USACE Jacksonville District issues Notice of Availability for the Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

JACKSONVILLE, Florida (May 24, 2024) – Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District (USACE) is issuing a Notice of Availability for the Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). USACE is proposing a new regulation schedule for Lake Okeechobee within an updated Water Control Plan (WCP). The regulation schedule is a compilation of operating criteria, guidelines, and figures that govern the quantity, timing, and duration of releases out of the lake. The regulation schedule establishes the agency’s operational strategy to balance the congressionally authorized project purposes for flood risk management, water supply, enhancement of fish and wildlife, navigation, and recreation. Implementation of this regulation schedule corresponds with the completion of the Herbert Hoover Dike (HHD) rehabilitation and considers completed or nearly completed Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan projects. LOSOM is intended to replace the current Lake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule, known as the 2008 LORS (LORS08). 


The Final EIS evaluates an array of alternative Lake Okeechobee regulation schedules and describes and compares their potential environmental effects, including consideration of comments from public and agency review. The Recommended Plan was chosen based on the project purposes and objectives. The proposed LOSOM plan remains the same as documented in the Draft EIS and WCP released in July 2022, which the USACE developed over almost four years in collaboration with stakeholders. The schedule and operational criteria have not changed, and the performance of the plan remains the same as documented in the Draft EIS. The proposed regulation schedule and WCP will govern lake releases and C&SF Project operations in portions of Glades, Martin, Palm Beach, Hendry, Lee, St. Lucie, and Okeechobee counties, Florida. Effects may extend to Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe, and Collier counties, Florida.

The LOSOM represents a significant shift in operational philosophy to a system-wide benefits approach. Lake level management would be focused on making beneficial releases at times and in quantities that improve water supply availability and enhance fish and wildlife in the region. The LOSOM plan also improves the ability of water managers to use system-wide analysis to adapt to real time conditions to make informed decisions on lake releases. The LOSOM also includes more robust and structured communication and collaboration between the USACE and stakeholders, as operational decisions are made.

The Final EIS is available for your review on the Jacksonville District’s Environmental planning website: 

(On the above page, click on the “+” next to “Multiple Counties”.  Scroll down to the project name). The Final EIS can also be found on the project website at:


The review period of the Final EIS is 30 days beginning on May 24, 2024.


Questions concerning the proposed action can be submitted by email at

Correspondence may be submitted to:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District

Attn: Jacob Thompson, Project Biologist

701 San Marco Blvd.

Jacksonville, FL 32207-8915

USACE announces availability of the Final Draft LOSOM Water Control Plan and Project Delivery Team Meeting and Listening Session on July 24

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District announces the availability of the Final Draft Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) Water Control Plan and a virtual LOSOM Project Delivery Team (PDT) Meeting and listening session scheduled for Monday, July 24, from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

“The purpose of the July 24 engagement is to update the Project Delivery Team, partners, stakeholders and the public on the release of the Final Draft LOSOM Water Control Plan, the LOSOM project schedule, and to answer related questions,” said LOSOM Project Manager Tim Gysan. “It’s been a little while since we talked with the many people who helped us in this process, so we want to host a forum to share the latest information.”

The Final Draft LOSOM Water Control Plan is available at:
Note: this large file may take a few minutes to load

The Project Delivery Team (PDT) members include only the federal officials and elected officers of state, local or tribal governments or their designated employees with authority to act on their behalf acting in their official capacities.

Members of the public (PUBLIC) are welcome to attend the government agency PDT meeting and provide comment during the designated Public Comment periods.

*PLEASE log into the webinar first and have it call your phone in order to avoid background noise so all participants can hear the discussion clearly.

Please mute your phone and mute your computer upon joining the meeting.

LOSOM Project Delivery Team Meeting
Release of Final Draft Water Control Plan and listening session
Monday, July 24, 2023, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Call-in toll-free number (ATT Audio Conference):1-844-800-2712
Call-in number (ATT Audio Conference):1-669-234-1177
Access Code: 1997788788

USACE announces virtual LOSOM Project Delivery Team Meeting and listening session on March 15, 2023 9 - 10:30

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District announces a virtual Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) Project Delivery Team (PDT) Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 15, from 9  a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

“The purpose of the March 15 PDT Meeting is to update the Project Delivery Team, partners, stakeholders and the public on a change to the LOSOM study schedule and to hold a listening session,” said LOSOM Project Manager Tim Gysan.

The Project Delivery Team (PDT) members include only the federal officials and elected officers of state, local or tribal governments or their designated employees with authority to act on their behalf acting in their official capacities.

Members of the public (PUBLIC) are welcome to attend the government agency PDT meeting and provide comment during the designated Public Comment periods.

*PLEASE log into the webinar first and have it call your phone in order to avoid background noise so all participants can hear the discussion clearly.

Please mute your phone and mute your computer upon joining the meeting.

LOSOM Project Delivery Team Meeting
change to LOSOM study schedule and listening session
Wednesday, March 15, 2023, 9 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.
*Suggest logging into the webinar first and having it call you. If you prefer to log into webinar and call into audio portion, please use numbers below:
Call-in toll-free number (ATT Audio Conference):1-844-800-2712
Call-in number (ATT Audio Conference):1-669-234-1177
Access Code: 1997788788

Corps seeks public comment on LOSOM Draft NEPA documents


Photo of sailboat locking through the Port Mayca Lock and Dam into Lake Okeechobee with double rainbow

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District (USACE) announces a 45-day public comment period for the Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Comments are due Monday, September 12, 2022.

Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM)
Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

Note: files are large and may take a few minutes to load

Draft EIS

Notice of Availability 

Appendix A: Draft Water Control Plan

Appendix B: Coastal Zone Consistency Determination

Appendix C: Environmental Effects

Appendix D: Pertinent Correspondence

Appendix E: Plan Formulation, Evaluation, and Comparison

Appendix F: Performance Metrics

Appendix G: Modeling Documentation

Appendix H: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment

Please submit comments to by Monday, September 12, 2022 (recommended subject: LOSOM Draft EIS Comments).

