The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Jacksonville District announces Virtual NEPA Public Scoping Meetings and public comment on the Picayune Strand Restoration Project Road Plan. Virtual meetings are scheduled during the morning and evening of July 24. Public Scoping Comments are due August 14.
The Jacksonville District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is preparing a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) assessment for the Road Plan of the Picayune Strand Restoration Project (PSRP). The purpose of the full PSRP is to restore pre-development hydrological conditions over more than 66,500 acres within the Picayune Strand State Forest, Collier Seminole State Park, and Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park. The PSRP will also improve downstream freshwater deliveries by reducing point source discharge through the Faka Union Canal and providing more natural sheetflow throughout the southern portion of the PSRP footprint into downstream estuaries. The PSRP will be updated from the existing Road Plan to identify which roads will be left in place and which will be removed and will add protections for the federally endangered red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW). This is anticipated to be the final update to the PSRP.
This NEPA document will evaluate the environmental effects of alternatives that incorporate changes to the retained road length and design features of Miller Boulevard within the Road Plan for the protection of RCW that will enable the PSRP to meet project objectives upon completion of the plugging of the Faka Union and the Miller Canals.
USACE invites the participation of federal and state agencies, Native American Tribes, local agencies, interested parties and individuals to provide comments and to identify any issues or concerns.
Public scoping meetings will be held virtually at the following dates and times:
Picayune Strand Restoration Project Road Plan
NEPA Public Scoping Meeting (Virtual)
July 24, 2023, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Via Webex:
US Toll Free: +1-844-800-2712
US Toll: +1-669-234-1177
Access Code: 2762 850 0483
Picayune Strand Restoration Project Road Plan
NEPA Public Scoping Meeting (Virtual)
July 24, 2023, 5 to 7 p.m.
Via Webex:
US Toll Free: +1-844-800-2712
US Toll: +1-669-234-1177
Access Code: 2763 501 7252
Please provide comments that consider what the concerns are with current project operations within the PSRP study area, what aspects need to be changed, and how those issues and changes should be evaluated.
Please submit comments to by the close of business on August 14 (recommended subject line: "PSRP Road Plan Scoping Comments").
All comments will be summarized, addressed, and used to inform development of alternatives for the Picayune Strand Restoration Project.
For more information on the project, including up-to-date meeting information, please visit: