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Published March 30, 2017
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is amending the regulations at 33 CFR Part 334 pursuant to Section 7 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1917 (40 Stat 266; 33 U.S.C. 1) and Chapter XIX of the Army Appropriations Act of 1919 (40 Stat 892; 33 U.S.C. 3). The amendments involve the establishment of a new restricted area bordering portions of Tyndall Air Force Base (AFB) and a revision to an existing drone recovery restricted area south of Apalachicola, Florida.

REQUESTOR:  United States Air Force
                          Colonel Michael F. Hernandez, USAF
                          Commander, 325th Fighter Wing
                          501 Illinois Ave., Suite 1
                          Tyndall AFB, FL 32403-5541

WATERWAY AND LOCATION: The new restricted area is located in the waters of East Bay, St. Andrew Bay and St. Andrew Sound that border the Tyndall AFB facility in Florida. The existing drone recovery restricted area being revised is located in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and Apalachicola Bay south of Apalachicola, Florida.

TIMEFRAME: The amendments to 33 CFR 334 described in this notice were published in the Federal Register, dated March 30, 2017, starting on page 15637. This final rule will become effective on May 1, 2017.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Danger zone and restricted area regulations are promulgated by the Corps normally as a result of requests made by other Department of Defense agencies. Danger zones are defined as water area/s used for target practice, bombing, rocket firing or other especially hazardous operations, normally for the armed forces. Restricted areas are defined as water areas set aside for the purpose of limiting or prohibiting public access to the area. Restricted areas generally provide security for Government property and/or protection to the public from the risks of damage or injury from the Government’s use of the area. Danger zones and restricted areas may be closed to the public on a full time or intermittent basis, as stated in the regulations.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A proposed rule was published on September 14, 2015 (80 FR 55052) for a 30-day comment period, concurrently with a local public notice announcing the proposed rule. All comments received during the comment period have been considered in the decision to approve the request under Section 7 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1917 (40 Stat 266; 33 U.S.C. § 1).

The final rule amends the regulations at 33 CFR Part 334 to establish a new restricted area along portions of the Tyndall AFB facility shoreline that will be activated on a temporary basis. The duration of temporary restricted area activations will be limited to those periods where it is warranted or required by specific and credible security threats and will be inactive at all other times. The restricted area will be partitioned using 23 pairs of coordinates to facilitate quick geographic recognition. This will allow Tyndall AFB temporary activation of one or more portions of the restricted area as necessary to provide the appropriate level of security required to address the specific and credible threat triggering the need for activation of those portions. This amendment to the existing regulation is necessary to provide Tyndall AFB with an enhanced threat security plan to address areas where lack of security or restriction on access leaves personnel and resources vulnerable to unauthorized activities

The regulations at 33 CFR Part 334 are also amended to revise the existing drone recovery restricted area located in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and Apalachicola Bay south of Apalachicola, Florida. This administrative revision transfers enforcement of this portion of the regulation from the Commander, Headquarters 4756th Air Defense Wing (Weapons) U.S. Air Force, Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, and his designees, to the Installation Commander, Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, and his designees. The 4756th Air Defense Wing is a discontinued group.

The Corps published the final rule in the Federal Register on March 30, 2017 (82 FR 15637). For the reasons set out in the preamble, the Corps amends 33 CFR part 334 as follows:

