St. Francis Barracks Seawall (14)

May 2023


St. Francis Barracks Seawall (14)
Construction (C)
Congressional District: 5, 6


This project is a Section 14 Continuing Authorities Program project. The St. Francis Barracks section of the seawall has been overtopped multiple times in its history since its construction was completed in 1846, generally during cases of extreme high tide combined with strong winds. Maintenance operations by the Florida National Guard have included the backfilling of depressions along the seawall in the parade ground, near the flagpole, every 3 to 5 years. The seawall was most recently overtopped during Hurricane Matthew (October 2016), resulting in damage to the concrete pavement between the seawall and the Judge Advocate General (JAG) office building. The JAG office building was therefore evacuated and currently remains unoccupied. A site visit after Hurricane Matthew identified multiple sections of earthen embankment that had collapsed behind the seawall, with matching gaps in the seawall.


Estimated Total Cost $2,200,000
Estimated  Federal Cost $1,400,000
     a. Regular Civil Works Funds:
Allocation thru FY22 $1,511,000
Allocation for FY23 $0
President's Budget FY24  $0


Florida Department of Military Affairs
82 Marine Street
St. Augustine, Florida 32084


The Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) was executed in July 2020. Non-federal sponsor funds for the initiation of the Design and Implementation (DI) Phase were received in August 2020. Plans and specifications were completed in February 2022. The construction contract was awarded in September 2022.