Author: Susan J. Jackson
  • November

    ‘Rising Tides’ documentary explores coastal erosion

    Engle provided a look into historical data and potential impacts of rising sea levels and storm events on Florida, and how Jacksonville District incorporates its findings into coastal processes to reduce risks.
  • October

    Harbor channel maintenance benefits navigation and island treasures

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District awarded a $13.4 million contract to Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company of Oak Brook, Ill., to perform maintenance dredging of the Tampa Harbor Egmont and Mullet Key channel cuts. The project will beneficially place dredged sand and install geotextile tubes on Egmont Key to help stabilize the beach and protect historic structures.
  • September

    POW share their experiences so others learn

    So, why were the Hanoi Hilton prisoners so resilient during and following their imprisonment? A variety of studies concluded that their faith, in each other, in the nation and in their beliefs gave them optimism in the face of death and immeasurable pain.
  • Corps 3-D island provides haven for birds

    Every year, hundreds of birds flock to two manmade islands at the edge of Tampa Harbor’s federal navigation channel in Hillsborough Bay. The birds have found the islands, which are posted and protected from trespassers, to provide ideal conditions to safely court, nest and raise their young.
  • May

    Fifth grade students take on Jax Port deepening debate

    Mayport Elementary Coastal Sciences Academy fifth graders are studying the Jax Port “dredging debate” and recently invited the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District to present its case. The kindergarten through fifth grade academy teaches students the importance of preserving habitats and ecosystems through resources conservation.
  • April

    Jacksonville District team members employ the Golden Rule

    Inside the South Florida Operations Office (SFOO) in Clewiston, Chester “Wayne” Sullivan has earned respect as a civil technician, but he is also greatly admired for his smooth and easy-going manner in communicating with others.
  • Two shore protection projects completed

    In November 2013, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District began an unprecedented project in Broward County to reconstruct 5.1 miles of eroded shoreline. The project, completed Feb. 28, was the first of its kind because it included 10,000 truck deliveries of sand from a mine in central Florida. The district uses the dredge delivery method to renourish federal beaches, but this project had to be completed prior to hurricane season and all dredges had been deployed to other projects.