1. Notice to Navigation
Notice is given that W.P. Franklin Lock will be closed for one day to support maintenance Wednesday 18 January 2023. Closures will be based on progress and safety needs.
For immediate W.P. Franklin Lock information contact the shift operator at 239-694-5451 between 7 AM and 5 PM.
Normal locking hours: Okeechobee Waterway Locks from 7 AM to 5 PM (last lockage starts at 4:30 PM), Canaveral Harbor Lock 6 AM to 9:30 PM.
2. Contact Information
For up to date Lock information, contact the shift operator 7 AM to 5 PM at:
St Lucie Lock & Dam 772-287-2665 or 863-662-9148
Port Mayaca Lock & Dam 561-924-2858 or 863-662-9424
Julian Keen, Jr. Lock & Dam 863-946-0414 or 863-662-9533
Ortona Lock & Dam 863-675-0616 or 863- 662-9846
W.P. Franklin Lock & Dam 863-662-9908
Canaveral Lock 321-783-5421 or 863-662-0298 (6 AM to 9:30 PM)
Kriss Zeller
Chief of Navigation
South Florida Operations