During World War II, the military leased 13,720 acres to establish the Fort Myers Bombing and Gunnery Range. It was about 16 miles southeast of Punta Gorda in Charlotte County, Florida. Personnel stationed at nearby Fort Myers Army Airfield used it as a practice range. The men trained on the skip bombing, demolition bombing, dive bombing, strafing and air-to-ground gunnery ranges. Crews fired .50 caliber machine guns at the strafing and air-to-ground gunnery ranges. They used practice bombs at the skip and dive bombing ranges and practice and general purpose bombs at the demolition bombing range.
Following World War II, the Army no longer needed the site, and the leases were terminated. The former Fort Myers Bombing and Gunnery Range is within the Cecil M. Webb Wildlife Management Area.

RECOGNIZE - The object you found could be dangerous.
RETREAT - Leave the area without touching or moving the object.
REPORT - Call 911 immediately.