

Big Fishweir Creek Restoration Project

FDEP Letter and General Permit 28 Dec 2020  

Jacksonville Harbor, Bartram Island Dredged Material Management Area; Cell F Weir Replacement ERP 

Construction Permit

Operational Phase Approval Letter

6 May 2013

20 June 2013

Jacksonville Harbor Deepening

DA Berthing Areas 33-35 Deepening Section 10/103 Permit


1 Oct 2021


19 May 2021






Flagler Beach Shore Protection Project

Consolidated joint coastal permit and sovereign submerged lands authorization

11 Feb 2020 Nov 2019





Herbert Hoover Dike Rehabilitation and Repair

Culverts 5A and 5 Replacement, ERP

14 Jun 2013

  Replace Culverts, ERP 2 May 2014  
  Replace Culverts HP2 and HP3, Seminole Tribe Permit 12 Feb 2015  





Herbert Hoover Dike Rehabilitation and Repair Replace Culverts, ERP 2 May 2014  










Kissimmee River Restoration

Contract 12

7 Nov 2011



Contract 10B, Backfill MacArthur Ditch

6 Jun 2013






Tampa Harbor

Comprehensive Maintenance Dredging

15 Feb 2022

March 2021


Benthic Survey Final Report

Data Deliverable Document 

Nov 2023

12 Oct 2023

  Dike Raising and 3D Exempt  
  Tampa/St. Petersburg Harbor Exemption  

Gulf Intracoastal Waterway

Longboat Pass to Sunshine Skyway

14 Nov 2011


Tampa Harbor GRR

Widen Cuts A and B, Environmental Resource Permit

12 Mar 2013

Tarpon Springs, CAP 103 Shore Protection      

Indian River




IWW Indian River Reach 1 Exemption 23 Jan 2014  
  IR-2 Dredged Material Management Area, Environmental Resource Permit 21 Jul 2010  





Matanzas Pass, Maintenance Dredging

Maintenance Dredging

9 March 2009



Joint Coastal Permit Mod, add cuts 2A and 3

17 Dec 2012

  Joint Coastal Permit Modification, extension to March 6, 2024 23 Jan 2019  

Lee County Shore Protection, Captiva and Sanibel Islands

Joint Coastal Permit

9 Nov 2004



Permit Mod, Expand Borrow Site, Eliminate Pipeline Corridors, Year Round Dredging

18 May 2012

17 Feb 2012


Permit Mod, Corrected Permit Drawing

1 Jul 2005

8 Jun 2005


Permit Mod, Remove Sea Turtle Window

24 Mar 2005


Lee County Shore Protection, Gasparilla

Joint Coastal Permit

15 Mar 2002

  Permit Mod002, Increase Borrow Depth and Volume 19 Jun 2003  
  Permit Mod003, Correct Project Description 11 Aug 2003  


Permit Modification, Dune Feature, Derelict Structures, reef mitigation site, contengency plan

6 Jun 2006



Permit Modification, Time extension to 15 Mar 2014

19 Dec 2012



Permit Minor Mod, add single nourishment event

12 Jul 2013

  Permit Modification, Legislative Time Extension 16 Aug 2013  
Gasparilla Island Beach Nourishment Project Consolidated Joint Coastal Permit  20 March 2019 May 2018





Cedar Hammock, Wares Creek, Flood Control

Time Extension

14 May 2009
10 Sep 2013


Gulf Intracoastal Waterway

Longboat Pass to Sunshine Skyway

14 Nov 2011

Manatee County Shore Protection Project Joint Coastal Permit, Anna Maria, R12-R36 28 Aug 2013  
Manatee Harbor Maintenance Dredging Exemption 8 April 2019  
Manatee County Shore Protection Project

Department of the Army Permit

FDEP Permit Modification

4 Dec 2019

9 Oct 2019

7 July 2019
Manatee Harbor DMMA Offloading

Department of the Army Permit

Southwest Florida Water Management District Corrected Permit

4 Nov 2019

19 Dec 2018






Martin County Shore Protection Project

Joint Coastal Permit

11 Aug 2011



Permit Minor Modification, Extend Construction Window for 2013

30 Apr 2013


St. Lucie Inlet

Dredging and Sand Bypassing, Permit Modification, Turbidity Monitoring and Mixing Zone