A printed copy of the report is also available in the Reference Section at the following libraries:

206 S.W. 16TH STREET

STUART, FL 34996


LOSOM Virtual NEPA Meetings

The Virtual NEPA meetings will be hosted using WebEx:
*Suggest logging into the webinar first and having it call you. If you prefer to log into webinar and call into audio portion, please use numbers below:

Join by phone:
+1-844-800-2712 US Toll Free
+1-669-234-1177 US Toll
Access code: 199 731 0442

Focus on receiving comments from stakeholders south of Lake Okeechobee
Tuesday August 9, 2022 at 6 p.m. (evening)

Focus on receiving comments from stakeholders north of Lake Okeechobee
Wednesday August 10, 2022 at 6 p.m. (evening)

Focus on receiving comments from stakeholders west of Lake Okeechobee, including the Caloosahatchee River and Estuary
Tuesday August 16, 2022 at 6 p.m. (evening)

Focus on receiving comments from stakeholders east of Lake Okeechobee, including the St. Lucie River and Estuary
Wednesday August 17, 2022 at 6 p.m. (evening)

Focus on receiving comments from Government Agencies
Thursday August 18, 2022 at 10 a.m. (daytime)

While each meeting has a focus for comments, this does not prohibit comments from anyone wishing to speak. Verbal comments will be entered into a response matrix along with written comments received via e-mail and regular mail.

Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM), a component of the Central & Southern Florida (C&SF) System Operating Plan

Port Mayaca Lock at Lake Okeechobee

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District invites the public to be engaged with the development of the new Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM). A series of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) public scoping meetings were held throughout south Florida during February and March 2019.

The purpose of this effort is to reevaluate and define operations for the Lake Okeechobee regulation schedule that take into account additional infrastructure that will soon be operational. The additional infrastructure that will be taken into consideration includes the Herbert Hoover Dike rehabilitation, Kissimmee River Restoration Project, as well as the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) C-43 West Basin Storage Reservoir and C-44 Reservoir and Stormwater Treatment Area.

LOSOM PDT Meetings

The Project Delivery Team (PDT) members include only the federal officials and elected officers of state, local or tribal governments or their designated employees with authority to act on their behalf acting in their official capacities.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the government agency PDT meeting and provide comment during designated periods.


PDT Meeting Comments:

LOSOM Listening Session – proposed working draft operational guidance and draft water control plan
Monday, March 21, 2022, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

*Suggest logging into the webinar first and having it call you. If you prefer to log into webinar and call into audio portion, please use numbers below:
Call-in toll-free number (ATT Audio Conference):1-844-800-2712
Call-in number (ATT Audio Conference):1-669-234-1177
Access Code: 1997788788

LOSOM Project Delivery Team Meeting – Draft Operational Guidance

Monday, March 7, 2022, 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
*Suggest logging into the webinar first and having it call you. If you prefer to log into webinar and call into audio portion, please use numbers below:
Call-in toll-free number (ATT Audio Conference):1-844-800-2712

Call-in number (ATT Audio Conference):1-669-234-1177

Access Code: 1997788788

The purpose of the March 7 PDT Meeting is to provide an update on the working draft of the operational guidance under development to accompany the LOSOM lake regulation schedule.
Project Delivery Team Members are encouraged to provide feedback during the meeting and LOSOM Stakeholders are also invited to provide comments during the Public Comment Periods.

LOSOM Listening Session – Evaluation of Final Model Results

Monday, January 24, 2022, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

 +1-844-800-2712 US Toll Free

+1-669-234-1177 US Toll

Access code: 199 737 9512

Password: 1234

The focus of the Jan. 24 Listening Session will be on evaluation of the model results discussed at the Project Delivery Team Meeting on Jan. 12.

LOSOM Project Delivery Team Meeting – Final Model Results and Operational Guidance Development Status

Wednesday, January 12, 2022, 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

 +1-844-800-2712 US Toll Free

+1-669-234-1177 US Toll

Access code: 199 737 9512

Password: 1234
The focus of this PDT engagement will be an overview of the final model data, a look at the environmental assessment, and an update on the operational guidance development.

 LOSOM Project Delivery Team Meeting – Announcement of the Optimized Lake Schedule Model Run

Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 3 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
*Suggest logging into the webinar first and having it call you. If you prefer to log into webinar and call into audio portion, please use numbers below:
Call-in toll-free number (ATT Audio Conference):1-844-800-2712
Call-in number (ATT Audio Conference):1-669-234-1177
Access Code: 1997788788


LOSOM Project Delivery Team Meeting – Optimization Feedback
Tuesday, November 2, 2021, 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
*Suggest logging into the webinar first and having it call you. If you prefer to log into webinar and call into audio portion, please use numbers below:
Call-in toll-free number (ATT Audio Conference):1-844-800-2712
Call-in number (ATT Audio Conference):1-669-234-1177
Access Code: 1997788788

We will hold a PDT meeting on Tuesday November 2 to review everything we are receiving with the PDT and listen to additional feedback on the optimization data. We are requesting all submittals of preferred optimization runs for review by Tuesday but no later than Friday Nov. 5.


LOSOM Listening Session
Thursday, October 28, 2021, 3:15 p.m. to 5 p.m.
*Suggest logging into the webinar first and having it call you. If you prefer to log into webinar and call into audio portion, please use numbers below:
Call-in toll-free number (ATT Audio Conference):1-844-800-2712
Call-in number (ATT Audio Conference):1-669-234-1177 Access Code: 1997788788

The purpose of this session is to provide a forum for the LOSOM PDT and public to provide additional feedback on the Iteration 3 schedule optimization effort.

LOSOM Project Delivery Team Meeting
Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
*Suggest logging into the webinar first and having it call you. If you prefer to log into webinar and call into audio portion, please use numbers below:
Call-in toll-free number (ATT Audio Conference):1-844-800-2712
Call-in number (ATT Audio Conference):1-669-234-1177 Access Code: 1997788788

Series of three LOSOM Project Delivery Team Operational Guidance Workshops during September 2021:

LOSOM PDT Operational Guidance Workshop (Algal Bloom Operations): Wednesday September 8, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Conceptualization of operational guidance during algal blooms and when bloom risk may be projected to be high.


LOSOM PDT Operational Guidance Workshop (Lake Recovery, Environmental Conditions, Ramp up/down): September 22, 1 to 3 p.m.

Conceptualization of operational guidance for Lake Okeechobee recovery, how to incorporate environmental conditions in the decision making, and ramp up or ramp down of releases when moving between release guidance.


LOSOM PDT Operational Guidance Workshop (Forecasting and makeup releases): September 29, 1:30 to 3:30

How to incorporate forecasting into operational guidance and concepts of make-up releases.

*Suggest logging into the webinar first and having it call you. If you prefer to log into webinar and call into audio portion, please use numbers below:

Call-in toll-free number (ATT Audio Conference):1-844-800-2712

Call-in number (ATT Audio Conference):1-669-234-1177

Access Code: 1997788788

PDT Meeting – LOSOM Operational Guidance

Wednesday, August 25, 2021, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
*Suggest logging into the webinar first and having it call you. If you prefer to log into webinar and call into audio portion, please use numbers below:

Join by phone

+1-844-800-2712 US Toll Free

+1-669-234-1177 US Toll

Access code: 199 737 9512

Password: 1234

The purpose of the August 25 Project Delivery Team Meeting is to kick off Iteration 3 operational guidance development.

LOSOM PDT and Stakeholder Engagement – Announcement of Preferred Alternative

Monday, August 9, 2021, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

*Suggest logging into the webinar first and having it call you.

If you prefer to log into webinar and call into audio portion, please use numbers below:

Join by phone

Call-in toll-free number (ATT Audio Conference):1-844-800-2712

Call-in number (ATT Audio Conference):1-669-234-1177

Access Code: 1997788788
The purpose of the engagement on August 9 is to provide the Preferred Alternative, set the goals for optimization in Iteration 3, and to explain the process for the optimization effort and development of Operational Guidance.

LOSOM Project Delivery Team and Stakeholder Engagement scheduled for July 19, 2021 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

LOSOM PDT and Stakeholder Engagement – Preliminary Announcement of Preferred Alternative

Monday, July 19, 2021, 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

*Suggest logging into the webinar first and having it call you. If you prefer to log into webinar and call into audio portion, please use numbers below:
Join by phone

+1-844-800-2712 US Toll Free

+1-669-234-1177 US Toll

Access code: 199 737 9512

UPDATED due to Tropical Storm Elsa!
LOSOM Project Delivery Team Meeting scheduled for July 12, 2021 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.


LOSOM PDT Meeting – PDT Member Identification of Preferred Iteration 2 Alternative

Monday, July 12, 2021, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Call-in toll-free number: 1-844-800-2712

Call-in number:1-669-234-1177

Access Code: 1997788788


Please announce yourself when you join the PDT Meeting or Technical Workshop by signing in via the chat function with your full name and affiliation, as well as either “PDT” for Project Delivery Team members or “Public” for members of the public.


There will be designated opportunities for public comment during the PDT meeting and technical workshops. If you would like to provide public comment, in addition to your initial check-in, we request that you WAIT to add your name to the chat to provide public comment until the public comment period is announced, and then provide your full name and affiliation to everyone on the chat again at that time to reserve your opportunity to provide public comment. This will make it easier for everyone to track who will be next up to provide public comment.


For those who cannot attend the online PDT meeting or technical workshops, but wish to provide a comment, please send those comments by email to (recommended subject: LOSOM PDT Meeting Comments).

Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM)
Project Delivery Team Agency Preferred Alternative Recommendations
Meeting Agenda

Monday July 12, 2021 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Location: Web Meeting Only

Web Meeting Information
Join by phone
Call-in toll-free number (ATT Audio Conference):1-844-800-2712
Call-in number (ATT Audio Conference):1-669-234-1177
Access Code: 1997788788


1. Welcome, Introduction, and Meeting Purpose   9:00 AM – 9:15 AM 
2. Federal Agencies                                                     9:15 AM –   9:45 AM
3. State Agencies                                                         9:45 AM – 10:15 AM
4. Break                                                                      10:15 AM – 10:30 AM
5. County Governments                                          10:30 AM – 11:30 AM 
6. Lunch                                                                     11:30 AM – 12:00 PM
7. Local Governments                                             12:00 PM –    1:00 PM
8. Public Comment                                                    1:00 PM –    2:45 PM
9. LOSOM Next Steps and Adjourn                         2:45 PM –    3:00 PM

For information from the South Florida Water Management District's June 29, 2021 LOSOM Governing Board Workshop, please visit:
Download the presentation:

LOSOM Project Delivery Team Meeting scheduled for June 17, 2021 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
LOSOM PDT Technical Workshops on Tuesday, June 22 and Wednesday, June 30 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, announces a Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) Project Delivery Team (PDT) Meeting, to be held Thursday, June 17, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and LOSOM PDT Technical Workshops on Tuesday, June 22 and Wednesday, June 30 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

 "The Corps will host a Project Delivery Team Meeting on June 17 to present a high-level overview of the Iteration 2 modeling results and discuss the schedule for PDT evaluation of the final alternative array,” said LOSOM Project Manager Tim Gysan. “The Corps will also host two technical workshops to interactively evaluate the details of the alternatives.”


“We request that the PDT technical experts come to the workshops prepared to the provide their interpretation of the data as it relates to their area of expertise,” said Gysan. “We have a lot of work to do to get us to the preferred alternative by August and look forward to engaging the PDT for in-depth evaluations during the workshops."

*PLEASE log into the webinar first and have it call your phone for the best audio for all.

LOSOM PDT Meeting – Iteration 2 Performance Review
Thursday, June 17, 2021, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Call-in toll-free number: 1-844-800-2712
Call-in number:1-669-234-1177
Access Code: 1997788788

LOSOM Iteration 2 Evaluation Technical Workshop
Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
+1-844-800-2712 US Toll Free
+1-669-234-1177 US Toll
Access code: 199 737 9512
Password: 1234

LOSOM Iteration 2 Evaluation Technical Workshop
Wednesday, June 30, 2021, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
+1-844-800-2712 US Toll Free
+1-669-234-1177 US Toll
Access code: 199 737 9512
Password: 1234



The data sets for the Iteration 2 Alternative Array of the six balanced schedules are available at this link:


Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Are there any restrictions to accessing the data?
A: The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) is not blocking any FTP data from the server. However, web browsers may be blocking access (such as Chrome).
Q: How do I re-configure my browser for Chrome?
A: Step-by-step instructions are provided below:
1. Open Chrome.
2. Type chrome://flags into the address bar and hit Enter.
3. Type FTP into the search bar.
4. Select Enabled from the drop down
5. Select Relaunch.
Q: What browser should I use to access the data?
A: Older browsers such as “Internet Explorer” will be able to access the link. If you do not have access to older browsers, it is recommended to use “File Explorer”, type or paste the link in the navigation bar. Note that newer web browsers such as “Microsoft Edge” will not be able access to the link.

Included in this posting are 8 modeling scenarios encompasses the project baselines (Existing Conditions (ECBr) and No Action Alternative 2025 (NA25)) and alternatives (AA, BB, CC, DD, EE1 and EE2). Data from the three models (RSMBN, RSMGL & DMSTA) as well as 2 performance measure comparisons between the runs are included. A simulation summary table is available at the parent directory and each performance measure sets contains its own directory listing reference pdf to assist with navigating through the thousands of available tables, graphics and files. We will provide an overview of the alternatives and key metrics at the PDT Meeting Thursday, June 17, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

LOSOM Project Delivery Team Meeting scheduled for May 7, 2021 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. (Virtual)

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, announces a Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) Project Delivery Team (PDT) Meeting, to be held Friday, May 7, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The LOSOM PDT has developed an array of balanced plans, based on the in-depth input we have received from the LOSOM sub teams, stakeholders, and members of the public.

