May 2024
Canaveral Harbor, FL
Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
Congressional District: 8
The Water Resources Reform & Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014 authorized new Canaveral Harbor improvements, including widening of the main ship channel from the harbor entrance inland to the West Turning Basin and West Access Channel from its current authorized width of 400 feet to 500 feet, deepening the Outer Reach, Cut 1A from -44 feet to -46 feet for a length of 11,000 feet, deepening the Outer Reach, Cut 1B from -44 feet to -46 feet depth for a length of 5,500 feet; deepening the Outer Reach, Cut 1 from -44 feet to -46 feet for the 5,300 feet long portion of Cut 1 that is seaward of buoys 7/8 (Station 0+00 to Station 53+00), deepening the remainder of Cut 1 from buoys 7/8 to the apex of the channel turn, a length of 7,200 feet from -44 feet to -46 feet; a new 203 Turn Widener -46 feet deep X 23.1 acres (irregular shaped area) bounded to the north and northeast by the Civil Turn Widener and Outer Reach, Cut 1, deepening the U.S. Navy Turn Widener from -44 feet to -46 feet X 7.7 acres (triangular shaped area) bounded by outer and middle reaches to the north and northeast and the Civil Turn Widener to the southwest; deepening the Civil Turn Widener from -41 feet to -46 feet X 15.6 acres (irregular shaped area) bounded to the north and northeast by the middle reach and the U.S. Navy Turn Widener, deepening the Middle Reach from -44 feet to -46 feet for a length of 5,658 feet; deepening the Inner Reach, Cut 2 and Cut 3 from -40 feet to -44 feet for a length of 3,344 feet, deepening and expanding the Middle Turning Basin to encompass 68.9 acres to a project depth of -43 feet and a turning circle diameter of 1,422 feet, deepening the West Access Channel (east of Station 260+00) from -39 feet to -43 feet for a length of 1,840 feet, expanding the West Turning Basin and West Access Channel (west of Station 260+00), and expanding the turning circle diameter from 1,400 feet to 1,725 feet X 141 acres at a depth of -35 feet. In addition, the original authorization included a barge lock 90 feet wide and 600 feet long west of the harbor dike and two entrance jetties to the 12-foot contour. The total length of the project is approximately 11.5 miles.
a. Regular Civil Works Funds:
Allocation for FY24 |
$321,000 |
President's Budget FY25 |
$5,006,000 |
b. P.L. 115-123: Bi-Partisan Budget Act of 2018, Supplemental:
Current Working Estimate |
$4,500,000 |
Allocation thru FY23 |
$4,500,000 |
Allocation for FY24 |
$0 |
c. P.L. 117-58: Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Law:
Total Work Plan |
$15,000,000 |
Allocation thru FY23 |
$15,000,000 |
Allocation for FY24 |
$0 |
d. P.L. 117-43: Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act:
Total Work Plan |
$10,000,000 |
Allocation thru FY23 |
$10,000,000 |
Allocation for FY24 |
$0 |
e. P.L. 117-328A: Division N 2023 DRSAA:
Current Working Estimate |
$14,000,000 |
Allocation thru FY23 |
$14,000,000 |
Allocation for FY24 |
$0 |
Canaveral Port Authority
P.O. Box 267
Cape Canaveral, Florida 32920
The last O&M dredging contract combining the Canaveral Harbor civil works project and the Canaveral Naval Ordnance Test Unit (NOTU) project was completed in September 2023, having removed 1,589,865 cubic yards of shoaled material from the federal and military channels. The next dredging contract, also combining the civil works project and the NOTU project, is expected to be awarded in January 2025 utilizing a combination of Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding, Regular funding, and Navy funding.