18 Nov 2011



Five Year Extension, Sand Bypassing

3 Nov 2006



Sand Bypassing

20 Feb 1997

  St. Lucie Inlet Maintenance Dredging 24 Sep 2014
QA/QC Plan

Herbert Hoover Dike

Replace Culverts 4a, 11, 16

27 Jun 2011


Indian River Lagoon South, C-44, Reservoir and Stormwater Treatment Area

CERPRA Permit, Mod 003, Contract 2

9 Aug 2014


FIND O-7 Dredged Material Management Area

FIND O-7 Dredged Material Management Area Jun 16 2010
Apr 6 2016
M-5 DMMA Offloading and Crossroads Channel Maintenance Dredging

Consolidated Joint Coastal Permit 

Permit Modification

30 Jan 2012


12 Dec 2016











AIWW, Vicinity of Sawpit Creek

Maintenance Dredging

3 July 2012

28 Oct 2012


Sediment QA/QC Plan

Nov 2010



Maintenence Dredging Exemption, Cut 27, DU-2

4 Dec 2012



Permit Mod, Not Require Sub-Contractor for Turbidity Monitoring

12 Dec 2012

  Final Order of Variance   26 July 2012  
  Use Agreement  11 April 2018  

Kings Bay Entrance Channel, Maintenance Dredging

DA 103 Permit 

DA 103 Permit Mod, Add Ranges C to F for ODMDS Disposal/Time Extension 

5 Aug 2015

10 Nov 2016

  Sediment QA/QC Plan

Jan 2013


Department of the Army Permit, Maintenance Dredging

18 Jun 2014  

Draft Environmental Compliance Matrix 


Joint Coastal Permit  

11 Sep 2014 Sept 2014

GDR FCC Conditional Concurrence SAJ-1992-01854

28 June 2024  
Nassau County, FL Shore Protection Project 

Joint Coastal Permit
Sediment QA/QC Plan

28 May 2015
29 May 2015
May 2015
2 Oct 2014





Herbert Hoover Dike

Culverts 7 and 9 and Taylor Creek Culvert Abandonment

27 July 2012

  Replace Culverts 2 May 2014  

Kissimmee River Restoration

Contract 18A, Construct Spillway Structure S-65EX1

24 May 2012



Contract 10B, Backfill MacArthur Ditch

6 Jun 2013

Nubbin Slough, Stormwater Treatment Area Phosphorous Removal Critical Project Permit Renewal, Modification 015 18 Jul 2014  
Fernandina Harbor O&M Fernandina Harbor Inner Channel and Turning Basin Maintenance Dredging - Exemption File No. 0129228-004-B 6 July 2020  
  Fernandina Harbor O&M MPRSA Section 103 Concurrence 6 Dec 2022  






Palm Beach




Palm Beach Harbor Maintenance Dredging

Permit Modification for additional 2 feet, entrance channel

31 Jan 2012

  Statutory Time Extension, JCP 3 Jul 2014  
  JCP Mod, reduce number of rock removal inspections and authorize remediation 14 Aug 2014  
  Wider Berm Template 03 Sep 2015  
  South Extension 27 Jun 2017  

Herbert Hoover Dike

Replace Culverts 4a, 11, 16

27 Jun 2011



Replace Culverts 10 and 12

16 May 2013

  Seepage Management Test Facility, Exemption

18 Apr 2013

  Replace Culverts 12A 2 May 2014  
  Reach 1 Cutoff Wall Extension 6 Jan 2017  

STAs 1E, 1W, 2, 3/4, 5/6 Everglades Forever Act Permit

STA 1E culvert repairs

10 Sep 2012



Trash Rake and Rack Replacement at S-362

10 Sep 2012

  Trash Rake and Rack Replacement at S-319 10 Sep 2012  

Site 1 Impoundment


25 Mar 2010



Permit, Minor Mod

19 Oct 2011



Permit, Time Extension, Mixing Zone

22 Mar 2012

Palm Beach County Shore Protection Project Delray Beach Segment, Joint Coastal Permit 27 Jan 2012  
  Delray Beach Segment, Permit Mod 003, Corrects turtle monitoring requirements 11 Jun 2012  
  Delray Beach Segment, Permit Mod 005, Stockpile sand, truck to R176-R177 4 Mar 2013  
  Delray Beach Segment, Permit Mod 007, extend placement to R175-R179 2 Aug 2013  
  Delray Beach Segment, Permit Mods 008/009, turbidity monitoring and mixing zone 22 Aug 2013  

