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Tag: Nassau County
  • SAJ-2024-01742(SP-BJB)

    Expiration date: 8/5/2024

    Nassau County. Nassau County. Yulee. FL. PROJECT PURPOSE: The basic purpose of the project is to improve public roadway capacity, safety, and transit options in the city of Yulee, Nassau County, Florida. Overall: The overall project purpose is to improve public roadway capacity, safety, and transit options in the city of Yulee, Nassau County, Florida through the extension of William Burgess Blvd. from US 17 to Miner Road

  • SAJ-2024-01602(SP-CJH)

    Expiration date: 7/2/2024

    Nassau County. Board of County Commissioners of Nassau County, Yulee, Florida. PROJECT PURPOSE: Basic: The basic project purpose is public recreational development. Overall: The overall project purpose is to develop a community park facility to provide recreational opportunities for residents of the surrounding towns of Hilliard and Callahan.

  • SAJ-2002-02052(SP-TDS)

    Expiration date: 6/4/2024

    Duval County. United States Naval Station Mayport, Mayport, Florida. PROJECT PURPOSE: The purpose of the proposed project is to conduct maintenance dredging to provide safe passage of U.S. Navy vessels to maintain national defense readiness. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The proposed maintenance dredging would occur within open tidal waters and within the footprints of the existing Turning Basin, Destroyer Slip, Small Boat Basin, Mayport Entrance Channel, Bar Cut. A previous DA Permit to dredge these areas was issued on 17 July 2014 and remains valid until 17 July 2024. The expected dredged materials from each dredge area are as follows: Mayport Turning Basin--sand, silty, some fine to medium-grained quartz, some silt, few medium-grained shell, dark gray; Mayport Entrance Channel--sand, silty, mostly fine to medium-grained quartz, some silt, few medium-grained shell, dark gray; and Bar Cut 3--sand, silty, mostly fine to medium-grained sand-sized quartz, some sand to gravel-sized shell, little silt, gray.

  • SAJ-2002-02052(SP-TDS)

    Expiration date: 6/4/2024

    Nassau County. United States Naval Station Mayport, Mayport, Florida. PROJECT PURPOSE: The purpose of the proposed project is to conduct maintenance dredging to provide safe passage of U.S. Navy vessels to maintain national defense readiness. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The proposed maintenance dredging would occur within open tidal waters and within the footprints of the existing Turning Basin, Destroyer Slip, Small Boat Basin, Mayport Entrance Channel, Bar Cut. A previous DA Permit to dredge these areas was issued on 17 July 2014 and remains valid until 17 July 2024. The expected dredged materials from each dredge area are as follows: Mayport Turning Basin--sand, silty, some fine to medium-grained quartz, some silt, few medium-grained shell, dark gray; Mayport Entrance Channel--sand, silty, mostly fine to medium-grained quartz, some silt, few medium-grained shell, dark gray; and Bar Cut 3--sand, silty, mostly fine to medium-grained sand-sized quartz, some sand to gravel-sized shell, little silt, gray. PROPOSED WORK: The applicant seeks authorization to conduct annual maintenance dredging of approximately 1,000,000 cubic yards of dredged material (per year) from a total of approximately 543 acres of open tidal waters, which include the western section of the Turning Basin (-42 feet (ft) Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) plus 2 ft allowable over depth), the eastern section of the Turning Basin, (-50 ft MLLW plus 2 ft allowable over depth), the southern section of the Turning Basin (-35 feet (ft) MLLW plus 2 ft allowable over depth), the Destroyer Slip (-35 ft MLLW plus 2 ft allowable over depth), the Small Boat Basin (-27 ft and -14 ft MLLW plus 2 ft allowable over depth), Mayport Entrance Channel (-50 ft MLLW plus 2 ft advanced maintenance dredge and 2 ft allowable over depth at Station (STA) 56+27.44 to STA 0+00) and Bar Cut-3 (50 ft MLLW plus 2 ft advanced maintenance dredge and 2 ft allowable over depth at STA 198+63.25 to STA 0+00) at Naval Station Mayport. The work will be conducted by either using a mechanical (excavator or clamshell), hopper, and/or cutter-suction, dredge. Work will be conducted 24 hours per day/7 days a week for approximately 2-4 months per dredging event. The dredged material will be transported and disposed of in the Jacksonville Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS). The applicant is requesting a 10-year permit.

  • SAJ-2006-07885(SP-TDS)

    Expiration date: 3/28/2024

    Nassau County. Three Rivers Developers, LLC, Jacksonville, Florida. PROJECT PURPOSE: Basic: The construction of a residential community and mixed-used development. Overall: The construction of roads, building pads, residential lots, parking, stormwater ponds and infrastructure associated with a residential community and mixed-used development in Nassau County near the Cities of Callahan and Yulee.