*PLEASE log into the webinar first and have it call your phone in order to avoid background noise so all participants can hear the discussion clearly. Please mute your phone and mute your computer upon joining the meeting.

Friday, May 7, 2021, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
+1-844-800-2712 US Toll Free
+1-669-234-1177 US Toll
Access code: 199 737 9512
Password: 1234

Please announce yourself when you join the PDT Meeting by signing in via the chat function with your full name and affiliation, as well as either “PDT” for Project Delivery Team members or “Public” for members of the public.

Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM)

Project Delivery Team Balanced Plan Meeting Agenda

Friday May 7, 2021 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM


Web Meeting Only

Web Meeting Information

Join by phone

+1-844-800-2712 US Toll Free

+1-669-234-1177 US Toll

Access code: 199 737 9512


  1. Welcome, Introduction, and Meeting Purpose – Tim Gysan, USACE      9:00 AM – 9:15 AM    
    1. Meeting Purpose: Balanced Alternative Array
  2. Balanced Plan Overview – Jason Engle, USACE                                     9:15 AM – 9:30 AM
    1. Corps development of balance concepts into

      balanced alternatives

  3. Balanced Alternative Details
    1. Overview Alternative Array
    2. Alternative AA – Jessica Mallett, USACE                              9:30 AM – 10:00 AM
    3. Alternative BB – Jessica Mallett, USACE                              10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
  4. Public Comment                                                                                   10:30 AM – 10:45 AM
  5. Break                                                                                                   10:45 AM – 11:00 AM
  6. Balanced Alternative Details:
    1. Alternative CC – Jessica Mallett, USACE                              11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
    2. Alternative DD – Jessica Mallett, USACE                              11:30 AM – 12:00 PM
  7. Public Comment                                                                                   12:00 PM – 12:15 PM
  8. Lunch                                                                                                  12:15 PM – 12:45PM
  9. Balanced Alternative Details: Alternative EE – Savannah Lacy, USACE 12:45 PM – 1:45 PM
  10. Public Comment                                                                                   1:45 PM – 2:00 PM
  11. Base Condition Updates for Iteration 2 – Jessica Mallett, USACE           2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
  12. Schedule Overview: Next Steps – Tim Gysan, USACE                           2:15 PM – 2:30 PM
  13. Open Q&A                                                                                         2:30 PM – 3:00 PM
  14. Adjourn                                                                                               3:00 PM

There will be opportunities for public comment throughout the workshop. If you would like to provide public comment, in addition to your initial check-in, we request that you WAIT to add your name to the chat to provide public comment until the public comment period is announced, and then provide your full name and affiliation to everyone on the chat again at that time to reserve your opportunity to provide public comment. This will make it easier for everyone to track who will be next up to provide public comment.

For those who cannot attend the online workshop but wish to provide a comment, please send those comments by email to (recommended subject: LOSOM PDT Meeting Comments).

LOSOM Project Delivery Team Technical Workshop scheduled for April 12 at 10 a.m. and April 16 at 8:30 a.m. (Virtual)

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, announces a two-part Technical Workshop for the Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) Project Delivery Team (PDT), to be held Monday, April 12 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Friday, April 16 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The presentations and discussions will be different on each day of the workshop.

The LOSOM PDT Technical Workshop will be an opportunity for the LOSOM PDT, sub teams, stakeholders and the public to provide in-depth input on the development of Balanced Lake Schedules, over the course of two different days. In general, the first day will include in-depth input on Iteration 1 model results and performance tradeoffs, and the second day will be focused on input about development of balanced plans. A detailed agenda will be provided closer to the workshop dates.

The Project Delivery Team (PDT) members include only the federal officials and elected officers of state, local or tribal governments or their designated employees with authority to act on their behalf acting in their official capacities.

Members of the public (PUBLIC) are welcome to attend the government agency PDT meeting and provide comment during the designated Public Comment periods.

*PLEASE log into the webinar first and have it call your phone in order to avoid background noise so all participants can hear the discussion clearly.

Please mute your phone and mute your computer upon joining the meeting.

All lines except those who are scheduled to speak will be muted during the meeting.

LOSOM PDT Technical Workshop (Part 1)
Monday, April 12, 2021, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
+1-844-800-2712 US Toll Free
+1-669-234-1177 US Toll
Access code: 199 737 9512
Password: 1234

Agenda Day 1

  1. 1. Welcome, Introduction, and Workshop Goal – Tim Gysan, USACE 10:00 AM – 10:15 AM 
    a) What we’ve learned about balancing in Iteration 1
    b) Desired outcome for workshop: Identify balanced plan
    concepts for Iteration 2 consideration
    2. Round Table Discussion: Balanced Plan Perspectives   10:15 AM – 12:00 PM
    a) Focus: What does a balanced plan look like from your
    agency perspective? What performance from the plans we
    have evaluated thus far should be carried forward as part
    of a balanced concept?
    b) PDT Agencies      10:15 AM – 11:30 AM
    c) Public Comment      11:30 AM – 12:00 PM 
    3. Break         12:00 PM – 12:15 PM
    4. Iteration 1 Review: Performance Correlation – Lisa Aley, USACE 12:15 PM – 12:45 PM
    a) Correlation Matrix
    b) MCDA roll-up
    5. Overview of example approaches to creating balanced plans –
    Tim Gysan, USACE       12:45 PM – 12:50 PM
    6. Creating Balanced Plans: Pareto Plan Modification – Modifying
    balanced plans identified from the Pareto array to improve
    performance - Lisa Aley, Jessica Mallett, Cal Neidrauer, USACE 12:45 PM – 2:00 PM
    a) Evaluation of Corps and stakeholder identified Pareto
    balanced plans
    b) Break and PDT evaluation of presented Pareto Plans; Identify
    representative plans for further development  
    7. Public Comment       1:50 PM – 2:00 PM
    8. Adjourn        2:00 PM 

LOSOM PDT Technical Workshop (Part 2)

Friday, April 16, 2021, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
+1-844-800-2712 US Toll Free
+1-669-234-1177 US Toll
Access code: 199 737 9512
Password: 1234

