Tampa Harbor, Florida Study

May 2024


Tampa Harbor FL Study
Investigations (I)
Congressional Districts:  12, 13, 14, 15, 16


The Tampa Harbor, Florida study will assess national economic benefits of potential navigation improvements to Tampa Harbor. Current alternatives under consideration in addition to the no action plan include deepening, widening for passing lanes in some cuts, turn widener improvements and turning basin modifications in the upper channels.  Opportunities identified for the study include beneficial use of dredged material for habitat restoration, habitat creation, and coastal resiliency.


Estimated Total Cost $4,283,000
Estimated Federal Cost   $2,984,000

a. Regular Civil Works Funds:

Allocation thru FY23 $49,999
Allocation for FY24 $0
President's Budget FY25 $0

b. P.L. 117-58: Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Law:

Total Work Plan $2,934,000
Allocation thru FY23       $1,900,000
Allocation for FY24 $360,000


* Estimated Total Cost and Federal Cost include $200,000 for Independent External Peer Review (IEPR), which are 100% Federal Costs


Port Tampa Bay
1101 Channelside Drive
Tampa, Florida 33602


The study had a successful Alternatives Milestone Meeting (AMM) in December 2021 and is working towards a Tentatively Selected Plan in May 2023. Ongoing efforts include preparation for ship simulation, economic evaluations of future without and with project conditions, commodity, and future fleet forecasting, as well as environmental assessments of current conditions. In addition, a funding exception request (for a total shared study cost of $4.5M), was approved in June 2022.

Tampa Harbor, Florida Study Investigations project map