1. The authority citation for part 334 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 40 Stat. 266 (33 U.S.C. 1) and 40 Stat. 892 (33 U.S.C. 3).
2. Revise § 334.660(b)(3) to read as follows:
§ 334.660 Gulf of Mexico and Apalachicola Bay south of Apalachicola, Fla., Drone Recovery Area, Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(3) The federal regulations in this section shall be enforced by the Installation Commander, Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, and such other agencies as he/she may designate.
3. Add § 334.665 to read as follows:
§ 334.665 East Bay, St. Andrew Bay and St. Andrew Sound, enhanced threat restricted area, Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida.
(a) The area. (1) The coordinates provided herein are approximations obtained using a commercial mapping program which utilizes simple cylindrical projection with a WGS84 datum for its imagery base and imagery dated February 15 and May 3, 2014.
(2) Each portion of the temporary restricted area described in paragraphs (a)(4)(i) through (xxiii) of this section shall encompass all navigable waters of the United States as defined at 33 CFR part 329 within the area described and includes all contiguous inland navigable waters which lie within the land boundaries of Tyndall Air Force Base (AFB).Start Printed Page 15640
(3) Because of the dynamic nature of these geographic features near barrier islands, the coordinate points provided may not reflect the current situation regarding the location of a point at the mean high water line or 500 feet waterward of the mean high water line. Even if the landform has shifted through erosion or accretion, the intent of the area description will be enforced from the existing point at the mean high water line that is closest to the shoreline point provided herein out to a point located 500 feet waterward of the mean high water line.
(4) The restricted area will be partitioned using 23 pairs of coordinates to facilitate quick geographic recognition. The first point in each pair of coordinates is located on the shoreline, and the second point is a point 500 feet waterward of the shoreline. From the first point in each pair of coordinates, a line meanders irregularly following the shoreline and connects to the first point in the next pair of coordinates. From the second point in each pair of coordinates, a line beginning 500 feet waterward of the shoreline meanders irregularly following the shoreline at a distance of 500 feet waterward of the shoreline and connects to the second point in the next pair of coordinates. The restricted area shall encompass all navigable waters of the United States as defined at 33 CFR part 329 within the area bounded by lines connecting each of the following pairs of coordinates:
(i) Farmdale Bayou: 30°1.156′ N., 85°26.915′ W. to 30°1.238′ N., 85°26.915′ W.
(ii) Baker Bayou: 30°1.325′ N., 85°29.008′ W. to 30°1.402′ N., 85°28.977′ W.
(iii) Blind Alligator Bayou: 30°2.094′ N., 85°29.933′ W. to 30°2.151′ N., 85°29.864′ W.
(iv) Little Oyster Bay Point: 30°3.071′ N., 85°30.629′ W. to 30°3.133′ N., 85°30.568′ W.
(v) Goose Point South: 30°3.764′ N., 85°31.874′ W. to 30°3.719′ N., 85°31.795′ W.
(vi) Goose Point North: 30°4.599′ N., 85°31.577′ W. to 30°4.650′ N., 85°31.503′ W.
(vii) Little Cedar Bayou: 30°4.974′ N., 85°33.476′ W. to 30°5.024′ N., 85°33.401′ W.
(viii) Chatters on Bayou: 30°5.729′ N., 85°34.632′ W. to 30°5.811′ N., 85°34.625′ W.
(ix) Fred Bayou: 30°5.992′ N., 85°35.296′ W. to 30°6.071′ N., 85°35.325′ W.
(x) Pearl Bayou: 30°6.039′ N., 85°36.651′ W. to 30°6.043′ N., 85°36.557′ W.
(xi) Military Point: 30°7.394′ N., 85°37.153′ W. to 30°7.459′ N., 85°37.096′ W.
(xii) Freshwater Bayou: 30°7.425′ N., 85°38.655′ W. to 30°7.473′ N., 85°38.578′ W.
(xiii) Smack Bayou: 30°7.826′ N., 85°39.654′ W. to 30°7.838′ N., 85°39.560′ W.
(xiv) Redfish Point: 30°8.521′ N., 85°40.147′ W. to 30°8.598′ N., 85°40.113′ W.
(xv) Davis Point: 30°7.348′ N., 85°41.224′ W. to 30°7.364′ N., 85°41.317′ W.
(xvi) Tyndall Marina: 30°5.827′ N., 85°39.125′ W. to 30°5.762′ N., 85°39.184′ W.
(xvii) Heritage Bayou: 30°3.683′ N., 85°35.823′ W. to 30°3.743′ N., 85°35.887′ W.
(xviii) NCO Beach North: 30°4.209′ N., 85°37.430′ W. to 30°4.272′ N., 85°37.368′ W. The restricted Area will end on the west side of the land bridge that extends into Shell Island. The Restricted Area resumes on the east side of the land bridge that extends into St. Andrew Sound.
(xix) St. Andrew Sound west: 30°1.327′ N., 85°33.756′ W. to 30°1.377′ N., 85°33.681′ W.
(xx) St. Andrew Sound northwest: 30°1.921′ N., 85°33.244′ W. to 30°1.869′ N., 85°33.317′ W.
(xxi) St. Andrew Sound northeast: 30°0.514′ N., 85°31.558′ W. to 30°0.452′ N., 85°31.619′ W.
(xxii) Wild Goose Lagoon: 29°59.395′ N., 85°30.178′ W. to 29°59.319′ N., 85°30.216′ W.
(xxiii) Crooked Island North: 29°59.003′ N., 85°30.396′ W. to 29°59.082′ N., 85°30.371′ W.
(b) The regulations. (1) Unless one or more portions of the restricted area identified in paragraphs (a)(4)(i) through (xxiii) of this section is activated, all persons, vessels and other craft are permitted access to all of the navigable waters described in paragraph (a) of this section.
(2) During times when the restricted area defined in paragraphs (a)(4)(i) through (xxiii) of this section is not active, U.S. Air Force boat patrols may operate in the waters adjacent to Tyndall AFB's shoreline to observe the shoreline in order to identify any threats to the installation or personnel. U.S. Air Force personnel will not have any authority to enforce federal, state, or local laws on the water.
(3) Due to the nature of security threats, restricted area activation may occur with little advance notice. Activation will be based on local or national intelligence information related to threats against military installations and/or resources common to Tyndall AFB in concert with evaluations conducted by the Tyndall AFB Threat Working Group and upon direction of the Installation Commander, Tyndall AFB. The Installation Commander activates only those portions of the restricted area identified in paragraphs (a)(4)(i) through (xxiii) of this section that are necessary to provide the level of security required in response to the specific and credible threat(s) triggering the activation. The duration of activation for any portion(s) of the restricted area defined in paragraph (a) of this section, singularly or in combination, will be limited to those periods where it is warranted or required by security threats. Activated portions of the restricted area will be reevaluated every 48 hours to determine if the threat(s) triggering the activation or related threats warrant continued activation. The activated portion(s) of the restricted area expire if no reevaluation occurs or if the Installation Commander determines that activation is no longer warranted.
(4) Public notification of a temporary waterway restricted area activation by the Installation Commander will be made by the 325 Fighter Wing Public Affairs office using all available mediums (marine VHF broadcasts [channels 13 and 16], local notices to mariners, local news media releases, social media postings on both the Tyndall official Web page [www.tyndall.af.mil] and Facebook [www.facebook.com/325FWTyndall], radio beepers through locally broadcasting stations, and the Tyndall Straight Talk [recorded telephone line 1-478-222-0011]). These mediums will be updated should the waterway restriction be extended beyond the initial 48 hour activation and/or terminated upon direction of the Installation Commander.
(5) During times when the Installation Commander activates any portion(s) of the temporary restricted area defined in paragraph (a) of this section all entry, transit, drifting, anchoring or attaching any object to the submerged sea-bottom within the activated portion(s) of the restricted area is not allowed without the written permission of the Installation Commander, Tyndall AFB, Florida or his/her authorized representative. Previously affixed mooring balls established to support watercraft during intense weather conditions (i.e., tropical storms, hurricanes, etc.) may remain within the activated portion(s) of the restricted area, however watercraft should not be anchored to the mooring balls without the permission of the Installation Start Printed Page 15641Commander, Tyndall AFB, Florida or his/her authorized representative.
(c) Enforcement. The regulations in this section shall be enforced by the Installation Commander, Tyndall AFB and/or such persons or agencies as he/she may designate.


QUESTIONS concerning the information provided in this public notice should be directed to Mr. Ed Sarfert at the letterhead address, by electronic mail at edward.p.sarfert@usace.army.mil, by telephone at 850-439-9533 or by fax at 850-433-8160.