Agenda Day 2

9. Welcome, Introduction, and Workshop Goal – Tim Gysan, USACE  8:30 AM – 8:35 AM
10. Creating Balanced Plans: Plan Recombination – USACE Team   8:35 AM – 10:45 AM
a) Review Iteration 1 plan performance focusing on key metrics
b) Comparison of Iteration 1 Plans with plans that achieve more
balance among all project objectives
c) Identified areas of acceptable performance tradeoff and
methods to modify plans
11. Public Comment       10:45 AM – 11:00 AM 
12. Break         11:00 AM – 11:15 AM
13. Creating Balanced Plans: Building New Plans – Savannah Lacy, USACE 11:15 AM – 11:45 AM
a) Concepts for building new plans
b) Incorporation of flexibility and memory into plans
14. Public Comment       11:45 AM – 12:00 PM
15. Review Balanced Plan Concepts & Next Steps – Lisa Aley, Tim Gysan, USACE       12:00 PM – 12:30 PM
a) Review concepts discussed to achieve balance
b) Identify 5 to 8 representative concepts for further
c) Project schedule and process to identify the Iteration 2
balanced array
16. Adjourn        12:30PM  

 Please announce yourself when you join the Technical Workshop by signing in via the chat function with your full name and affiliation, as well as either “PDT” for Project Delivery Team members or “Public” for members of the public.

There will be opportunities for public comment throughout the workshop. If you would like to provide public comment, in addition to your initial check-in, we request that you WAIT to add your name to the chat to provide public comment until the public comment period is announced, and then provide your full name and affiliation to everyone on the chat again at that time to reserve your opportunity to provide public comment. This will make it easier for everyone to track who will be next up to provide public comment.

For those who cannot attend the online workshop but wish to provide a comment, please send those comments by email to (recommended subject: LOSOM PDT Technical Workshop Comments).



LOSOM PDT Meeting on Monday March 22, 2021, 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. (virtual)


The purpose of this PDT meeting will be to provide an overview of the Iteration 1 modeling results.

The Project Delivery Team (PDT) members include only the federal officials and elected officers of state, local or tribal governments or their designated employees with authority to act on their behalf acting in their official capacities.

Members of the public (PUBLIC) are welcome to attend the government agency PDT meeting and provide comment during designated periods.

*PLEASE log into the webinar first and have it call your phone in order to avoid background noise so all participants can hear the discussion clearly.

Please mute your phone and mute your computer upon joining the meeting.

All lines except those who are scheduled to speak will be muted during the meeting.

LOSOM Project Deliver Team Meeting
Monday, March 22, 2021, 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Call-in toll-free number (ATT Audio Conference):1-844-800-2712
Call-in number (ATT Audio Conference):1-669-234-1177
Access Code: 1997788788

Please announce yourself when you join the meeting by signing in via the chat function with your full name and affiliation, as well as either “PDT” for Project Delivery Team members or “Public” for members of the public.

There will be an opportunity for public comment following the PDT presentation and discussion. If you would like to provide public comment, in addition to your initial check-in, we request that you WAIT to add your name to the chat to provide public comment until the public comment period is announced, and then provide your full name and affiliation to everyone on the chat again at that time to reserve your opportunity to provide public comment. This will make it easier for everyone to track who will be next up to provide public comment.

For those who cannot attend the online meeting but wish to provide a comment, please send those comments by email to (suggested subject: "LOSOM Comments from March 22 2021 PDT Meeting") .

Thanks to the great modeling team at the Interagency Modeling Center, the Iteration 1 LOSOM model output are available at the following location:


LOSOM PDT Meeting on Friday November 20, 2020

The focus of the meeting is the Conceptual Plan Evaluation. Topics of discussion will include the development of the conceptual plans, the conceptual plan modeling, the conceptual plan output data, preliminary data evaluation, and laying out the PDT evaluation process and goal.

 This meeting will require registration by members of the PDT. The Public is also welcome to attend and will be provided public comment periods. A separate registration will be available for the public.  

There are a few changes we are making to improve the flow of the meeting and avoid issues with speakers talking over each other or disturbing participants with background noise by leaving their phone lines open.

  • Online registration is required for all members of the public and all PDT members who have not already been contacted about being a speaker.
  • All lines except those who are scheduled to speak will be muted during the meeting.
  • During PDT and public comment periods, users will be receive instructions from the facilitator on how to be added to the queue to participate.
  • For those who cannot attend the online meeting but wish to provide a comment, send those comments by email to

LOSOM PDT Meeting Friday, November 20, 2020 Registration Instructions:

  1. Visit this website:
  2. Fill in all fields in the form.
  3. If you are a PDT member, you should receive a separate invitation via email. Contact if you did not receive an email.
  4.  If you are a member of the public, enter “Member of Public” in title field.
  5. Hit the submit button and you will receive a separate email with the dial in number and information on how to join the webinar portion of the meeting.

If you have already been contacted to provide a presentation during the PDT, you do not need to register. You will receive an email from the Corps project manager with separate instructions. If you have been asked to present during the PDT and have not received instructions by November 18, please email for assistance.

Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM)
Project Delivery Team Meeting Agenda

Friday November 20, 2020   9:00 a.m – 1:00 p.m.


Web Meeting Only

Web Meeting Information

Visit this website: to register


  1. Introduction – Lisa Aley, USACE                                                         9:00 AM – 9:10 AM    
  2. Planning Process Review – Lisa Aley, USACE                                   9:10 AM – 9:25 AM
  3. Development of Conceptual Plans – Savannah Lacy, USACE       9:25 AM – 9:45 AM
  4. Modeling the Conceptual Plans & Overview Conceptual Plan

    Data Spreadsheet - Cal Neidrauer, SFWMD                                    9:45 AM – 10:15 AM

  5. PDT Comment                                                                                    10:15 AM – 10:30 AM
  6. Public Comment                                                                                10:30 AM – 10:45 AM
  7. Break                                                                                                   10:45 AM – 11:00 AM
  8. Task to PDT & Evaluation Schedule – Tim Gysan, USACE           11:00 AM – 11:10 AM
  9. Conceptual Plan Data Review & Example Evaluation

    Techniques – Lisa Aley, USACE                                                       11:10 AM – 12:00 PM

  10. PDT Comment                                                                                  12:00 PM – 12:15 PM
  11. Public Comment                                                                              12:15 PM – 12:30 PM              
  12. Data Spreadsheet Q&A                                                                   12:30 PM – 1:00 PM   

No PDT Meeting is scheduled for July 2020, August 2020, September 2020, October 2020 (team involved in modeling efforts)

LOSOM PDT Meeting June 25, 2020 1- 4:30 (Online Only- PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED)


Unlike past meetings, the June 25 Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual meeting will require registration. When you click the link to the registration page, you will see this. Make sure you fill out all of the fields, and if you are a PDT member, you should state "PDT Member" in the Title field.


The next Project Delivery Team (PDT) meeting for the Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM), will be held June 25 from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Due to continuing COVID-19 restrictions on public meetings, this will be held online only.

There are a few changes we are making to improve the flow of the meeting and avoid issues with speakers talking over each other or disturbing participants with background noise by leaving their phone lines open.

  • Online registration is required for all members of the public and all PDT members who have not already been contacted about being a speaker.
  • All lines except those who are scheduled to speak will be muted during the meeting.
  • During PDT and public comment periods, users will be receive instructions from the facilitator on how to be added to the queue to participate.
  • For those who cannot attend the online meeting but wish to provide a comment, send those comments by email to

LOSOM PDT Meeting June 25 Registration Instructions:

  1.  Visit this website:
  2.  Fill in all fields in the form.
  3.  If you are a PDT member, enter “PDT Member” in the title field. If you are a member of the public, enter “Member of Public” in title field.
  4.  Hit the submit button and you will receive a separate email with the dial in number and information on how to join the webinar portion of the meeting.

Read the Full News Release

LOSOM PDT Meeting May 21, 2020 (Cancelled)

LOSOM PDT Meeting Thursday April 30, 2020 (DATE UPDATED) (Web Meeting Online)

1:00 - 4:30 p.m.
USA Toll-Free:   877-336-1831
USA Caller Paid/International Toll: 404-443-6397
ACCESS CODE: 8993438
Security Code: 1234



1. Introduction       
    a) Attendance and Housekeeping                                                   1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
    b) Elected Official and Public Comment                                         1:15 PM – 1:35 PM     
2. Overview of Plan Formulation and Modeling Process  
    a) Simplified Plan Formulation Process                                          1:35 PM – 1:45 PM
    b) Development of Water Management Tools                              1:45 PM – 2:20 PM
            1. Model and Data Updates
            2. Flows South
    c) PDT Comment                                                                                2:20 PM – 2:40 PM
    d) Public Comment                                                                            2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
3. Break                                                                                                    2:55 PM – 3:05 PM
4. Overview of Plan Formulation and Modeling Process –cont.
    a) Conceptual Plan Analysis                                                              3:05 PM – 3:35 PM
            1. Pareto Evaluation  
    b) Iteration 1                                                                                        3:35 PM – 3:40 PM
    c) Iteration 2                                                                                        3:40 PM – 3:45 PM
    d) Final Iteration                                                                                 3:45 PM – 3:50 PM
    e) PDT Comment                                                                                3:50 PM – 4:10 PM
    f) Public Comment                                                                             4:10 PM – 4:25 PM
5. Schedule Look Ahead & Closing Remarks                                     4:25 PM – 4:30 PM       

LOSOM PDT Meeting Tuesday March 31, 2020  (CANCELLED) (Okeechobee, location TBD and Web Meeting Online) 10:00 a.m. – 4 p.m.

LOSOM PDT Meeting Thursday February 27, 2020 ( Web Meeting Online Only) 1:30   p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

1:30 - 4:00 p.m.
USA Toll-Free:   877-336-1831
USA Caller Paid/International Toll: 404-443-6397
ACCESS CODE: 8993438
Security Code: 1234


1.   Introduction                                                                           1:30 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
2.   Sub-team Updates                                                                1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
3.   Sensitivity Modeling Summary                                            2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
4.   Lake Schedule Formulation Methodology                         3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
5.   Schedule Look Ahead                                                            3:30 p.m. – 3:40 p.m.
6.   Public Comment Period                                                        3:40 p.m. – 3:55 p.m.
7.  Closing Remarks                                                                     3:55 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

LOSOM PDT Meeting Thursday January 30, 2020 (West Palm Beach and Web Meeting Online)

South Florida Water Management District Headquarters (West Palm Beach)
January 30, 2020
9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Governing Board Auditorium
3301 Gun Club Road
West Palm Beach, Florida

If you are unable to join us in person in West Palm Beach, you may also attend via the Online Web meeting:

LOSOM PDT Meeting, 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. January 30 (Web Meeting) 

USA Toll-Free:   877-336-1831
USA Caller Paid/International Toll: 404-443-6397
ACCESS CODE: 8993438
Security Code: 1234

 1.   Introduction                                                 9:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
 2.   Schedule Look Ahead                                 9:45 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
 3.   Sub-team updates                                      10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
 4.   Public Comment Period                             11:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
 5.   Break                                                             11:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
 6.   Round 2 Sensitivity Modeling Runs          11:30 a.m. – 12:40 p.m.
 7.   Public Comment Period                             12:40 p.m. – 12:55 p.m.
 8.  Closing Remarks                                           12:55 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

The Project Delivery Team (PDT) members include only the federal officials and elected officers of state, local or tribal governments or their designated employees with authority to act on their behalf acting in their official capacities.
Members of the public are welcome to attend the government agency PDT meeting and provide comments during the two designated public comment periods.

LOSOM PDT meeting December 19, 2019 (web meeting)
1 - 4:00 p.m.
USA Toll-Free:   877-336-1831
USA Caller Paid/International Toll: 404-443-6397
ACCESS CODE: 8993438
Security Code: 1234
1.   Introduction                                                                          1:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
2.   LOSOM Performance Measures/Indicators                     1:15 p.m. – 2:10 p.m.
      a. Sub-teams Update on PM Matrix Input                                           
      b. Modeling presentation on existing PM data
          sets and RSM data output
      c. New RECOVER Performance Measure reviews                     
3.   Public Comment Period                                                     2:10 p.m. – 2:25 p.m.
4.   Break                                                                                     2:25 p.m. – 2:35 p.m.
5.   Round 2 Sensitivity Modelling Runs                                 2:35 p.m. – 2:55 p.m.
6.   Draft Modeling Assumptions Existing Condition and
      FWO Increments 1&2                                                         2:55 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
7.   LOSOM goal to maximize flexibility                                 3:15 p.m.– 3:25 p.m.
8.   LOSOM relationship to CERP Savings Clause                3:25 p.m. – 3:35 p.m.
9. Public Comment Period                                                      3:35 p.m. – 3:50 p.m.
10. Schedule Look Ahead and Closing Remarks                 3:50 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Note: There will not be a PDT meeting in November, to allow sub-teams to continue required meetings and make progress on the development of performance metrics, and to allow time for PDT members to submit ideas for round two of modeling sensitivity runs.

