Jacksonville, Fla. – The Lake Worth Inlet Feasibility Study proposes to deepen and widen the Federal channel from Lake Worth Inlet to the Port of Palm Beach. Impacts to sea grasses and hardbottom resources are anticipated, therefore mitigation for these impacts are required.
Little Lake Worth and Turtle Cove are two of 10 proposed locations for sea grass and hardbottom mitigation due to impacts of the proposed widening and deepening of the port. Dredging of Turtle Cove is neither part of the proposed project nor part of the mitigation plan. The mitigation plan is discussed in Appendix D of the draft report which is located at:
The Corps is currently coordinating with resource agencies for the mitigation plan. Locations for both sea grass and hardbottom mitigation have not been finalized. Concerns over the use of Little Lake Worth, Turtle Cove, or other proposed locations for mitigation will be considered and shared with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the National Marine Fisheries Service.
Public review of the Draft Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement for Lake Worth Inlet/Palm Beach Harbor will conclude on Monday, June 3rd. Upon conclusion of the public comment period, the project team will review all comments received, evaluate the comments, and make changes to the final report as appropriate.
Official comments may be submitted to Ms. Angela Dunn at 904-232-2108 or Angela.E.Dunn@usace.army.mil.
Release no. 13-032