The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District announces a Virtual Project Delivery Team (PDT) Meeting for Combined Operational Plan (COP) Implementation on Friday, December 17, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
“The purpose of this Project Delivery Team Meeting is to provide our partners, stakeholders and the public an update on what we have learned through the implementation of the COP Water Control Plan in the southern part of our Central and Southern Florida system” said Senior Project Manager Chrissie Figueroa.
The COP defines operations for the constructed features of the Modified Water Deliveries to Everglades National Park and Canal 111 South Dade Projects, while maintaining the congressionally authorized purposes of the Central and Southern Florida (C&SF) Project, to include flood control; water supply for agricultural irrigation, municipalities, and industry; regional groundwater control and prevention of saltwater intrusion; enhancement of fish and wildlife; and recreation.
Following COP implementation in September 2020, the Corps committed to maintaining the agency and stakeholder engagement process through bi-annual meetings.
The goals for these meetings are to provide status, share successes, understand trends and potential causes of performance issues, as well as to discuss what options, are available to improve performance, if needed.
The PDT meeting will include reports from scientists, hydrologists, engineers, and water managers, summarizing operational activities during the previous period, the status of meeting COP goals and objectives and constraints, any lessons learned during the year, the results of adaptive management monitoring, including targeted studies, and adaptive management uncertainties, as well as the status and results of implementation of any adaptive management actions, if any, during the year.
The Project Delivery Team (PDT) members include only the federal officials and elected officers of state, local or tribal governments or their designated employees with authority to act on their behalf in their official capacities.
Members of the public are welcome to attend the PDT meeting and provide comment during the designated Public Comment periods.
*PLEASE log into the webinar first and have it call your phone in order to avoid background noise so all participants can hear the discussion clearly.
COP Implementation Virtual PDT Meeting
Friday, December 17, 2021, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
+1-844-800-2712 US Toll Free
+1-669-234-1177 US Toll
Access code: 199 597 3444
Please mute your phone and mute your computer upon joining the meeting.
All lines except those who are scheduled to speak will be muted during the meeting.
Please announce yourself when you join the PDT Meeting by signing in via the chat function with your full name and affiliation, as well as either “PDT” for Project Delivery Team members or “Public” for members of the public.
There will be designated opportunities for public comment during the PDT meeting. If you would like to provide public comment, in addition to your initial check-in, we request that you WAIT to add your name to the chat to provide public comment until the public comment period is announced, and then provide your full name and affiliation to everyone on the chat again at that time to reserve your opportunity to provide public comment. This will make it easier for everyone to track who will be next up to provide public comment.
Learn more about COP at:
The COP Water Control Plan is available at:
(note: large files may take a few minutes to download).
View related Fact Sheets:
Modified Water Deliveries Fact Sheet:
C- 111 South Dade Fact Sheet: