Jacksonville District publishes Finding of No Significant Impact for Putnam County Water Supply Project

Jacksonville District
Published Oct. 7, 2024

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Jacksonville District announces the publication of a proposed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Putnam County Comprehensive Water Supply Modernization Project, which addresses the provision of design and construction assistance for a publicly-owned, non-federal water-related environmental infrastructure project in northeast Florida.

            USACE conducted an environmental assessment (EA) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 for the water supply infrastructure project. The EA evaluated several alternatives that would provide water supply system improvements and extension of water transmission lines from the main water supply system to the study area.

            The preferred alternative under consideration includes USACE providing design and construction assistance (75% federal share of project costs) for the design and construction of approximately 27.9 miles of water mainline installation in four phases, subject to the availability of federal funding.

            Proposed phases include:

  1. Phase 1A - permitting, design, construction, and installation of approximately three miles of water mainline to extend Putnam County water service to residential areas in East Palatka, Florida (along East River Road), beginning at Putnam County Boulevard (Blvd) and ending at County Road (CR) 207A.
  2. Phase 1B - permitting, design, construction, and installation of approximately 4.3 miles of water mainline to extend Putnam County water service to the residential areas in East Palatka, Florida (CR 207A), from East River Road to State Road 207.
  3. Phase II - permitting, design, construction, and installation of approximately 6.3 miles of watermain needed to extend Putnam County water service to the residential areas in Satsuma, Florida (south of San Mateo Road), between Horse Landing Road and Carlin Road.
  4. Phase III - permitting, design, construction, and installation of approximately 7.3 miles of watermain needed to extend Putnam County water service to the residential areas in Satsuma, Florida (south of US 17 and north of San Mateo Road), between Butler Drive and Amberjack Street.
  5. Phase IV - permitting, design, construction, and installation of approximately seven miles of watermain needed to extend Putnam County water service to the residential areas in Satsuma, Florida (north of US 17) between White Oaks Trail and Magnolia Trail.


            The public and interested parties are encouraged to review the proposed FONSI and draft EA and associated appendices on the Jacksonville District’s Environmental planning web page:

            On that page, scroll down and click on “+” next to Putnam, which will open the collection of documents for review.

            USACE will accept comments for review and consideration for a 30-day period. Submit comments via email at Julia.B.Lombardo@usace.army.mil or via the U.S. Postal Service to:

Julia Lombardo
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
PDE-C, Planning Division


Release no. 24-076