The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District has started a public review of the proposed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Lake Okeechobee and Okeechobee Waterway Shoreline Management Plan (SMP). Comments are due Feb. 6, 2020.
The Corps will accept public comments on the proposed FONSI during the 30-day period from January 7, 2020 through February 6, 2020.
The purpose of the Lake Okeechobee and Okeechobee Waterway Shoreline Management Plan is to provide guidance and information to the public, specific to the effective management of the Lake Okeechobee and Okeechobee Waterway shoreline. Within the plan, the types of private use and activities that may be permitted on the shoreline are described. Additionally, the plan addresses shoreline allocations, rules, regulations, and other information relevant to Lake Okeechobee and the Okeechobee Waterway.
The Corps’ management objective is to provide opportunities for the optimum recreational experience for the maximum number of people. At the same time, we want to assure compatibility among general public use and permitted private use while assuring long term resource protection for the enjoyment of project benefits by all. The updated Shoreline Management Plan does not propose any changes to the way the shoreline program is currently managed.
The proposed action for the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) is for the update to the Lake Okeechobee and Okeechobee Waterway Shoreline Management Plan in line with Engineering Regulation 1130-2-406 (Shoreline Management at Civil Works Projects) and South Atlantic Division Regulation No. 1130-15-1 (Shoreline Management at South Atlantic Division Civil Works Projects). The proposed FONSI incorporates the consultations and findings of the Jacksonville District Regulatory Division Programmatic General Permit (SAJ-67) for shoreline actions along the Okeechobee Waterway. Based on information analyzed, the Corps concludes that the proposed action will not significantly impact the quality of the human environment and does not require an EIS.
The project area extends from the St. Lucie Lock & Dam in Martin County on the east side, to Lake Okeechobee at the Port Mayaca Lock and Dam, around the lake’s southern shoreline, and from the Moore Haven Lock and Dam to the Ortona Lock and Dam, through to the W.P. Franklin Lock and Dam in Lee County on the west side.
The Notice of Availability is available at:
The proposed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the update to the Lake Okeechobee and Okeechobee Waterway Shoreline Management Plan is available at:
The draft final Lake Okeechobee and Okeechobee Waterway Shoreline Management Plan dated December 2019 is available at:
Contact Erica Skolte at or text your email to if you would like to receive a copy of the Final Draft of the Lake Okeechobee and Okeechobee Waterway Shoreline Management Plan.
Note: due to large file sizes, it may take a few minutes for documents to download.
The documents will also be available for public review at the W.P. Franklin Visitor Center, 1660 South Franklin Lock Road, Alva, Florida (239-694-2582) and St. Lucie Visitor Center 2170 SW Canal Street, Stuart, Florida (772-219-4575), as well as the South Florida Operations Office at 525 Ridgelawn Road, Clewiston, Florida (863-983-8101).
Please submit comments on the Draft Final Lake Okeechobee and Okeechobee Waterway Shoreline Management Plan by February 6, 2020 to or via mail to:
Planning Division, Environmental Branch
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Jacksonville District
P.O. Box 4970Jacksonville, Florida 32232-0019
The current Okeechobee Waterway (OWW) Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) is dated August 2004.
For more information about Shoreline Management, visit: