JACKSONVILLE, Florida -- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, announced today an immediate halt to its current beach renourishment activities within the Anastasia State Park reach of its St. Augustine Beach, St. Johns County Shore Protection Project.
The contractor began work on March 8, 2024, but could not complete the park portion before significant shorebird nesting activity occurred in this area. Least terns, American oyster catchers and Wilson’s plovers typically start nesting in late April and early May with late nests in July and the last chicks fledging off the site in early August.
A least tern colony has been established this week in the park and in order to avoid any potential negative impacts to nesting shorebirds, their nests and their chicks, the decision was made to cease operations after consultation with officials from Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Anastasia State Park, St. Johns County, Florida Department of Environmental Protection and other state and federal agencies.
Existing portions of the federally constructed and renourished beach continue to provide protection from erosional forces and habitat benefits to the St. Augustine Beach shoreline.
The Jacksonville District is working with its contractor to re-set a project timeline for completing the 100-percent federally funded Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies beach renourishment. Announcement of a revised schedule is expected by the middle of May.
The Pope Road beach access will remain a closed staging area until the resumption of renourishment activities. Please comply with posted beach access instructions to maintain public safety.
Release no. 24-024