May 2023
Mount Sinai Medical Center, FL (14)
Construction (C)
Congressional District: 25
This project is a Section 14 Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) project, the purpose of which is to provide emergency stream bank and shoreline erosion protection of public works and public facilities. The authorized project includes the construction of 3,070 linear feet of sheet pile wall along the northwest shoreline of Mount Sinai Medical Center. The sheet pile wall will tie into a 300-foot T-wall along the northern edge of the Mount Sinai Medical Center property line.
The City of Miami Beach, Florida, is on a barrier island bordered to the east by the Atlantic Ocean and to the west by Biscayne Bay. Mount Sinai Medical Center is the only hospital facility on Miami Beach. The project area is the property of Mount Sinai Medical Center and is located directly north of Julia Tuttle Causeway and extending approximately 0.57 miles along the bayside of the island. During extreme high tide events, the bayside seawall of the medical center property is overtopped by elevated water levels and waves, inundating a perimeter road and parking area. Inundation is a major driver of erosion of land between the seawall and perimeter road. Material erodes through cracks in the existing compromised seawall, over the wall as the water recedes, and at the base of the seawall. These factors complicate and compromise hospital operations and patient health. Erosion contributes to subsidence of land behind the wall, cracking of concrete, and rusting of the steel reinforcement in the seawall. Continued erosion will result in failure of some, or all, portions of the existing seawall. Such failure would impact the perimeter road and vulnerable parking, negatively affecting daily operations of the medical center by limiting access to hospital facilities and potentially causing life risk.
Estimated Total Cost |
$5,200,000 |
Estimated Federal Cost |
$5,000,000 |
a. Regular Civil Works Funds:
Allocation thru FY22 |
$341,500 |
Allocation for FY23 |
$0 |
President's Budget FY24 |
$0 |
b. P.L. 115-123: Bi-Partisan Budget Act of 2018, Supplemental:
Current Working Estimate |
$9,252,400 |
Allocation thru FY22 |
$4,658,500 |
Allocation for FY23 |
$0 |
Mount Sinai Medical Center
4300 Alton Road
Miami Beach, Florida 33140
The project is completed and fiscally closed out.