Río Antón Ruíz Restoration PR (1135)

May 2023


Río Antón Ruíz Restoration, PR (1135)
Construction (C)
Congressional District: Puerto Rico


This Continuing Authorities Program project is authorized by Section 1135 of the 1990 Water Resources Development Act. Río Antón Ruíz is in the Municipality of Humacao on the southeast coast of Puerto Rico. The project area includes a brackish lagoon system and forested swamp in the Humacao Natural Reserve (HNR). Six lagoons, encompassing approximately 615 acres (249 hectares), compose the system: Mandri 1, 2 and 3; Santa Teresa 1 and 2; and Palmas. The Mandri Lagoons and the low coastal flood plain serve as detention areas during floods. The coastal communities of Punta Santiago, Verde Mar, and Villa Palmira are the main populated areas within the watershed. As an initial effort to address the salinity problem in the HNR lagoon system, a series of temporary saltwater intrusion measures were developed in the 2001 Río Antón Ruíz Flood Control Project Saltwater Intrusion Measures (SWIM) Report. Two temporary SWIM plugs were installed at the end of March 2007 (Figure 6). After installation of the SWIMs, salinity levels measured at the stations ranged from approximately 0.1 to 7.0 ppt. At the end of 2008, salinity levels increased at most of the stations, and in several monitoring events they exceeded 10 ppt concentrations. The salinity levels are increasing because the sandbags/plugs have deteriorated over time and are allowing saltwater intrusion into the lagoon system. These plugs were temporary until a more permanent solution was implemented.


Estimated Total Cost $4,600,000
Estimated Federal Cost $3,800,000


a. Regular Civil Works funds:

Allocation thru FY22 $4,368,000
Allocation for FY23 $0
President’s Budget FY24 $0


b. P.L. 117-58: Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Supplemental:

Total Work Plan $90,000
Estimated Federal Cost $90,000
Allocation thru FY22 $90,000
Allocation for FY23 $0



Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER)
P.O. Box 366147
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936


The Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) was executed in April 2019. Plans and specifications were completed in May 2020. The construction contract was awarded in September 2020. Construction was completed in April 2022.

Click for full-sized map of Rio Anton Ruiz Restoration project.