Archive: December, 2023
  • December

    USACE celebrates completion of Caloosahatchee C-43 Reservoir Pump Station

    HENDRY COUNTY, Fla.  -  (Dec. 19, 2023) The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District (USACE) joined federal, state and local officials to celebrate the completion of a new pump station for the Caloosahatchee (C-43) Reservoir Project today. The C-43 Reservoir, once completed, will hold approximately 170,000 acre-feet of water (55 billion gallons) and is part of the state-federal Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) to restore the environment and make our water resources more resilient.
  • USACE employees rescue turtle hatchlings during rare discovery

    It was a typical site visit to view progress on a local beach restoration project – until it wasn’t. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District employees Lindsay Brantley, Jennifer Tyler, and Brooke Warlitner were traveling along an access road toward Summer Haven to view a beach disposal site when the convoy of vehicles in front of them suddenly began to stop.
  • Jax Harbor, HHD projects honored at annual CMAA awards ceremony

    (JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Dec. 8, 2023) Jacksonville District projects, professionals honored at Florida Chapter of Construction Management Association of America Project Achievement Awards ceremony in Orlando, Fla, Dec. 1.
  • Jacksonville District’s Nazario-Castillo and Eusebio Recognized by SAD for Excellence in Contracting in 2023

    (JACKSONVILLE, FL. Dec. 8, 2023) – Anelis Nazario-Castillo, Lead Contracting Specialist/ Contracting Officer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, was recognized as the South Atlantic Division’s (SAD) Excellence in Contracting Awards Program (ECAP) Contract Specialist of the Year and Nolan Eusebio, Area Engineer, West Palm Beach Area office, Construction Division as ECAP Administrative Contracting Officer of the Year for 2023.