Lake Worth Lagoon FL (1135)

May 2024


Lake Worth Lagoon Restoration, FL (1135)
Construction (C)
Congressional Districts:  20, 21, 22, 23


This project is a Section 1135 Continuing Authorities Program project and is authorized by Section 1135, of the 1990 Water Resources Development Act. The project area is located within Lake Worth Lagoon in Palm Beach County, Florida. The lagoon has experienced losses in seagrass, mangrove, and oyster habitats in the Lake Worth Lagoon due to federal dredging and filling activities associated with the Intracoastal Waterway (IWW) and Palm Beach Harbor Navigation Project (PBHNP). Additionally, habitat loss was exacerbated, if not directly caused, by discharges from C-51, a federally maintained and operated channel.


Estimated Total Cost $12,400,000
Estimated Federal Cost   $9,300,000

a. Regular Civil Works Funds:

Allocation thru FY23 $987,000
Allocation for FY24 $0
President's Budget FY25 $0


       b. P.L. 117-58: Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Law:

Total Work Plan $10,300,000
Allocation thru FY23        $9,012,846
Allocation for FY24 $0



Palm Beach County
Department of Environmental Resources Management
2300 North Jog Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33411-2743


A Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement was executed in October 2015. The feasibility report was initiated in November 2015 and was approved in February 2018. The Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) was executed in August 2019. The construction contract was awarded in November 2023, with construction completion scheduled for February 2026.