Palm Beach County Shore Protection Project

Ocean Ridge Segment, Joint Coastal Permit

24 Jun 2013

Palm Beach County Shore Protection Project

Jupiter Carlin Segment
-Joint Coastal Permit
-Physical Monitoring Plan
-Sediment QA/QC Plan
-Sea Turtle and Sawfish Conditions

10 Sep 2013
20 Feb 2013
Jun 2013
23 Mar 2006

Jun 2013
Palm Beach County Shore Protection Project

North Boca Raton Segment
-Joint Coastal Permit
-Sediment QAQC Plan
-Physical Monitoring Plan
-Hardbottom Monitoring Plan

- Permit Modification

12 Sep 2013
5 Apr 2013
Jun 2013 
6 Sep 2013

14 Jan 2019

17 Jul 2013



14 Jan 2019

Palm Beach County Shore Protection Project 

Mid-Town Segment Beach Nourishment 

Palm Beach Island Beach Management Agreement

Appendix A



Sept 2019

Intracoastal Waterway (IWW), Jupiter Inlet, Maintenance Dredging

Joint Coastal Permit


29 May 2020


Sep 2018

Palm Beach Harbor Maintenance Dredging and Bypassing

Joint Coastal Permit 29 June 2021 June 2021
Palm Beach County, Lake Worth Lagoon

Bonefish Cove Environmental Restoration

13 Aug 2021  





Tampa Harbor (see also Hillsborough County)

Comprehensive Maintenance Dredging

7 April 2006

March 2006

Tarpon Springs, CAP 103

Whitcomb and Kreamer Bayous, Exemption

7 June 2012


Pinellas County Shore Protection

Sand Key, Joint Coastal Permit

6 July 2011

18 Feb 2011


Sand Key, Joint Coastal Permit Mod

26 Oct 2012

3 Oct 2012

Pinellas County Shore Protection Treasure Island and Long Key, Major Mod 008 29 Mar 2010  
  Treasure Island and Long Key, Mod 010, Egmont Shoal Borrow Area Mod 20 Dec 2013  
  Treasure Island and Long Key, Mod 011, Pass-a-Grille Extension 16 Aug 2013  
  Treasure Island and Long Key, Mod 013, time extension 25 Sep 2013  
  Treasure Island and Long Key, Mod 015, allow 2.50 NTU above background and no night sampling 21 Aug 2014  

Gulf Intracoastal Waterway

Longboat Pass to Sunshine Skyway

14 Nov 2011


Stevenson Creek Restoration

Environmental Resource Permit Extension

27 Sep 2012

Clearwater Pass Maintenance Dredging  Clearwater Pass, Joint Coastal Permit 2018 Feb 14 2018 Feb 13
Sand Key Shore Protection Project Permit Modifications 

2016 Dec 16

2017 July 13

2018 Apr 25

2016 Nov

2017 June 19

2018 Mar 16 

Pinellas County, Anclote River Dredged Material Management Area

FDEP Permit, including Plates 13 Aug 2020  





Sarasota County Beach Erosion Control Venice Beach, Joint Coastal Permit 13 Jun 2014  
Venice Inlet and GIWW Maintenance Dredging  Venice Inlet and GIWW, Joint Coastal Permit  2019 Jan 08 2018 Feb
Lido Key SPP

