Residents of Culebra, Puerto Rico were introduced to Jacksonville District’s newest project manager, Wilberto Cubero, at a recently held meeting updating the community about ongoing work on the island. Having spent many spring breaks and other vacations in Culebra, Cubero understands firsthand the unique character of the island. He replaces long time project manager, Tom Freeman, who announced his retirement last year.
Work for the Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) program continues in Culebra. There are 13 projects underway and all are in the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) phase. The purpose of the RI/FS is to characterize the nature and extent of potential contamination from the military’s past use of the site. Once the field work is complete, the Corps will issue Proposed Plans for each project. The plans will present preferred alternatives which can range from public awareness, access controls, to remedial action.