May 2024
Clearwater Pass, FL
Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
Congressional Districts: 13, 14, 16
The project was authorized by House Document 293, 86th Congress, 2nd Session dated July 14, 1960. The project was initially completed in 1961. Maintenance includes a channel 10 feet deep and 150 feet wide from deep water in the Gulf of Mexico through Clearwater Pass, thence 8 feet deep and 100 feet wide eastward to the authorized Intracoastal Waterway; a side channel 8 feet deep and 100 feet wide from the inner channel northward to the Clearwater Island Marina, with a turning basin 8 feet deep, 100 to 450 feet wide, and 850 feet long. There is a 2-foot allowable over depth in all locations. The project limits were modified by Public Law No: 117-263, WRDA 2022:
SEC. 8329. LITTLE PASS, CLEARWATER BAY, FLORIDA. The portion of the project for navigation, Little Pass, Clearwater Bay, Florida, authorized by section 101 of the River and Harbor Act of 1960 (74 Stat. 481), beginning with the most westerly 1,000 linear feet of the channel encompassing all of Cut H, to include the turning basin, is no longer authorized beginning on the date of enactment of this Act.
Allocation for FY24 |
$0 |
President’s Budget FY25 |
$0 |
City of Clearwater
25 Causeway Blvd
Clearwater, Florida 33767
Channel maintenance dredging was completed in May 2018 with the USACE Dredge MURDEN. The material was placed in the nearshore environment. In July 2018 the Navy assisted with the removal of an old, abandoned cable that was lying along the channel bottom and causing obstruction to certain vessels.