Pinecastle Jeep Range was a 12,483-acre site near Orlando International Airport. Between 1943 and 1946, the government leased the land for training and military demonstrations of weapons and warfare capabilities. In the late 1940s, when the military no longer needed the property, it was returned to the original property owners.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) conducted a thorough investigation of the former Pinecastle Jeep Range and searched for and removed munitions from Odyssey Middle School, Tivoli Gardens, and Lee Vista Square (an area known as Munitions Response Site Demonstration Range North).
The other Munitions Response Sites are Demonstration Range South, Demonstration Range East, and Remaining Area. The demonstration ranges are south of Lee Vista Boulevard, north of Beachline Expressway, and from the western boundary of the property east to the Orange County landfill. All the residential neighborhoods except those in Demonstration Range North are in the Remaining Area. Since no munitions were found in the Remaining Area, no further action is required. (Please see the Decision Document and Remedial Action fact sheet for more information.)
While the potential of finding munitions is low, always use caution in areas where the military has trained. Remember and follow the 3Rs of Explosives Safety: Recognize, Retreat, Report.

RECOGNIZE - The object you found could be dangerous.
RETREAT - Leave the area without touching or moving the object.
REPORT - Call 911 immediately.