U.S. Army Corps of Engineers offers final comment period on Jacksonville Harbor study
Public comments to be received during March 18 teleconference call
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District staff will host two public teleconferences Tuesday, March 18 at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. The agenda for each meeting will be the same and will allow full participation from the public. Team members will provide an overview of the final report , respond to questions and receive comments from callers. To participate in the call, please dial 877-336-1280; when prompted for the access code, enter 6378917# and when prompted for a security code, enter 5279#.
In a March 4 letter (attached), Theodore A. Brown, P.E., chief of the Planning and Policy Division at Corps headquarters wrote that the report is currently under review by federal agencies and the governor of the state of Florida. Upon receipt of comments, the Chief’s Report will be finalized and submitted to the Secretary of the Army for transmittal to Congress.
The recommended plan, which was unanimously approved by the Corps’ Civil Works Review Board in late February, is to deepen the channel from the existing 40-foot project depth to 47 feet, starting from the entrance channel to approximately river mile 13, widen the channel within the Mile Point/Training Wall Reach and the St. Johns Bluff/White Shells Reach, and construct two turning basins at Blount Island and Brills Cut. All dredged material will go to the Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site, located approximately eight miles offshore from the mouth of the St. Johns River.
“It’s imperative to the success of the project that we continue to be open and transparent with the public and garnish support from the local community,” Project Manager Jason Harrah said.
To view the final report, please visit http://www.saj.usace.army.mil/About/DivisionsOffices/Planning/EnvironmentalBranch/EnvironmentalDocuments.aspx#JAXFGRR2.
If unable to participate in one of the scheduled conference calls, comments may be mailed to Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ATTN: CECW-P (IP), 7701 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, Va. 22315-3860. Comments must be postmarked no later than April 7, 2014.