LOSOM PDT Meeting  (Thursday October 24, 2019 - Homestead and Web Meeting Online)
Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM)

Project Delivery Team Meeting

Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM)
Project Delivery Team Meeting Agenda

Thursday October 24, 2019                                                                               9:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Meeting Location

John D. Campbell Agricultural Center
UF/IFAS Facility
18710 SW 288th Street
Homestead, FL 33030

Web Meeting Information
USA Toll-Free: (877)336-1831
USA Caller Paid/International Toll: (404)443-6397
Access Code: 8993438
Security Code: 123


  1. Introduction                                                                 9:30 AM – 9:50 AM
  2. Review Final Planning Framework                              9:50 AM –  10:45AM
    1.  Goals, Objectives, and Constraints
    2.  Considerations       
    3.  No Action Scenarios                      
    4.  Project Area and Area of Effects                           
  3. Break                                                                           10:45 AM – 11:00 AM
  4. Continue Review of Final Planning Framework                       11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
  5. Public Comment Period                                                           11:30 AM – 12:00 PM
  6. Lunch                                                                          12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
  7. Round 1 Sensitivity Modelling Results                        1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
  8. Break                                                                           2:45 PM – 3:00 PM
  9. Sub-teams Update                                                        3:00 PM – 3:30 PM
    1.  Plan Formulation
    2.  Modeling
    3.  Ecological/Environmental
    4.  Water Quality
    5.  Water Supply
    6.  Economic                           
  10. Public Comment Period                                                           3:30 PM – 4:00 PM
  11. Schedule Look Ahead and Closing Remarks               4:00 PM – 4:15 PM

Initial LOSOM PDT Meeting  (August 20 - Clewiston)

Aug. 20, 2019
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
 John Boy Auditorium
1200 W. C. Owen Avenue, Clewiston, FL 33440
LOSOM PDT Presentation Aug. 20 2019

News Release

Corps announces LOSOM Project Delivery Team Meeting via Web
February 27

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, announces the February Project Delivery Team (PDT) meeting for the Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM), to be held from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, February 27 as an online Web Meeting.

We invite LOSOM Project Delivery Team members and members of the public to join us for the LOSOM Project Delivery Team Meeting via Online Web meeting.

LOSOM PDT meeting February 27 (web meeting only)

1:30 - 4:00 p.m.
USA Toll-Free:   877-336-1831
USA Caller Paid/International Toll: 404-443-6397
ACCESS CODE: 8993438
Security Code: 1234

1.   Introduction                                                                           1:30 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
2.   Sub-team Updates                                                                1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
3.   Sensitivity Modeling Summary                                            2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
4.   Lake Schedule Formulation Methodology                        3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
5.   Schedule Look Ahead                                                           3:30 p.m. – 3:40 p.m.
6.   Public Comment Period                                                       3:40 p.m. – 3:55 p.m.
7.  Closing Remarks                                                                    3:55 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

The Project Delivery Team (PDT) members include only the federal officials and elected officers of state, local or tribal governments or their designated employees with authority to act on their behalf acting in their official capacities.

“During this Project Delivery Team Meeting, we are going to summarize our current status and set up the input process for the next steps,” said Tim Gysan, LOSOM Project Manager. “During the February meeting, the LOSOM PDT will meet via online web meeting only, to make it easier for everyone to join us without the need to travel. The sub-team leads will also provide updates on their progress.”

Sub-teams are working specifically on Economics, Ecology, Modeling, Plan Formulation, Water Supply and Water Quality.

The purpose of the Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) effort is to reevaluate and define operations for the Lake Okeechobee regulation schedule that take into account additional infrastructure that will soon be operational. The additional infrastructure that will be taken into consideration includes the Herbert Hoover Dike rehabilitation, Kissimmee River Restoration Project, as well as the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) C-43 West Basin Storage Reservoir and C-44 Reservoir and Stormwater Treatment Area.

Additional PDT meetings and public workshops will be held periodically throughout the process. Visit for additional information.

LOSOM PDT and Workshop Documents


LOSOM Webinars

Corps offers series of webinars on Lake O water management

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District will offer a series of lunchtime webinars to provide background information on water management in south Florida as it pertains to Lake Okeechobee and the region.

Please follow the instructions below to participate in the one hour webinars, starting at noon:

Webinar Link (accommodates 200 people):
Security code: 1234
Dial in (accommodates 500 people):
USA Toll-Free:   877-336-1831
USA Caller Paid/International Toll: 404-443-6397
ACCESS CODE: 8993438 Security Code: 1234
NOTE: if participation exceeds 200, attendees may download the presentation from the LOSOM web page at and dial in.
You may submit questions during the webinar using the chat function or via email at

Download the presentation May 20 - Fundamentals of the Central & Southern Florida (C&SF) Project
Download the presentation May 22 - Lake Okeechobee Ecology
Download the presentation May 24 - Dam Safety and the Herbert Hoover Dike
Download the presentation May 28 - Estuary Ecology
Download the presentation May 30- Water Management and the 2008 Lake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule
Download the presentation June 4 - Kissimmee River Restoration

Jacksonville District staff will conduct six webinars, the first beginning at noon, May 20. The intent is to provide information to the public on the Central & Southern Florida Project water management system as work continues on the new Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM).

“We are conducting this series of webinars to give people who are interested an opportunity to learn more about the various aspects of water management in south Florida,” said Tim Gysan, LOSOM Project Manager. “Each webinar will provide information on the fundamentals of water management, and an overview of some of the major considerations we must take into account when making decisions. We encourage everyone to attend these webinars so they come prepared with a good working knowledge of the basics of water management and associated issues in advance of the upcoming public workshops.”

The Corps will conduct the LOSOM webinars on the following dates:

May 20 - Fundamentals of the Central & Southern Florida (C&SF) Project
Learn more about the C&SF Project, the series of canals, pumps and associated infrastructure which makes it possible for us to live and work in south Florida.
Download the presentation May 20 - Fundamentals of the Central & Southern Florida (C&SF) Project

May 22 - Lake Okeechobee Ecology
Learn more about the ecology of Lake Okeechobee, and the special issues associated with alterations to the natural system.
Download the presentation May 22 - Lake Okeechobee Ecology

May 24 - Dam Safety and the Herbert Hoover Dike
Learn more about Dam Safety issues and the Herbert Hoover Dike, which surrounds Lake Okeechobee and protects the surrounding communities.
Download the presentation May 24 - Dam Safety and the Herbert Hoover Dike

May 28 - Estuary Ecology
Learn more about the ecology of the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee Estuaries, east and west of Lake Okeechobee, which are very different in both their size and requirements.
Download the presentation May 28 - Estuary Ecology

May 30  - Water Management and the 2008 Lake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule
Learn more about how the Corps and South Florida Water Management District work together currently to manage water in the large south Florida water management system and some of the many technical considerations they take into account when making decisions.
Download the presentation May 30- Water Management and the 2008 Lake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule

June 4 - Kissimmee River Restoration
Learn more about the Kissimmee River Restoration Project, which restored more than 40 square miles of river floodplain and provides storage and treatment for water coming from the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes, north of Lake Okeechobee.
Download the presentation June 4 - Kissimmee River Restoration

Each one hour webinar will begin at noon, with a 20 to 30 minute presentation, followed by a moderated question-and-answer period.