Lido Key, Joint Coastal Permit  

Dune Restoration Planting Plan 

2018 June 20  

2016 July 20

2014 March

St. Johns




St. Augustine Inlet Maintenance Dredging Joint Coastal Permit 8 Dec 2010 24 May 2010
  Permit Modification, Extend Beach Placement 3 July 2013 May 2013
  Sediment Quality Control/Quality Assurance Plan 20 Oct 2010  
  Permit Modification 004, Corrects numbering and updates wildlife protection conditions 24 Jan 2014  
  Permit Modification 005, Dredging of the shoals St. Augustine Inlet Entrance Channel 19 Jun 2014 Jun 2014
  Permit Modification 006, Vilano Beach Nearshore Placement Area 21 Apr 2015 Feb 2015
    Apr 28 2016 Apr 28 2016
Matanzas Inlet O&M

Permit Modification 02 
Permit Modification 03 
Permit Modification 04 
Oct 20 2010

7 Feb 2017
3 Mar 2017
21 Dec 2018
Oct 20 2010

Jan 2017
Feb 2017
Sep 2018

South Ponte Vedra and Vilano Beach Coastal Storm Risk Management Project

Consolidated Joint Coastal Permit 26 Mar 2020 Nov 2019
Saint Johns County Shore Protection Project

Consolidated Joint Coastal Permit

26 Sep 2011

Sep 2011
  Permit Modification 3 30 Sep 2016  
  Permit Modification 4 19 Dec 2022 June 2022

Saint Johns County Shore Protection Project, Saint Augustine Beach

BOEM Memorandum of Agreement 

Anastasia Park Use Agreement 2023

Physical Monitoring Plan

Sediment Quality Control/Quality Assurance Plan

1Feb 2023 


6 Jan 2023

August 2022

7 Dec 2010


St. Lucie




Ft. Pierce Beach

Joint Coastal Permit

23 Feb 2007

Nov 2006


Sand QC QA Plan

29 Dec 2006



Joint Coastal Permit Modification 004, Mixing Zone Turbidity Monitoring 150 meters down current

19 Nov 2008



Joint Coastal Permit Modification 005, No Night Turbidity Monitoring

4 Feb 2009



Joint Coastal Permit Modification 008, Turtle and Shore Bird Monitoring, extend construction window

1 Mar 2012



Joint Coastal Permit Modification 009, Extend Borrow Area for FCCE/CG

2 Apr 2013

2 Apr 2013

  Joint Coastal Permit Modification 011, Make Corps Co-Permittee 9 Sep 2013  
Fort Pierce Harbor Navigation Project Permit Exemption 10 Apr 2014  
Fort Pierce Inlet Sediment Impoundment Basin Joint Coastal Permit 2 May 2016  
  Permit Modification 002 13 Mar 2017  
  Suitability for Ocean Disposal from EPA 24 Mar 2014  
  Sea Grass Map   2011
Ten Mile Creek Water Preserve Area Critical Habitat Minor Modification, Permit Renewal 10 Jul 2013  

St. Lucie County South Beach Restoration

Consolidated Joint Coastal Permit and Sovereign Submerged Lands Authorization

Permit Modification 08

Memorandum of Agreement

6 June 2012


30 July 2021

8 July 2021



May 2021





Ponce de Leon Inlet Maintenance Dredging

Joint Coastal Permit

3 Aug 2012

3 Aug 2012
  Modification No. 0308009-003-JN 14 Nov 2012  


Permit Minor Mod, Move Nearshore Disposal Site, Remove one-time-only

23 Jan 2013

23 Jan 2013
  Modification No. 0308009-005-JN
23 Sep 2013  
  Modification No. 0308009-007-JN
Nearshore Disposal
14 Dec 2017  

Modification No. 0308009-008-JN

19 Dec 2022 15 Sep 2022
  DA Permit 3 Mar 2023  

Modification No. 0308009-009-JN

7 Feb 2023  
 IWW Volusia County Maintenance Dredging Joint Coastal Permit V22 to V40  18 Jan 2005  
  Statutory Time Extension to 18 Jan 2017 29 Jul 2014  
  Modification No. 0183817-008-JN  09 Sep 2016  
  Modification No. 0183817-009-JN 14 Dec 2017  

Kissimmee River Restoration

Contract 12

7 Nov 2011