Archive: May, 2015
  • May

    Draft supplemental report for Decomp Physical Model available for 30-day public and agency review

    The Draft Supplemental Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Decomp Physical Model (DPM) is now available for public and agency review. Comments will be accepted through June 18, 2015. The Decomp Physical Model is a field-scale test that is being conducted along a 3,000-foot stretch of the L-67A and L-67C levees and canals in Water Conservation Area (WCA) 3A and 3B to determine how best to design and formulate plans for future decompartmentalization of WCA-3, as envisioned in the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP).
  • Collaborative effort brings benefits to Lake Worth Lagoon

    A dedicated and collaborative effort between numerous local, state, federal and private organizations is providing essential benefits to the Lake Worth Lagoon through the completion of the Grassy Flats Restoration Project in Palm Beach County, Fla.