Southwest Florida Environmental Impact Statement


Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
on Improving the Regulatory Process in
Southwest Florida
Lee and Collier Counties, Florida


Record of Decision  (August 2003) Complete Document (5.6MB/146pages)

Final EIS (July 2000) Complete Document (18MB/830pages)

NOTE: The page numbers in these versions do not match the printed document but otherwise the text and figures are complete.
Final EIS (July 2000) broken down into smaller sections for quick upload

1. Front Cover (152KB/1page)
2. Summary (25KB/6pages)
3. Table of Contents including list of figures and tables (21KB/7pages)
4. Section 1 Purpose and Need (22KB/8pages)
4A. Figure 1 Vicinity Map (114KB/1page)
4B. Figure 2 Zoom Areas (192KB/1page)
5. Section 2 Alternative Predictions (79KB/30pages)
5A. Figure 3A Overlay of Alternatives Map (285KB/1page)
5B. Figure 3B Site Locations on Overlay Map (294KB/1page)
5C. Figure 3C Figure 3C (68KB/1page)
5D. Tables 1 and 2 (173KB/1page)
5E. Figure 4 (87KB/1page)
5F. Figure 5 Ensemble Q (282KB/1page)
5G. Figure 6 Ensemble R (270KB/1page)
5H. Figure 7 Ensemble S (296KB/1page)
5I. Figure 8 Ensemble T (288KB/1page)
5J. Figure 9 Ensemble U (319KB/1page)
5K. Table 3 (82KB/10pages)
6. Section 3 Affected Environment (283KB/42pages)
6A. Figures 10A to 10E (353KB/5pages)
7. Section 4 Environmental Effects (855KB/68pages)
8. End with the following (52KB/16pages):
    Section 5 List of Preparers
    Section 6 Public Involvment
    References and Index
9. Appendices A,B,C titled (5pages):
    Appendix A Section 404(B) Evaluation
    Appendix B Coastal Zone Management Consistency
    Appendix C Pertinent Correspondence
10.  Response to Comments (320KB/72pages)
11. Appendix D Alternatives Development Group Report
12. Appendix E US EPA Water Quality (1,443KB/78pages)
13. Appendix F Criteria for Ensemble Legend (1.5MB/24pages)
14. Appendix G Extracts from Multi-Species Recovery Plan
      Audubon's crested caracara (5.0MB/10pages)
      American Crocodile (7.5MB/16pages)
      Bald Eagle (0.6MB/18pages)
      Florida panther (6.4MB/24pages)
      Florida Scrub Jay (7.7MB/22pages)
      Piping Plover (3.0MB/14pages)
      Red-cockaded Woodpecker(7.5MB/22pages)
      Everglades Snail Kite (5.2MB/26pages)
      West Indian manatee (6.5MB/24pages)
      Wood stork (9.6MB/24pages)
15. Appendix H Review Criteria (text portion) (28KB/10pages)
       Figure 10 Caracara (845KB/1page)
       Figure 11 Bald Eagle (532KB/1page)
       Figure 12 Existing Preserves (534KB/1page)
       Figure 13 Public Acquisition (1,241KB/1page)
       Figure 14 Flowways (947KB/1page)
       Figure 15 Fragmentation (1,299KB/1page)
       Figure 16 Marshes (950KB/1page)
       Figure 17 Florida panther (723KB/1page)
       Figure 18 Shorebirds (563KB/1page)
       Figure 19 Red Cockaded Woodpecker (875KB/1page)
       Figure 20 Florida Scrub Jay (563KB/1page)
       Figure 21 Coastal (1,015KB/1page)
       Figure 22 Strategic Habitat Conservation Areas (594KB/1page)
       Figure 23 Wading Bird Rookeries (530KB/1page)
       Figure 24 High Wetland Proportion (1,155KB/1page)
       Figure 25A Water Quality 303(d) (514KB/1page)
       Figure 25B Water Quality EIS Basins (523KB/1page)
       Overlay of Natural Resource Issues (4,402KB/1page)


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