To ensure the best possible audio experience for the participants, all phone lines will be muted during the webinar. Questions may be asked in one of two ways: through the webinar’s chat function or through the email address (NOTE: please write “LOSOM Webinar Question” in the subject line of your email). Online questions will be addressed as time allows, and similar questions may be grouped together.

Please follow the instructions below to participate in the one hour webinars, starting at noon:

Webinar Link (accommodates 200 people): Security Code: 1234

Dial in (accommodates 500 people):
USA Toll-Free:   877-336-1831
USA Caller Paid/International Toll: 404-443-6397
ACCESS CODE: 8993438 Security Code:  1234
NOTE: if participation exceeds 200, attendees may download the presentation from the LOSOM web page at and dial in.
You may submit questions during the webinar using the chat function or via email at

Download the presentation May 20 - Fundamentals of the Central & Southern Florida (C&SF) Project

The purpose of the Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) effort is to reevaluate and define operations for the Lake Okeechobee regulation schedule that take into account additional infrastructure that will soon be operational. The additional infrastructure that will be taken into consideration includes the Herbert Hoover Dike rehabilitation, Kissimmee River Restoration Project, as well as the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) C-43 West Basin Storage Reservoir and C-44 Reservoir and Stormwater Treatment Area.

Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) Public Workshops (Archived Sept 2019)

LOSOM public workshops
9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

The workshops are being held to engage the public in the LOSOM process, to provide information on the LOSOM process and planning framework, engage the public in a water management simulation exercise, and provide an opportunity for the public to ask LOSOM related questions.

Cape Coral
Monday, Sept. 16, 2019
Cape Vineyard Community Church, 923 SE 47th Terrace, Cape Coral, FL 33904
Tuesday Sept. 17, 2019
Indian River State College
Wolf High Technology Center
Johnson Auditorium
2400 S.E. Salerno Road, Stuart, FL 34997


Section 1106 of the 2018 Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) directs "The Secretary shall expedite completion of the Lake Okeechobee regulation schedule to coincide with completion of the Herbert Hoover Dike project, and may include all relevant aspects of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan described in section 601 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2000 (114 Stat. 2680)."

LOSOM Public Input and Public Scoping Meetings (Archived May 2019)

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District invites the public to provide scoping input on the development of the new Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM). A series of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) public scoping meetings will be held throughout south Florida during the month of February and public scoping comments will be accepted during the extended comment period until April 22, 2019.

The purpose of this effort is to reevaluate and define operations for the Lake Okeechobee regulation schedule that take into account additional infrastructure that will soon be operational. The additional infrastructure that will be taken into consideration includes the Herbert Hoover Dike rehabilitation, Kissimmee River Restoration Project, as well as the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) C-43 West Basin Storage Reservoir and C-44 Reservoir and Stormwater Treatment Area.


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District invites the public to provide scoping input on the development of the new Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM). A series of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) public scoping meetings will be held throughout south Florida during the month of February and public scoping comments will be accepted under the extended comment period until April 22, 2019.

Members of the public are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the water control plan from 2008. It is available for reference at:

Public scoping meetings scheduled for the Lake Okeechobee System Operations Manual (LOSOM)


Wednesday, March 20, 2019, 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Marathon Government Center
2798 Overseas Highway, BOCC Room (second floor), Marathon, FL 33050

Lehigh Acres
Tuesday, February 5, 2019, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Lee County Mosquito Control District Training Center
15191 Homestead Road, Lehigh Acres, FL 33971

Wednesday, February 6, 2019, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Indian River State College
Williamson Conference and Education Center
2229 N.W. 9th Avenue, Okeechobee, FL 34972

Monday, February 11, 2019, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
John Boy Auditorium
1200 South W.C. Owen Ave, Clewiston, FL 33440

Tuesday, February 19, 2019, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Indian River State College
The Clare and Gladys Wolf High-Technology Center
2400 SE Salerno Road, Stuart, FL 34997

Fort Lauderdale
Tuesday, February 26, 2019,
3:30 to 5:30
Broward County Main Library
6th Floor Exhibit Area
100 S Andrews Avenue,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Note: Meeting will run 3:30 to 5:30 with doors open at 3

West Palm Beach
Wednesday, February 27, 2019, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.

South Florida Water Management District
Governing Board Auditorium
3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33406

Miami Gardens
Thursday, February 28, 2019, 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

North Dade Regional Library
2455 NW 183rd Street, Miami Gardens, FL 33056

Public Scoping Comments

The extended public scoping comment period ends on April 22, 2019.

Submit comments by email:

Submit comments by mail:
Dr. Ann Hodgson
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District
P.O. Box 4970
Jacksonville, FL 32232-0019

Social Media

Lake O LOSOM updates are shared on Social Media
"Like" Jacksonville District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter @JaxStrong

Contact us

Public Affairs
561-801-5734 (can text)

SFWMD Links The South Florida Water Management District is a regional governmental agency that manages the water resources in the southern half of the state, covering 16 counties from Orlando to the Florida Keys and serving a population of 8.1 million residents. It is the oldest and largest of the state's five water management districts. Created in 1949, the agency is responsible for managing and protecting water resources of South Florida by balancing and improving flood control, water supply, water quality and natural systems.

Water Quality

Water Quality Improvement: Overview of SFWMD’s water quality improvement efforts, including construction and operation of the STAs.
Restoration Strategies : Progress of the Restoration Strategies program.


Operational Planning: A wide range of technical reports related to operation of the south Florida system.
Moving Water Interactive Map: Provides an overview of the movement of water in the system from north to south. It includes weekly updates on the volumes of water that have been moved south from Lake Okeechobee and the status of water storage areas.


Florida DEP Links

Algal Bloom Monitoring and Response
Provides details on DEP’s response to algal blooms and contact information to report a bloom.

Basin Management Action Plans (BMAPs)
Includes links to specific plans for the Lake Okeechobee watershed, Indian River Lagoon and the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie rivers and estuaries.

FWC Links

Red Tide Current Status
Features the latest updates on red tide in Florida.

Aquatic Plant Management
The starting point for information on invasive aquatic plant management in Florida.
