JACKSONVILLE, Florida -- JACKSONVILLE, Florida (Mar 2, 2024) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District (USACE) is engaged with the City of Cape Canaveral to develop and construct a project under Section 14 of the Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) to address ongoing erosion at the Cape Canaveral Wastewater Treatment Facility (CCWWTF) in east Brevard County, Florida. The Jacksonville District is currently gathering information to define issues and concerns that will be addressed in an analysis to be prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
The CCWWTF is located on a barrier island in east Brevard County, Florida, along the southwestern shorelines of the Banana River Lagoon. The CCWWTF has a capacity of 1.8 million gallons and generally treats 1.1 to 1.2 million gallons of wastewater per day. The Manatee Sanctuary Park and City of Cape Canaveral Public Works Department are located north of the facility. The study vicinity includes developed areas which consists of residential dwellings, commercial businesses, historic and cultural areas, parks, fish and wildlife resources, and Banana River Aquatic Preserve.
Section 14 of the 1946 Flood Control Act authorizes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to construct emergency shoreline and stream bank protection projects to protect public facilities. Given its location along the Banana River Lagoon, the CCWWTF is vulnerable to erosion from wave energy associated with high winds and surge events.
In 2017, Hurricane Irma damaged multiple sections of the facility’s seawall. In 2018, the City of Cape Canaveral hardened approximately 1,300 linear feet of shoreline along its southern boundary with the Banana River Lagoon. However, erosion continues along the southeast boundary threatening facility buildings and untreated water holding areas. Continued exposure to erosional forces increases risk of critical facility infrastructure failure and wastewater contamination.
The study objective is to reduce damages for a 25-year storm event to the CCWWTF from storm impacts, including waves, inundation, and erosion for 50 years. Concerns associated with this project include avoidance and minimization of impacts to existing facility infrastructure, temporary impacts to shoreline habitat, other protected areas (OPAs), water quality, threatened and endangered species, Banana River Aquatic Preserve, and cultural and recreational resources (e.g., boating and fishing).
USACE welcomes your views comments, and information regarding any issues, concerns, or important features within the described project area. Please share this notice with any interested party. USACE will accept written comments regarding the proposed project up to 30-days from the date of this letter.
Comments may be submitted to:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District
Attn: Michael Simmons
701 San Marco Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32207-8915
or email Michael.T.Simmons@usace.army.mil
All individuals who respond with comments will be included in future mailings. Others may be added to the mailing list by making a written request to the same letterhead address or email. All comments will be passed on to the project delivery team to inform the planning and development of the proposed project.
If you have any questions, please contact Michael Simmons by email or by telephone at 904-232-2069.
The signed document can be viewed at: https://usace.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getfile/collection/p16021coll7/id/25431