Corps of Engineers seeks owner of sunken sailboat in Intracoastal Waterway

Published Feb. 21, 2019


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is seeking the owner of a sunken 39-foot sailboat bearing the name MONIQUE II. The vessel is obstructing navigation in the Intracoastal Waterway in the vicinity of Daytona Beach, just north of the Main Street Bridge at 29 degrees 13.4133 minutes north latitude and 081 degrees 01.1479 minutes west longitude.

The Corps of Engineers and U.S. Coast Guard have jointly determined that this obstruction presents a hazard to navigation and requires removal under federal law (Title 33, U.S. Code Section 409).

All attempts to contact the owner of the vessel have failed.  The owner, operator or lessee of this vessel is responsible for marking and immediate removal of the wreck.  The owner, operator or lessee should contact the Coast Guard directly for marking requirements, and contact the Corps of Engineers concerning intentions and plans for removal of the vessel.

Failure to commence immediate removal of the vessel and to pursue removal diligently may result in a court judgment against the owner, or a determination of abandonment, subjecting the vessel to removal and disposal by the Corps of Engineers at the owner’s expense.  Additionally, the owner may be liable for criminal charges and/or actions against any Coast Guard licenses the owner may carry, as a result of the sinking of this vessel.  It is imperative that owner contact the Coast Guard and the Corps of Engineers immediately on this matter.

Any information concerning this vessel should be forwarded to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, John Bearce, 904-232-3525 or and/or U.S. Coast Guard, 904-714-7557, or



Amanda Parker

Release no. 19-011