Interim Goals/Interim Targets (IG/IT)
In 2005 RECOVER finalized its first set of Recommendations for Interim Goals and Interim Targets. Since few predictive tools were available at the time, the 2005 Interim Goals and Targets predictions were largely qualitative and based on best available science. Since the 2005 effort, many of the indicators have been refined to include more predictive measures using scientifically defensible computer models.
The Programmatic Regulations require that Interim Goals and Targets be developed for five year increments beginning with the existing conditions baseline and ending in full implementation. For the 2020 update to Interim Goals and Targets, RECOVER developed four scenarios: existing baseline conditions (ECBIGIT), 2026, 2032CEPP, and 2032PACR. The ECBIGIT is the state of the structures and system circa 2017 and includes the Everglades Restoration Transition Plan (ERTP). The other scenarios contain assumptions based on the July 2018 Integrated Delivery Schedule (IDS) for which structures and operations would be implemented in 2026 and 2032. Two 2032 scenarios were included due to uncertainty regarding the authorization of the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) reservoir. The 2032CEPP scenario includes the shallow A1/A2 Flow Equalization Basin (FEB) as originally authorized in the Central Everglades Planning Project (CEPP) whereas the 2032PACR includes the now authorized EAA Reservoir and Stormwater Treatment Area (STA) per the CEPP Post Authorization Change Report (PACR).
Download Report
RECOVER will host two webinars for interested stakeholders to review the detailed changes to the Interim Goals and Targets. Webinars will begin at 10 a.m. and again at 6 p.m. July 15, 2020. Join the webinar at:
Note: it is most efficient to log into the webinar and have the webinar call you.
Dial in: 888-557-8511
Access Code: 5606136
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Team Documents
The RECOVER Team's Recommendations for Revisions to the Interim Goals and Interim Targets for the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan: 2020 is now available for download.
18 Mar 2005 - Recommendations for Interim Goals and Interim Targets
The following are draft indicator doc sheets for the appendices of the IG/IT Report. The indicator doc sheets will be undergoing editorial review before they are finalized, but no changes to the technical content of the doc sheets will be made.
16 Feb 2005 - Plan Formulation Reports
Draft Scientific Peer Review of "Recommendations for Interim Goals for the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan" and "Recommendations for Interim Targets for the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan"
Appendix Cover (29 kb, PDF)
Introduction to Appendix (185 kb, PDF)
1.1 – American Oysters in Northern Estuaries
1.2 – Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Northern Estuaries
2.1 – Lake Okeechobee Phosphorus
2.2 – Water Levels in Lake Okeechobee
2.3 – Lake Okeechobee Algal Blooms
2.4 – Lake Okeechobee Aquatic Vegetation
3.1 – Water Volume
3.2 – Sheet Flow in Natural Areas
3.3 – Hydropattern
3.4 – System-Wide Spatial Extent of Habitat
3.5 – Everglades Wetlands Total Phosphorus
3.6 – Periphyton Mat Cover, Structure, and Composition
3.7 – Ridge and Slough Pattern
3.8 – Everglades Tree Islands
3.9 – Aquatic Fauna Regional Populations in Everglades Wetlands
3.10 – American Alligator
3.11 – System-Wide Wading Bird Nesting Patterns
3.12 – Snail Kite
4.1 – Salinity Patterns in Florida and Biscayne Bays
4.2 – Submerged Aquatic Vegetation i Southern Coastal Systems
4.3 – Juvenile Shrimp Densities in Florida and Biscayne Bays
4.4 – American Crocodile
4.5 – Florida Bay Algal Blooms
5.1 – Water Volume
5.2 – Water Supply for Lower East Coast Service Area
5.3 – Water Supply for Lake Okeechobee Service Area
5.4 – Protect Biscayne Aquifer from Saltwater Intrusion
5.5 – Protect Southern Portion of Biscayne Aquifer from Saltwater Intrusion
5.6 – Flood Control: Root Zone Groundwater Levels in the South Miami-Dade Agricultural Area East of L-31N
5.7 – Flood Control: Groundwater Stages for Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, and Seminole Tribe Surface Water Management Basins
5.8 – Flood Control: Flood Water Removal
Peer Review Report