The National Response Framework, developed through the efforts of 27 departments and agencies, describes the basic methodology by which the Federal government will mobilize resources and conduct activities to assist States in coping with the consequences of significant disasters.
Within the Plan, the Department of Defense has designated the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as the primary agency for planning, preparedness, and response under the Emergency Support Function (ESF) #3, Public Works and Engineering. The purpose of this Emergency Support Function is to provide lifesaving or life protecting assistance to augment efforts of the affected State(s) and local response efforts following a major or catastrophic disaster.
The process begins by local government identifying their requirements for public works and engineering assistance to the State. If sufficient resources are not available at the State, the requirement will be forwarded to the ESF #3 element in the Disaster Field Office. The Corps will then assign the mission to one of its offices in or near the disaster area to deliver the required Federal assistance.