JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (Dec. 14, 2011) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District has extended the public comment period on the draft Environmental Assessment for the proposed natural gas pipeline project known as Via Verde. The originally announced comment period was due to close on December 30; however, in response to public requests, comments will be accepted through January 30, 2012.
“Public participation is an important part of our decision-making process, and we are grateful to those who have taken the time to share their thoughts with us,” said Osvaldo Collazo, chief of the district’s North Permits Branch. “We have received requests for a Spanish translation of the draft Environmental Assessment, and we are in the process of determining how best to meet the needs of the Spanish-speaking community. In the meantime, we want everyone to have sufficient time to prepare their comments, particularly in consideration of the upcoming busy holiday season,” he added.
Collazo emphasized that only new comments, related to the draft Environmental Assessment and not previously submitted, are needed at this time as previously submitted comments have already been received, considered and summarized in the draft document.
Release no. 11-65