Tag: Enviornment
  • USACE Jacksonville District issues NEPA Scoping Letter for a Combined Operational Plan Deviation for Water Conservation Area 3A

    JACKSONVILLE, Florida (May 28, 2024) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Jacksonville District is preparing a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) assessment to support a multi-year planned temporary deviation to the Water Conservation Area 3A (WCA 3A) Regulation Schedule. This regulation schedule is part of the 2020 Combined Operational Plan (COP) Water Control Plan, the current operating plan for the Water Conservation Areas (WCAs), Everglades National Park (ENP) and South Dade Conveyance System. The 2020 COP Water Control Plan defines operations for the constructed features of the Modified Water Deliveries and Canal 111 (C-111) South Dade project components. The map, which can be viewed with the signed document at the link below, shows these features. Under the 2020 COP Water Control Plan, operations of the S-12A, S-12B, S-343A, and S-343B include seasonal closures for the federally listed Cape Sable seaside sparrow. The Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision was completed on August 28, 2020.