The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District has released the Working Draft of the Integrated Delivery Schedule (IDS) 2022. The IDS provides the roadmap for sequencing of planning, design, construction and operations of both federal and state projects related to Everglades restoration.
““Everglades restoration projects are moving forward with unprecedented momentum right now,” said Eva Velez, Chief of the Ecosystems Branch. “The Corps has $1 Billion in project features under construction. Additional projects are being completed and starting to operate, providing benefits to the ecosystem, economy, and quality of life in Florida. The Corps, South Florida Water Management District and the Department of the Interior together are advancing restoration with tangible benefits to the Everglades. Our strong collaborative relationships, broad support, and record-breaking funding at both the state and federal level, have made it possible to move forward with restoration in a way that would have been almost unimaginable ten years ago.”
Multiple presentations by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and South Florida Water Management District from the October 19 South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force Meeting are available at along with a recorded webcast and the Working Draft of the 2022 Integrated Delivery Schedule.
Direct links for the IDS and USACE Program and Project Updates are below:
Integrated Delivery Schedule (IDS)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Program and Project Update
“The IDS reflects an optimized schedule based on engineering and science to maintain the historic momentum of the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Program,” said. Dr. Tabitha Elkington, Strategic Program Manager for the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Program. “The IDS shows us the progress we have made to date and shows us a clear path forward toward completing remaining projects and operating them to achieve restoration goals and improve the health of the Everglades ecosystem.”
The Integrated Delivery Schedule (IDS) is a forward-looking snapshot of upcoming design, construction, and operational schedules and programmatic costs at a “top” line level for the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration (SFER) Program. It includes foundation projects like the Kissimmee River Restoration and the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) projects. The plan focuses on the “getting the water right.” CERP—the largest aquatic ecosystem restoration effort in the nation, spanning more than 18,000 square miles—is designed to improve the health of more than 2.4 million acres.
Please save the date for the release and presentation of the Final 2022 IDS Update on November 18, 2022 at a virtual SFER Task Force sponsored workshop.
For additional information or to request a PDF version (printable on 11 x 17 paper) of the IDS via email, go to: