Tag: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • July

    Florida II provides capability to perform important archaeological research

    The Florida II is a survey vessel, but it has the capability to provide much more information than just water depth. The design specifications and specialized equipment it carries make it possible to do many different types of surveys, and suitable for underwater archaeological research.
  • Corps makes good progress on Miami Harbor project

    Progress is moving swiftly with the Miami Harbor deepening and widening project, including the successful construction of artificial reefs and relocation of about 1,000 healthy corals.
  • June

    Eight Jacksonville District projects receive congressional authorization

    Eight U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District projects that will provide critical infrastructure to local ports and ecosystem restoration efforts in Florida received approval as part of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014, which was signed into law June 10.
  • Regulatory Division introduces new mitigation bank tools

    At a workshop hosted by the Florida Association of Mitigation Banking (FAMB) workshop, held April 24-25 in Jacksonville, Florida, Jacksonville District’s Regulatory Division provided information and introduced new Prospectus and Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) templates to nearly 50 banking representatives in attendance.
  • Dora: A look back

    Finally, on Sept. 10, 1964, Hurricane Dora roared ashore, causing widespread damage in Jacksonville and becoming the only hurricane to strike northeast Florida in the 20th century.
  • District responds following Florida Panhandle storms

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District initiated emergency permitting procedures in response to conditions resulting from the April 2014 storm that affected the Florida Panhandle. The emergency permitting procedures will be in effect through October 2014.
  • Antilles students learn about harnessing nature’s power

    Antilles Elementary School students at Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico had the unique opportunity to make an up-close-and-personal visit to local U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project sites, in a follow up activity to a recent classroom presentation by members of the Antilles team (please see page 3 of the May issue of JaxStrong for more on the classroom presentation). The April 22 field trip was the second phase of a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) initiative, co-sponsored by Jacksonville District and the Department of Defense Education Activity, to encourage students to pursue education and eventual careers in those fields.
  • Corps team members live the Army Values

    One man grew up in a small town in Virginia and the other was raised near New York City. Despite the differences in their backgrounds, they became men of remarkably similar character. Each embodies the all-encompassing Army value of honor. Many say they live all of the Army values – loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage every day.
  • Corps of Engineers takes the road less traveled to assist in rebuilding Haiti

    USAID called on the expertise of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, to assist in rehabilitating and improving more than 150 kilometers of rural roads in Haiti. Poorly designed, constructed and maintained feeder rural roads (FRR) are a major constraint to agriculture development in Haiti. High transport costs and significant spoilage due to the poor condition of roads in Haiti have reduced competitiveness in domestic and regional markets.
  • Jacksonville District prepares for hurricane season

    Although some people living in Florida may have forgotten how to prepare, Stormant and his assistant, Logan Wilkinson, have been putting in extra hours in preparation for the 2014 hurricane season. They’ve been educating state and local officials about the Army Corps of Engineers’ emergency capabilities and learning about scenarios where assistance might be requested.
  • May

    Antilles team reaches out to elementary school students

    Inquisitive minds, vivid imaginations and lofty goals greeted members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Antilles Office when they visited the Antilles Elementary School at Fort Buchanan April 10. The team, along with Dr. Jorge F. Bauza-Ortega from the San Juan Bay Estuary Program, partnered with the Department of Defense Education Activity to promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education.
  • New survey boat arrives in Jacksonville District

    The modernization of Jacksonville District’s fleet of survey boats continues with the arrival of its newest vessel.
  • Munitions item found at Culebra one week before spring break

    One week before hundreds of spring break tourists were due to arrive at Flamenco Beach on the island
  • Employees put others before themselves, at home and abroad

    When a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit the country of Haiti in January 2010, Tim Brown was moved by the catastrophic event even though he was half a world away, in Kabul, Afghanistan.
  • Fifth grade students take on Jax Port deepening debate

    Mayport Elementary Coastal Sciences Academy fifth graders are studying the Jax Port “dredging debate” and recently invited the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District to present its case. The kindergarten through fifth grade academy teaches students the importance of preserving habitats and ecosystems through resources conservation.
  • April

    Jacksonville District team members employ the Golden Rule

    Inside the South Florida Operations Office (SFOO) in Clewiston, Chester “Wayne” Sullivan has earned respect as a civil technician, but he is also greatly admired for his smooth and easy-going manner in communicating with others.
  • Tarpon Springs project protects infrastructure, hurricane evacuation route

    Fifteen years after its initial start and nearly 10 years after the execution of the Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement (FCSA) with the city of Tarpon Springs, Jacksonville District completed construction on the Whitcomb and Kreamer Bayous Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction Project. The project, located in Tarpon Springs, is a Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) Section 103 Hurricane and Storm Damage Protection Project.
  • Two shore protection projects completed

    In November 2013, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District began an unprecedented project in Broward County to reconstruct 5.1 miles of eroded shoreline. The project, completed Feb. 28, was the first of its kind because it included 10,000 truck deliveries of sand from a mine in central Florida. The district uses the dredge delivery method to renourish federal beaches, but this project had to be completed prior to hurricane season and all dredges had been deployed to other projects.
  • March

    Black History Month events engage and educate

    This year’s African American/Black History Month theme, “Civil Rights in America,” highlighted the 50th anniversary of the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. This landmark piece of civil rights legislation outlawed major forms of discrimination against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities and women. It ended voter registration inequality and racial segregation in schools, workplaces and facilities that serve the general public.
  • Corps plan for Flagler County project well received

    The Flagler County Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction Project team hosted a public meeting to present the draft integrated feasibility study and environmental assessment. Many meeting attendees, including city and county officials, complimented team members for a job well done on the study and in presenting the information.