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Archive: 2022
  • SAJ-2021-02145 (SP-EWG)

    Expiration date: 1/6/2023

    Pinellas County. Deborah Roseman; Gandy Harbor I, II and III, LLC. Belleair Bluffs, Florida. PROJECT PURPOSE: Basic: Marina, dredging and shoreline stabilization. Overall: The overall project purpose is the development of a commercial marina with dredging for access and shoreline stabilization.

  • SAJ-2022-00826(SP-MNH)

    Expiration date: 12/27/2022

    Monroe County. Raymond Vazquez. PROJECT PURPOSE: Basic: The purpose of the project is to provide vessel mooring and shoreline stabilization. Overall: The overall project purpose is to provide vessel mooring and shoreline stabilization at a vacant residential lot in Summerland Key, Monroe County, Florida

  • SAJ-2015-02787(SP-PRC)

    Expiration date: 12/21/2022

    Broward County. Le Club International Condominium Association. Fort Lauderdale. FL. PROJECT PURPOSE: Basic: The basic project purpose is to improve navigation. Overall: The overall project purpose is to improve navigation by performing dredging at the existing multi-family marina at the Le Club Condominium in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.


    Expiration date: 12/28/2022

    Wakulla County. Kenneth Deese, Newton, Georgia. PROJECT PURPOSE: Basic: Water access and shoreline stabilization Overall: To stabilize the shoreline and provide recreational access to the Gulf of Mexico for residents of the proposed multi-family development located on the 12.26 acre tract located between Kornegay Way and Shellpoint Road in Crawfordville, Florida.

  • SAJ-2022-03314 (SP-JMB)

    Expiration date: 12/13/2022

    Osceola County. EW Property Holding, LLC, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Basic: The basic project purpose is mixed-use development (with navigable water access). Overall: The overall project purpose is to develop a multi-phase, mixed-use development with single and multi-family housing, open space, a school, and navigation access to Lake Tohopekaliga that complies with the East of Lake Toho Element of the Osceola County 2040 Comprehensive Plan, in Osceola County, Florida. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The subject site currently supports nine land use types/vegetative communities within its boundaries. These areas were identified utilizing the Florida Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification System, Level III (FLUCCS, FDOT, January 1999). The upland areas are classified as Improved Pasture (211), Citrus (221), Pine Flatwoods (411), Xeric Oak (421) and Live Oak (427). Wetland/surface water areas include approximately 7.24-acres of ditches (21,036 lineal feet), 3.55-acres of ponds and 284.04-acres of wetlands which are classified as Reservoirs (534), Wetland Mixed Forest (630), Freshwater Marsh (641), and Wet Prairie (643). The following provides a brief description of these land use types/vegetative communities identified on the site.