Southern Coastal Systems: PoorGraphic shows overall score for the Southern Coastal Systems as "poor" at 38%. In Biscayne Bay, SAV, gold-spotted killifish,  and Gulf pipefish are rated "fair"; salinity and chlorophyll alpha are rated "poor"; crocodiles are rated "very poor." In Florida Bay, chlorophyll alpha is rated "good"; SAV is rated "fair"; crocodiles, salinity, spotted seatrout, and spoonbill nesting are rated "poor"; prey community is rated "very poor." On the Southwest Coast, fish is rated "good"; chlorophyll alpha is rated "fair"; alligators are rated "poor"; salinity is rated "very poor."

Overall, the Southern Coastal Systems regions (Biscayne Bay, Florida Bay, and the Southwest Coast) are in poor to fair condition. Reduced freshwater flow combined with sea level rise has resulted in increased salinity throughout the region. Elevated salinity, due to a local drought in 2014 and 2015, negatively impacted crocodiles, gulf pipefish, and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in Biscayne Bay and Florida Bay. Spoonbill nesting, prey community, and spotted seatrout are in poor to very poor condition. Gold spotted killifish, gulf pipefish, and fish in the Southwest Coast region were in fair to good condition. To improve the ecological processes and overall health of the Southern Coastal Systems region, restoration of freshwater flow will need to continue in the years to come. 


Biscayne Bay: Crocodiles rated "very poor" 2013 to 2016, and "poor" in 2017. Salinity rated "poor" 2013 to 2014, "very poor" 2015, and "poor" 2016 to 2017. SAV rated "fair" 2013 to 2014, "poor" 2015, and "fair" 2016 to 2017. Gulf pipefish rated "fair" in 2013, "good" in 2014, and "fair" 2015 to 2017. Florida Bay: Crocodiles rated "fair" 2013 to 2015, and "poor" 2016 to 2017. Salinity rated "fair" 2013 to 2014, "very poor" 2015, and "poor" 2016-2017. SAV rated "good" 2013 to 2015, and "fair" 2016 to 2017. Spoonbill nesting rated "fair" in 2013, and "poor" 2014 to 2017.

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Overall Health

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legend for the grading system. 0-20% is very poor. 20-40% is Poor. 40-60% is Fiar. 60-80% is good. 80-100% is very good.


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