• December

    USACE employees rescue turtle hatchlings during rare discovery

    It was a typical site visit to view progress on a local beach restoration project – until it wasn’t. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District employees Lindsay Brantley, Jennifer Tyler, and Brooke Warlitner were traveling along an access road toward Summer Haven to view a beach disposal site when the convoy of vehicles in front of them suddenly began to stop.
  • Jax Harbor, HHD projects honored at annual CMAA awards ceremony

    (JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Dec. 8, 2023) Jacksonville District projects, professionals honored at Florida Chapter of Construction Management Association of America Project Achievement Awards ceremony in Orlando, Fla, Dec. 1.
  • Jacksonville District’s Nazario-Castillo and Eusebio Recognized by SAD for Excellence in Contracting in 2023

    (JACKSONVILLE, FL. Dec. 8, 2023) – Anelis Nazario-Castillo, Lead Contracting Specialist/ Contracting Officer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, was recognized as the South Atlantic Division’s (SAD) Excellence in Contracting Awards Program (ECAP) Contract Specialist of the Year and Nolan Eusebio, Area Engineer, West Palm Beach Area office, Construction Division as ECAP Administrative Contracting Officer of the Year for 2023.
  • October

    The Future is Priceless

    (TAMPA, Fla.) - It’s already hot and humid on Saturday, and it’s only eight a.m. in Tampa, Florida. Channelside Drive is bumper-to-bumper traffic. Even though the temperature hasn’t changed much in the eight years since I lived there, the area has changed dramatically.
  • USACE is hiring, Jacksonville District hosts job fair in South Florida

    (CLEWISTON, Fla.) -  The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District is hiring and will host a job fair as the organization seeks to fill multiple positions in south Florida. The event will take place Wednesday, Oct. 18 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers South Florida Operations Office at 525 Ridgelawn Road, Building SF-2, Classroom 525, Clewiston, Fla.
  • USACE Jacksonville District celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

    JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, by commemorating, and honoring the many contributions Hispanic Americans have made to the U.S. Army, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Defense and the nation. The contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Portugal, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America.
  • August

    USACE, State Partners Celebrate Major Milestone for the Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands Project

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Jacksonville District and South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) celebrated a major milestone for the Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands Project in Miami-Dade County. The S-709 Pump Station, a component of the L31 Flow-Way, is complete and will contribute to the restoration of Biscayne Bay.
  • American Society of Civil Engineers, Florida Section announces Bohaczyk as 2023 Government Engineer of the Year

    JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Aug. 8, 2023 --Nicole Bohaczyk, a Geotechnical Engineer in the Geotechnical Design Section of the Geosystems Branch at the Jacksonville District w, as announced as the 2023 Government Engineer of the Year by the Florida Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) at their annual conference held in Orlando, Florida on Friday, July 14, 2023.
  • July

    USACE signs MOA Agreement for Guajataca Dam Repairs

    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division commander, Brigadier General Daniel Hibner, signed a Memorandum of Agreement on June 29, 2023, with the Puerto Rico Power Authority (PREPA), to initiate the permanent repairs of the Guajataca Dam in Isabela, Puerto Rico. The total estimated cost for this project is around $1 billion. The funds will be received from PREPA with funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency Disaster Recovery Funds. It is estimated that the permanent repairs will benefit 1,000 people that live directly downstream of the dam and another 250,000 that receive water from the filtration plants in Guajataca, Quebradillas, Isabela, and the mountains of Aguadilla. Governor Pedro Pierluisi was present during the signing ceremony.
  • Jacksonville District employees celebrate annual Corps Day at Jacksonville Fairgrounds

    (JACKSONVILLE, Fla., June 23) --The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District celebrated Corps Day on Friday, June 23, 2023, at the Jacksonville Fairgrounds. The annual event celebrates employees’ accomplishments and achievements over the past year and hosted hundreds of families, friends, and special guests.
  • June

    Jacksonville Commander announces Lake Okeechobee Wet Season Strategy

    The start of the wet season is a key moment in any water year, and it is here for 2023. We have seen the weather shift into wet season patterns across south Florida and over Lake Okeechobee. When the system is in a transition, we work together to assess the current system conditions, look back at what’s happened, and evaluate trends moving forward. Let’s review the 2022-2023 dry season and outline our strategy for the 2023 wet season.
  • USACE Hosts volunteers for National Pollinator Week

    ALVA, Fla. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District hosted volunteers from Southern Florida for a day of service at the W.P. Franklin Lock and Dam South Recreation Area near Alva during National Pollinator Week, on Saturday, June 24, to plant nearly 9,000 Florida native pollinator wildflowers and grasses.
  • May

    USACE creates project Task Force VIPR for Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico

    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers continues to take new approaches to engineering solutions for our nations toughest challenges and introduced the new task force that aims to speed up construction of the ongoing civilian works on the Island. Task Force U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico (Task Force VIPR) was created to organize and prioritize the demand of construction projects throughout the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.
  • Jacksonville hails arrival of largest container ship to ever call at port

    JACKSONVILLE, Fla., May 4, 2023 – Less than one year since the completion of the Jacksonville Harbor 47-foot Deepening project, Jaxport marked a milestone with the arrival yesterday of the largest capacity container ship to ever call at the Blount Island Marine Terminal. The USACE Jacksonville District's Harbor Deepening project provides the water draft needed to accommodate such vessels.
  • April

    ERDC leadership visits Jacksonville District Puerto Rico Projects

    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, Antilles Office and the Puerto Rico Integrated Projects Office hosted a recent visit by Dr. David W. Pittman, Director of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) as well as representatives of its seven laboratories. 
  • Puerto Nuevo Flood Risk Management Project Team participates in Community Meeting

    San Juan, Puerto Rico - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District, Antilles office, Río Puerto Nuevo Flood Risk Management Project team participated in a community meeting March 28.
  • March

    USACE hosts Industry Day in San Juan Puerto Rico

    San Juan, Puerto Rico – March 1, 2023 -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, Antilles Office hosted an Industry Day in San Juan Puerto Rio at Colegio de Ingenieros y Agrimensores de Puerto Rico. Local, national, and international construction companies from benefited from their participation.
  • USACE hosts charrette, public scoping meeting for St. Augustine Back Bay CSRM Feasibility Study

    St. Augustine, Fla. – Feb. 24, 2023 -- Jacksonville District’s St. Augustine Back Bay Coastal Storm Risk Management Feasibility Study took two big steps forward when the district and its non-federal sponsor, the City of St. Augustine, began a three-day charrette and held a public meeting to introduce residents to the study’s issues and aims.
  • USACE participates in NOAA hydrographic review panel

    San Juan, Puerto Rico, Feb. 24, 2023 -- Over 50 local, national, and international construction companies benefited from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Jacksonville District, Industry Day held this week at Colegio de Ingenieros y Agrimensores de Puerto Rico.
  • February

    USACE breaks ground on massive Everglades Agricultural Area Reservoir Project

    South Bay, Fla. – Feb. 22, 2023 -- Groundbreaking ceremonies have been used for centuries to celebrate the start of a new venture and give thanks to those who blazed a trail and made it possible.  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, and the South Florida Water Management District teamed with federal, state, and local officials along with stakeholders to break ground for the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) Reservoir, a major component of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan that reconnects Lake Okeechobee water to the central Everglades.