Big Fishweir Creek FL (206)

May 2023


Big Fishweir Creek, FL (206)
Construction (C)
Congressional Districts: 4, 5


Big Fishweir Creek is an urban tributary of the St. Johns River, approximately 4 miles south of downtown Jacksonville. Big Fishweir Creek enters the St. Johns River (An American Heritage River) just north of the Ortega River and is considered an essential fish habitat. This tributary is tidally influenced. The contributing sub-basin to Big Fishweir Creek has been urbanized predominantly with residential land use, much of it occurring prior to promulgation of storm water regulations. Therefore, limited storm water management has been implemented in the sub-basin, resulting in sediment deposition in the creek. Urbanization included encroachment along the banks of the creek. Over time, sediments transported by storm events have covered the natural creek bottom. The sediment deposition and encroachment from urbanization have reduced the natural habitat in the creek and along the creek banks.

The purpose of this Section 206 CAP project is to reestablish a healthy aquatic habitat in Big Fishweir Creek. The reestablishment of a healthy aquatic habitat can provide nursery areas, a source of food and shelter, and improved water quality in the creek.


Estimated Total Cost $11,900,000
Estimated Federal Cost $7,700,000  
Allocation thru FY22 $7,656,000  
Allocation for FY23 $0                
President’s Budget FY24   $0                



City of Jacksonville, Department of Public Works
117 West Duval Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32202


The construction contract was awarded in August 2022. Construction completion is scheduled for February 2024.

Big Fishweir Creek is an urban tributary of the St. Johns River, approximately 4 miles south of downtown Jacksonville. Big Fishweir Creek enters the St. Johns River (An American Heritage River) just north of the Ortega River.