Jacksonville, Fla. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District announced today that dredging operations are underway within the St. Augustine Inlet Federal Channel. Due to weather conditions and subsequent wave action, the federal channel has shoaled in creating hazardous conditions for mariners.
Approximately 120,000 cubic yards of beach quality sand will be dredged from the federal channel and placed on the beach within Anastasia State Park. This dredging will restore the Inlet down to the 16' authorized depth. The placement area within the park is located approximately 1 mile south of the inlet.
The dredging operation is being funded with 100% federal funding received due to impacts to the Inlet from the passage of Hurricane Sandy in 2012.
The dredging operation is being accomplished with a cutter suction dredge. The dredge material is transported from the Inlet via a pipeline to the area of placement within the state park. The pipeline is being placed offshore and will run parallel to the coastline before turning in perpendicularly once reaching the placement area within the state park boundary.
Questions pertaining to this operation can be directed to Ms. Shelley Trulock, project manager, at 904-232-3292.
Release no. 13-080