Effective immediately: public notices are published with only the vicinity map, plan view and cross-section drawing. If you are interested in receiving additional project drawings associated with any public notice, please send an email to the project manager at the email address listed in the public notice.


Public Notice Notifications

The Jacksonville District currently has five categories of public notice notification mailing lists. If you wish to receive email notifications when new public notices are added to this page, please send a request to Regulatory Webmaster.  Each category is described below. Be sure to specify which list(s) you want to be included on.

Florida - This includes all public notices for projects being reviewed for Standard Permits within the State of Florida.

Antilles - This includes all public notices for projects being reviewed for Standard Permits within the Antilles area (this includes Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands).

Tropical Storms & Other Emergencies - These public notices provide information on procedures for emergency permitting requirements due to specific tropical storm events or other emergency situations.

Special Issues - These are public notices that involve the Regulatory program but which are generally not limited to one particular geographic area. These would include public notices for the establishment or modification of Restricted Areas/Danger Zones, re-issuance of General Permits or Nationwide Permits, changes to guidance and policies, etc.

Administrative Penalty - These public notices provide information associated with Administrative Penalties. An Administrative Penalty can be assessed to address violations associated with issued Department of the Army permits.


Published Aug. 25, 2017
Expiration date: 10/31/2017


Starting October 1, 2017, you must submit your applications directly to us using our forms and/or formats described by the following paragraphs. You may submit directly to us prior to this date. If you do so, please add a note to this effect to your Joint Application Form 62-330.060(1) you submit to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Water Management Districts (WMDs) or delegated local program.

Starting October 1, 2017, we will no longer download your Joint Application and associated documents from the document portals and/or e-mails by which FDEP, WMDs or delegated local program sends and/or makes those documents available to us. Starting that date, we will no longer act on your Joint Application that the FDEP, WMDs and delegated local programs forward to us. We have asked the FDEP to remove references in Chapter 62-330 F.A.C. (Environmental Resource Permitting) to our use of Joint Application, including removing from the Applicant’s Handbook that the FDEP, WMDs or delegated local programs will send and/or make available to us your Joint Application. We are also working with FDEP to amend our Operating Agreement.

If you apply for a Department of Army Permit and if you know (or not sure) your proposed work cannot be authorized under one of our Nationwide Permits (NWP) or Regional General Permits (RGP), you must use the APPL/ CAT/ ON FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT ENG FORM 4345 and provide certain attachments (enclosed are the current versions of ENG FORM 4345 and its instructions as posted at http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/Civil-Works/Regulatorv-Program-and­ Permits/Obtain-a-Permit/). This form is designed to guide your submittal of the information required at 33 CFR 325.1(d) Content of Application (enclosed for your convenience). Absence of this information may delay our issuing the Public Notice and/or coordination letters that are among our initial review steps toward determining whether to issue a Standard Permit (SP) or Letter of Permission (LOP).

If you request verification that your proposed work would be authorized under a specific NWP or RGP, we strongly encourage you to use ENG FORM 4345 because the standardized format speeds our initial processing steps. Note the information required
to be submitted is stated in the terms and conditions of the each NWP/RGP and will be different for different NWPs/RGPs. Not all the fields on ENG FORM 4345 will be required for your submittal, for example, mailing addresses for adjoining property owners typically are not required for verifications under a NWP/RGP. You will need to attach information required by the NWP/RGP where no fields are present on ENG FORM 4345, for example, for some of our NWPs, the requirements of General Condition # 32 Pre-Construction Notification (enclosed is the latest version).

Information on our review process is found in the Source Book section of our web page: http://www.sa j.usace.army.mil/M issions/Reg ulatory/Source-Book/

If you are confident that your proposed work would be authorized under the State Programmatic General Permit (SPGP) or one of our other Programmatic General Permits (PGPs), submit to the applicable administering entity and do not submit to us.
The current list of PGPs is enclosed (screenshot of our web page).

a. If the administering entity advises your proposed work is not authorized under the SPGP/PGPs, then submit to us your ENG FORM 4345 and its attachments.

b. For the State Programmatic General Permit (SPGP), under the current process, the administrating entity advises our local office within 5 days if your proposed work is "red" (not authorized by the SPGP) or is "yellow" (which may result in our determination your proposed work is "red"). The administrating entity will advise you of the "red" when they issue their authorization. In order to
inform you sooner, our office will contact you requesting submission of your ENG FORM 3435 and its attachments because typically the Joint Application will not include information needed to initiate our review.

c. For submittals through FDEP's Self Certification for Single Family Docks web page, if you receive an email explaining it does not qualify for the SPGP, then submit to us your ENG FORM 4345 and its attachments.

Submit your ENG FORM 4345 and its attachments by mail or e-mail to one of our offices based on the location of the proposed work (enclosed map).

We ask you arrange and separate your submittal, whether in paper (hardcopy) or electronic format, into the following parts.

a. ENG FORM 4345.
b. Drawings. A minimum of 3 drawings (Vicinity Map, Plan View, and Typical Cross-Section) in 8 1/2 X 11 format (per the instructions for the ENG FORM 4345) to describe the work for which a permit is requested.

c. NWP/RGP Information (if applicable). The information required by the NWP/RGP for which you are requesting verification.

d. Supplemental Information. More detailed drawings and/or description of the proposed work to assist the review process.

We welcome and prefer electronic submittals. Please note the following.

a. Our e-mail system limits the total size of your e-mail to 20MB. Your e­ mail system may have a lower limit. If you are sending *.pdf files, note that your *.pdf software may be able to optimize or reduce the file size. Our e-mail system will block *.zip files.

b. For submittals greater than the e-mail limits, please use the U.S. Army's Safe Access File Exchange (SAFE) web page: https://safe.amrdec.army.mil/safe/. On the SAFE homepage, begin by clicking the blue "Click Here" box on the right under "Non-CAC Users." Enter your name and email address (this will display in the email sent to us), then click the "Choose File" button to select the file(s) that you are sending. The "Description of File(s)" field cannot be left blank, please enter the applicant's name and description project, e.g., Joe Smith I Dock (this will display in the email sent to us). Under "Recipient Information", enter the e-mail address for one of our offices (based on the enclosed map) and click the blue "Add" button. Please select the maximum 14 days until deletion. After your file has been uploaded, you will receive an email to verify your email address and send the documents. Files will not be sent until this step is completed.

c. Please do not send one part of the application by e-mail and other parts by SAFE, i.e., submit the application as one package.

d. We will not download applications from any other file transfer site.

e. An alternative to SAFE (e.g., if SAFE's webpage is not available) is the Corps' RepliWeb Managed File Transfer (RMFT) web-based software. You must first establish an account (that will then be active for 7 days).
Send an email to one of our offices (based on the enclosed map). You will receive an e-mail from USACE.RepliWeb titled "Invitation to access ..." Follow the instructions to create a password. The only required information is your email address (the blanks for first, last and company names are optional but if provided will display on the address book within RMFT). To send your application within RMFT, click on the "New" icon, enter the email address for one of our field offices, enter the applicant's name I project in the Subject field, click on the "Add" button to add files, then click "Send" to transmit the "package". You can submit additional
applications/requests until the system auto-expires your account in 7 days.

These procedures are effective October 1, 2017, unless modified by a subsequent public notice. This public notice does not affect permitting submittal requirements for any other agency.

Please send any questions or comments on the above to Jacksonville District, Regulatory Division, PO Box 4970, Jacksonville, Florida 32232, Attn: Bob Barron; by phone number at 904-232-2203, or by email at robert.b.barron@usace.army.mil.